Cambridge BMI Calculator


New Member
Evening all

Do CDCs have their own BMI calculator that is different from other BMI calculators? I only ask because my CDC told my that my BMI is still in the 27s, when every other BMI measurement tool on the web (and on my own scales) puts my BMI between 24.4 and 24.5.

I've been on CD for 10 weeks now and I'm concerned that he is keeping me on SS for a longer period than I should be.
I think they have their own Cambridge tool to calculate your bmi, but not sure
Mine calculated my bmi when I started last week and I was exactly what I calculated from an app on my phone.
Sounds like he's done it wrong. BMI is a standardised thing - it's your weight in kilograms divided by your height in metres squared (e.g., 60 / 1.62 x 1.62).

Definitely query it at your next appointment. You need to be on 810 (assuming you're right and he's wrong).
Thanks for the responses. I had a chat with him today at my weigh-in and I can only assume that he was using the wrong figures, because he agreed that my BMI is now in the 24s. Hurrah! :D