Caledonian Dukan

CD you rebel lol x
OMG get you!! Bet that got you serious cool points with daughter!!!! Defo no frump - when your in your twinset and pearls only you will know what lurks beneath!!! LOLOL - loving it CD...... Glad your birkenstocks comfy too!!! One extreme to the other hee, hee.
OMG how brave.... or mad :p are you lol ..... I always wanted something else pierced ;) and my belly button but not brave enough to do it.... maybe i should get mt belly button & nipples done so that when im ancient i can just attach them together when my boobs head even more south to stop them swinging LOL
Far from impressing my daughter, if she ever finds out she will very definitely roll her eyes at me - she's quite strait-laced and conservative. I'm actually very happy with it and will have the other one done asap!! It's nice to be able to be "Mumsy" on the outside but not be on the inside. Better make sure I shut the bathroom door when having a bath though, otherwise can see my lovely four year old son loudly telling his teachers his Mum has a bolt through her boob :eek::D
Today PV coz I feel like it and am AT TARGET WEIGHT :D:
B - bacon, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, tomato (yummy); L - Tuna salad; D - Roast chicken, cabbage, broccoli; S - Mocha muffin, yoghurt
id be having veg every day :D have you lost anymore or not weighed ?
ellie1969 said:
OMG how brave.... or mad :p are you lol ..... I always wanted something else pierced ;) and my belly button but not brave enough to do it.... maybe i should get mt belly button & nipples done so that when im ancient i can just attach them together when my boobs head even more south to stop them swinging LOL

Hahahaha soooooo funny x
CaledoniaDreaming said:
Far from impressing my daughter, if she ever finds out she will very definitely roll her eyes at me - she's quite strait-laced and conservative. I'm actually very happy with it and will have the other one done asap!! It's nice to be able to be "Mumsy" on the outside but not be on the inside. Better make sure I shut the bathroom door when having a bath though, otherwise can see my lovely four year old son loudly telling his teachers his Mum has a bolt through her boob :eek::D
Today PV coz I feel like it and am AT TARGET WEIGHT :D:
B - bacon, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, tomato (yummy); L - Tuna salad; D - Roast chicken, cabbage, broccoli; S - Mocha muffin, yoghurt

you never know what people are hiding lol wish I had the guts to be a little outrageous
Have told hubby and even showed him via Skype :eek:. He likes it and agrees I should have the other one done too :D. He said he was very proud of me being brave enough and seems to approve :eek:.
I spent ages last night primping my feet and even, for the first time in about 15 years, put nail varnish on my tootsies ready to enjoy new sandals today. Woke this morning to cold and rain, yet again. Very annoying! Kids at the dentist after school, had loads of homework and were all overtired - of course, me being a muppet I had decided to cook a roast tonight. Why? None of them wanted to eat chicken and cabbage and I was so tired I didn't want the faff either. However, being a good Dukaneer I ate chicken for dinner and spent ages taking every morsel of meat off the bones for soup. Now I'm tired but the freezer has more protein in so I'm content. Funny how having plenty of protein makes me cheerful these days :rolleyes:.
Ahh i have to say that you sound so happy and full of confidence! I bet you are a completely different person inside ( and out...with an extra bit!;)) now that you have lost all the weight.
CD now your flashing 'them' on skype hehehe loving your confidence x
I'm brave but definitely not confident - my poor old body is extremely saggy/stretch marky now and in some ways looks much worse than when I was bigger. However, I try to focus on two things, firstly the fact that I am undoubtedly much healthier with a bmi of 23.7 rather than 38 which as a Mum pleases me very much and secondly, my husband is a caring and loving man who adores me for me and manages to see the woman behind the saggy boobs and excess skin. Also, clothes hide a multitude of insecurities :D.

Today I am trying to have a relax, found out this morning I have a stomach ulcer which explains how rough I've been feeling at times the last couples of months. I'm hoping the anti-biotic works quickly. And, until I feel better I'm having PV every day. So, taking the kids to nursery then going to sit in a new coffee house that's opened up near the school and people-watch/read with a cup of coffee. Tonight we are going to see my sister-in-law for a bit - the kids want to say hello to the new cousin in her belly :)!

Today's menu:
B - Bacon, eggs, grilled tomato & mushrooms; L - Chicken salad; D - Chicken stir fry with beansprouts, onions & mushrooms; S - Rhubarb & Ginger muffin, SF jelly & 100g yoghurt
Still laughing at your nipple bolt!!! My boobs are sooooooo shrivelled up that only a crane would keep them up and that's not very practical!!! LOL..... Enjoy your PV day - I am having my first one for three days and rather looking forward to it - might just have a brunch type meal for lunch as eggs, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes sound lovely!!! Hope your having a good Friday CD and looking forward to the weekend - enjoy! x
CD shame about the ulcer but now you know what is wrong and now it can be put right. Totally agree stuff the saggy bits they can be hidden...but your heart and joints will be singing with the weight loss, being healthy is what its all about ( but looking better isint bad either) have a good people watch x
sorry to hear about the stomach ulcer - dont know much about the condition - does it get aggravated by what food you eat CD? How will it affect our regime?
Hope you are OK - sadly it is inevitable with time that saggy bits appear but you see 'MEN' have them from the minute they are born ;) ha ha xxx
Having an ulcer makes me feel really nauseous a lot of the time (fed up of that after 5 kids!) but I've found eating little and often helps. So I have cold beef and ham in the fridge to graze on. And jelly. Also really gone off coffee and spicy food as they seem to aggravate it. The most annoying thing is that my stomach hurts when I walk and I just have to put up with it. At first I thought the pain/sickness was due to my excess skin's weight :eek: so I didn't go to the Doc for ages, silly of me! Now I know what the matter is I'm going to do PV every day till I'm fixed as a PP might be too harsh. I'm reducing my dairy and tolerateds intake thoughand will, I hope, maintain even if I don't actually lose any weight.