bulk of cut for reduced fat %



First a bit of background info, up to the age of 16 i was in really good shape 5'10 11 stone with less than 10% body fat, aged 16-18 put on a lot of weight ended up at 15.5 stone with body fat of around 25% (rough guess) during uni i hit the gym hard while at uni i would shed weight but when i would go home for holdidays i would put it all back on, i spent that 3 years bouncing between 13-14 stone till i finally left uni and after a lads holiday i was 90kg (im gonna randomly switch weight measurements here) over the last year ive been slightly more regimented and i peaked at 78kg and around 15% body fat (again rough guess) i am now travelling around australia and i am currently living on a farm in the middle of nowhere with no temptation and nothing to do but hit the gym, i am here for 10 weeks giving me a prime opportunity to get in good shape for christmas and get 'beach ready' and so my question is this should i cut of bulk to get ready.

my goal is to be under 10% fat in the next 10 weeks (not sure how ambitious this is)

other questions

first - which would be better for lowering my body fat bulking or cutting?

second - after 4 years of cutting (1600 calories per day) am i likely to have slowed my metabolism down?

third - if i were to bulk what are realistic gains i can expect in 10 weeks?

after these 10 weeks i will be drinking a lot and eating a relativly poor diet so i thought the boost in metabolism from bulking would help keep weight off while i travel.

the reason im leaning towards bulking is i feel i may of lost a bit of muscle with all the cutting, over the last few years ive been down the gym doing weight lifting 3-4 times a week to try and reduce this deteriation but i dont know how effective that will have been.

diet either way is not a problem im eating high protein and lowish carbs at the min at around 1700 calories and with aid of protein shakes and a few meal tweeks could easily push that to 2600+ if i were to bulk.

one other consideration ive had is either to do the atkins for a couple of weeks or to bulk for 8 weeks then do the atkins at the end to shed any excess fat i will of picked up during bulking.

Any help appreciated
You can boost your metabolism by detoxing! Just start juicing green veggies every day, increase the raw fruits you eat, eat 10-15 soaked nuts, a few teaspoons soaked seeds, and lower your animal products. Your body will clean out old waste, house clean toxins in cells. Your body puts toxins in fat cells, so more toxins in your diet and lifestyle, the more weight you gain. The more you detox, the closer you get to your ideal weight, and stay there forever without even trying:)