Calorie Counting Diary - Mini Goals

Hi Kirsty, don't beat yourself up about yesterday, just put it behind you now because as long as you enjoyed yourself then that's really what counts. You have put yourself straight back on track today so well done you!

If you've done fasting days before and find you can cope with it then go for it. Not sure I could do it tbh so a big thumbs up for trying!

Fingers crossed for you for Monday. I was ok with a weekend off plan so hopefully you will be too :) xx

I know. I really enjoyed my night, and food was gorgeous!!! But I'm right back on track today, don't even feel tempted by anything to be honest.

Yeah, I have done them before but only for like 1 month. I much prefer spreading the calories out but just thought it would help give me an extra boost as I'm really trying so don't want to suffer because of the weekend.

Yes, well hopefully you can rub your good luck off onto me! lol. It's weird, I'd usually be really hungry now even though I'd had strawbs, soup and crackerbreads but I'm not feeling too bad! I think as soon as I eat my body is like ooohh! Food! More more, but because I haven't had any it hasn't registered I'm really hungry yet. We'll see. Going to have a cup a soup soon and maybe a few crackerbreads. Just see how I go! xxxx

Yes hun, it's just lemon and boiling water. I use jif lemon as it is a bit stronger and also because I'm lazy and I know if I have to slice the lemon and squeeze it I wouldn't do it. It's great for burning fat, you should try it. But be warned it make take a few mugs to get the taste for it, I used to have to hold my nose and down it but now I've developed quite a taste for it :)
Good luck with your fast day today.xx

Alright. Yes. I will defo give it a try! How does it burn fat? Thanks Lmn. So far so good! xxx
subscribing :) well done on your loss so far :) x

Thank you! Well done on losing, maintaining and being under your goal weight! You superstar! :) Thank you! Only 3lbs until it will be 1stone lost so itching to get there soon!

Thanks for subscribing, I could always do with the extra motivational boost from fellow mini's! xxx
So my fast day today isn't going too badly at all I'm happy to say! 2 1/2 litres of water, 1 cup of tea and a chicken noodle cup a soup is what I've had so far - 54 calories so not doing too badly whatsoever. Just hope I can keep it up until tonight xxx

54 Cals - :eek: I would be eating my hand by now.:D I bought some Berry Flavoured Tea from Aldi which is the best one I have tasted and I have bought some expensive ones in the past including a chocolate one and I drink that in a very large mug when I want something hot to drink.

Weigh in was ok - better than I thought but will not get into the habit of having the wine and thinking it will be OK weight loss wise or the 2 glasses will go into 3 and then it will be a bag of crisps with it and then whatever else.
I have hot lemon every morning before anything else - have read it revs up your metabolism but don't know how true it is but still do it. :) Used to have honey in it but now got used to it without now.

Good Luck with the rest of the day.
54 Cals - :eek: I would be eating my hand by now.:D I bought some Berry Flavoured Tea from Aldi which is the best one I have tasted and I have bought some expensive ones in the past including a chocolate one and I drink that in a very large mug when I want something hot to drink.

Weigh in was ok - better than I thought but will not get into the habit of having the wine and thinking it will be OK weight loss wise or the 2 glasses will go into 3 and then it will be a bag of crisps with it and then whatever else.
I have hot lemon every morning before anything else - have read it revs up your metabolism but don't know how true it is but still do it. :) Used to have honey in it but now got used to it without now.

Good Luck with the rest of the day.

I know haha. I'm doing ok and had an alpen bar and hot choc now and feeling surprisingly ok. Think if it wasn't for the water I would be feeling terrible though. Getting on for 3 1/2 litres so far today. I'm not a fan of green/flavoured tea to be honest but I may have to give it another try :D

How much did you lose? Glad it went well!!! I know exactly what you mean. Keep up the fab work and don't worry about your little slip up :D xxxx
Thank you! Well done on losing, maintaining and being under your goal weight! You superstar! :) Thank you! Only 3lbs until it will be 1stone lost so itching to get there soon!

Thanks for subscribing, I could always do with the extra motivational boost from fellow mini's! xxx

Thank you :) I am under my original dukan goal weight but I'm going to Tenrife in 11 weeks so I am calorie counting my way to 8st7lbs (I've been 9st before but I messed up over Christmas and put it back on today's my first day back on it actually) so I'm hoping for inspiration from diaries like yours :) and that's great 3lbs will be off in no time especially with the fasting :O haha! good luck x
Oo well done with the fasting :) How are you feeling? Just wait until the morning and you can eat again!! :) xx
I know haha. I'm doing ok and had an alpen bar and hot choc now and feeling surprisingly ok. Think if it wasn't for the water I would be feeling terrible though. Getting on for 3 1/2 litres so far today. I'm not a fan of green/flavoured tea to be honest but I may have to give it another try :D

How much did you lose? Glad it went well!!! I know exactly what you mean. Keep up the fab work and don't worry about your little slip up :D xxxx

Lost 2lbs and S of W

I hated those flavoured teas until I found the Aldi one - I have spent a fortune on them in the past and binned them but I went to a friends house and she had some Aldi ones and I was pleasantly surprised and bought some.
Not going to tell you what I am having for Dinner. :D
Thank you :) I am under my original dukan goal weight but I'm going to Tenrife in 11 weeks so I am calorie counting my way to 8st7lbs (I've been 9st before but I messed up over Christmas and put it back on today's my first day back on it actually) so I'm hoping for inspiration from diaries like yours :) and that's great 3lbs will be off in no time especially with the fasting :O haha! good luck x

Aww wow. Well I'm sure you will get there no problem! :D I don't think my diary will give you any inspiration except that it's ok to eat chocolate haha! xxx

Oo well done with the fasting :) How are you feeling? Just wait until the morning and you can eat again!! :) xx

Thank you! I'm feeling ok although it got harder as the day went on and feeling rather hungry this morning! lol. I was feeling a bit weak last night so just went to bed haha and a bit dothery this morning but not too bad at all considering lol. I know. I've just had a banana and it tasted sooooo good! hahahaha. How are you getting on mrs? Working towards our goal I hope! :D Did day 5 of the 30 day ab challenge yesterday too! xxxxx

Lost 2lbs and S of W

I hated those flavoured teas until I found the Aldi one - I have spent a fortune on them in the past and binned them but I went to a friends house and she had some Aldi ones and I was pleasantly surprised and bought some.
Not going to tell you what I am having for Dinner. :D

Yay!!!!! Well done :talk017: That's fab!! And oooh. I may have to give them a try then! xxxx

Well, I survived woo hoo!!!!

Tuesday 8th April - Fast Day (500 calories)

Breakfast - Tea with semi skimmed milk, 2 sweetners (10cals)
Lunch - Chicken Noodle Cup a soup, Double choc alpen light bar (109cals)
Dinner - Chicken Salad, lettuce, cucumber, red pepper, red onion, 100g breaded chicken breast (228cals)

Snacks - Alpen light double choc, Low cal hot choc, 50g quark with 1tsp sweetner (149cals)

Total - 496 calories

haha oh well if it's in my allowance chocolate is fine :D and I've already been inspired to by some alpen bars :)

Yes, they are really yummy and less than 70 calories for the alpen light bars. I have microwaved them before too and they melt a little with the choc in them. It's lush. And I use them as cheesecake bases in low cal desserts. xxxx

Well done on getting through your fast day yesterday! That has got to pay off!

I wouldn't mind trying the Alpen bars but haven't noticed them in the supermarket, which section are they in hun?

Thank you! Well I blo*dy hope so because it was hard work lol, I could have easily caved haha. They are lovely, they are where all the biscuits are, and then where the cereal bars like rice krispie bars and the belvita breakfast biscuits are. They are on offer quite often in sainsbury's and tesco's, 2 for £3 and there are 5 bars in each :D Just had a look for you. They are 2pp (I think) and they are really yummy and do feel like a more substantial snack than most where it is one bite and gone! lol xxx
Good morning hun,
Well done for getting through your first fast day yesterday. Are you ding 2 a week? I'm sure you'll see great results on the scales this week :) xx

Hi, Thank you. It was hard work. Going to do another one on friday but only doing it this week and then back to my normal 1,200 a day next week. Only wanted to do it this week to give me an extra boost as I'm away at the weekend and really, really don't want a gain so fingers crossed I will manage a sts! Here's hoping anyway. lol xxxx