Cali Sweden's Diary

So I've been kicking in high gear on low GL the past couple of weeks. I was hoping to lose at least a pound a week, but for some reason I barely miss the mark. I know I should be happy for any loss, but it's not so fun when I'm trying hard and being good, and it still doesn't hit the mark. Oh well, at least now I'm only 1 lb away from the weight I was before Christmas.

Me hitting goal weight by summer seems really far away now:(

Here's the 33rd weekly weight update:

-0.8 lbs (-.36kg)

Total amount since started: -20 lbs (-9.09kg)
Cali, first of all, congratulations on your loss this week! Any loss is a good loss especially in the winter when you live in a cold, snowy country that makes you want to eat fattening foods and hibernate. I think you've done really well.

Edit: I cut the rest of this message out. I hope I didn't upset you with unsolicited advice - that was totally not my intention. I just hate to see you sounding so bummed out. :(
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Hi Plum, I wasn't upset at all. I was really busy this past weekend that I didn't get to reply. I'm sorry if it made me appear I was upset, it wasn't my intention.

I wanted to write earlier; thank you Plum for the encouraging words. I'm sorry I sounded so bummed out on my weightloss, I know I'm losing but at times it just feels like a very very long slow trip ahead to lose the rest of my weight. I need to remind myself that I'd rather be where I am now, than where I was last summer before I started dieting:).
Today is the first day that I'm feeling better, so I was able to do yoga again:) I can tell it's been about a week since I last did yoga, as I felt so weak. It's amazing how quickly the body gets lazy and becomes sluggish.

Tonight I made Korean food, so it's healthy food but ate way too much.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with raspberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, agave syrup and milk.

Lunch: 2 slices of rye bread, hambuger, tomatoes, and lettuce.

Snack: Japanese green tea and some karintou.

Dinner: Korean style pork, spinach, bean sprouts, green lettuce, and tofu with barley/oat/buckwheat/rice mix.

Exercise: Pushups, crunches and 30 minutes of yoga.
That korean food sounds lovely think I would eat tins of that too!
I've had a mixy day myself as lent starts tomorrow thought I might have my last chocolate bar and opted for the total wrong thing! But I'll be great from now on with the knowledge that I can't binge eat on chocolate which is what I normally binge on

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You're giving up chocolate!?! You're very strong and brave:). It's my weakness, I couldn't give up chocolate, so I switched to dark chocolate such as 70%.
I try every year haven't managed since about 5 years ago think ill do it this year tho!
Hoping to break the binge cycle by giving it up

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It's been very busy for me recently. I'm also out of my elements. I'm vacationing back home in the states. Strict low GL has been out the door for me, but I have been watching what I'm eating. I'm also doing yoga while I'm on vacation.

Dieting while being at somewhere else or someone else's kitchen is not easy. I have tried to find low GL things, but it's not the same here as everything has become so foreign to me. I did visit a health food store the other day (finally), but I must admit I wasn't impressed at all. My local grocery store back home in Sweden has much more raw low GL foods. The health food store here had a bunch of premade processed so called health junk. I couldn't find unhulled or hulled barley, they carried pearled. They didn't carry buckwheat, and the prices weren't cheaper than Sweden.

I unfortunately have gained a couple of pounds, but I was suffering from jetlag, lack of sleep, totm, and eating naughties. So I hope those pounds will go away soon enough. Being on vacation is horrible for the diet even if I watch what I eat >_<
Hope you're enjoying your holiday and getting a good visit in with your family. :)

Don't forget that someone else's scales will weigh differently to yours, you may not have put on as much as you think!
Here's my food for today. It's leftover day so mmmmm good.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with raspberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, agave syrup and milk.

Lunch: Japanese curry rice, rice/barley mix.

Snack: Watered down oolong tea, a small piece of rice cripsy treat >_<

Dinner: Japanese curry rice, rice/barley mix.

Exercise: Pushups, crunches, and 30 minutes of yoga.
I had a strawberry and cream scone today when I was out. I didn't think I was hungry, but I didn't have anything else with it but tea. I ended up with one of the worst headaches ever. My family believes that the scone was most likely too processed, sugary and artifical, so my body wasn't able to handle it.

I thought the scone was a good idea since it was made with dried strawberries, but looks like I was wrong. I learned my lesson today.
Aw, poor Cali. :( This is what happens to me whenever I eat anything with white flour in it. It's not only any sugar that might have been added, it's that the white flour is metabolised really quickly into even more sugar. (I don't think scones are necessarily that 'artificial' though unless made strangely!)

If I really must have cake (as one does from time to time, lol) I usually try to choose one with things that will slow down the digestion, like carrot cake with the shreds of carrot and walnuts (which I figure must also leave less room for flour). It's all a bit unscientific but seems to work for me most of the time.

Hope you're feeling better now! (as a sort of related note - I found it really hard in Oregon to find portable healthy snacks! all the bars I could find had added sugary stuff in them, or things like puffed rice. I don't know what I'd do if I lived there all the time or was there for an extended trip!)
I should have known better, after all it is not a real scone since it was an American one. Much more sugary than the ones I ate in Europe, also it was HUGE. I've had ice cream, and other naughty things, but then again it wasn't on an empty stomach, the size was smaller, or I'd split it with someone. Totally learned my lesson on this one.

I agree with you on trying to find healthy bars etc here. I had a hard time trying to find things that didn't have sugar added in it. Ok so it's organic or healthy alternatives, but having sugar as one of the top ingredients is a major nono.
Cali, its nice to see youve been enjoying your trip home. Well done to you for doing your best to make good food choices and keeping up your exercise. It will minimize any damage.
I still haven't lost the weight I gained out here. But my mom swears I look like I've lost weight since I got here. I think I've toned up a bit. I am much more active here in the warm weather and being with family.
A nice bonus that your Mom notices your shape changing. It's great to get some nice compliments!
I ate yummy Greek food two days in a row. Hummus and falafel, mmmm mmm good stuff and low GL. I love my chickpeas :)
Things have been really really busy here. My mom's here, and my younger brother came to visit last week. It was really nice hanging out with the whole family. I haven't seen my brother since I moved so it was a really nice treat.

Though on a not good note, it's been also very sad for me lately. One of the dogs I helped raise when she was a puppy got really ill. Her cancer kicked in high gear and last week was really tough on her. We had to put her down on Sunday:(. I didn't get much sleep, and my eating went completely out the door.
Ah poor Cali. I'm so sorry to hear about the poor doggy. It's do sad to have to make the decision to put them to sleep.
It must be a comfort to have family with you right now. It sounds as if you have been having a lovely time.
Take care.