cambridge diet to slimming world

See you soon Hels and have a great time in the sun!

Socojos hope you are feeling a bit better now x
have a great holiday hun!

hope the rest of u guys are doing good?

was on a hen weekend this weekend - and so wish id been on sw already rather than CD - it was so hard! :(
im ok, diet is ok, lost 1.5lb - total of 3lb in 3 weeks - thats ok cause im not being very good:rolleyes:....
going to try and be a star this week, and haev been 100% today.
saying that its not hard, my diet is very limited at the mo lol!!!
have just ordered a stand up sun bed for 6 weeks before we go on hols i have v pale skin and am v worried ill burn badly- so some serious tanning coming up!!
apart from that - dull, c**p at work, im a teacher and have a new job, so leave in july, not happy about all the **** im getting put on me!
kids are good - weather could be better - hows everyone else doing?
hey, still trying on cd, but thinking will BE moving over soon. Don't really know much about sw, just the red day/green day thing

Does anyone know how many sins are in the cd packs? I have loads and would love to tie them in with the plan :confused:

how you all doing?
Hi Berry I would stick with it if you can. The packets are about 8 syns each I read some where! :eek:
Heres your :asskick: lol. Come on you can do it. If I was you I would use the packs to go completely up the plans if you can, then you wont have a big carb hit and any other diet will be easier to switch over too x
well guys started working up the plans now! on ss+ this week and will go to 810 next week (a bit earlier than i would have liked but on antibiotics so needed to have more than just shakes to line my stomach :()
(((Hugs))) Mercy, at least you are now getting sorted. Well done at going up the plans, it's so tempting to just give in and move across, but enjoy the food on the plans. You will still lose and SW will be so much easier to transfer too x
Same Sort Of Situation.

Hi there

I did Lighterlife last year, stayed on it for 2 and a half months before becoming so sick of it all and packing it in, stupidly thinking I could go back to food and handle it all on my own. Within 6 months I'd put on all the weight I'd lost and was back up to a size 16. I recently joined Slimming World and have found it so much better. I feel so much happier, I'm not depriving myself and I can join in on situations I couldn't before, i.e birthdays and special occasions etc. Obviously the hard part in comparison is that you have to actually make a conscious decision about what you eat, whereas Lighterlife and Cambridge is simple.. just don't eat!!

I would so very strongly recommend joining SW straight away as even if you don't lose weight for the first month or even two, it's MUCH better to do that than put on all the weight again and have an even bigger mountain to climb when you try to lose all the weight. Don't make the mistake I did.

Hope that helps.
Thanks SOTW, I'm coming over to SW after i've lost all but a stone to target, will work up the plans first so that I don't gain as soon as I do SW, but agree that it works with life.. on a day to day basis and easy to follow too, with free food, so even if you don't use all your sins, you've lost and feel full! I had a weekend away, had been on ss+, so stuck to low carb and high protein, it was nice to be able to eat, but did drink tooo much.. I was in Portugal and the cocktails are out of this world.. so, I've gained about 7lb on my scales, luckily my WI isnt til Sunday, so will stay SS til then, but just goes to show as soon as you have a few days off the plan and don't work up the plans before eating, then you will gain big time! So for my peace of mind, thats what I'll do and loose that last stone on SW. :)
i must admit, my plan isnt to go all the way up the plans guys - one week on ss+, 2 weeks on 810, 2 weeks on 1000, 1 week on 1200 and then sw... but i know 1200 is when i start losing control so i cant stay on that plan too long! roll on sw! :)
Hi guys, well im another cd'er looking to move to sw. I've lost 18lb in 6 weeks, (last 3 weeks have sts or lost 1lb) and am so fed up. Yesterday and today have started doing cd (2 shakes) and salad, and evening meal (1000 cals) but am already finding I think i can sneak a biscuit in etc so am going to have to be so careful. Im just so bad with willpower once i start eating (chocolate is my downfall). I really want to switch from next week to sw but have a do sat 27th and don't want to have a massive increase. If im doing 1000 now on cd, do you think the increase will be small if i start sw next week?:confused:
carolyn- as i have stated before i lost 4.5lb first week, so if your "good" its do able.
unfortunately im not in the right mind set at the mo- issues at work, home etc. ill get there - just slower.
im 12,12 now, back where i stopped CD - after 4 weeks (gained 2nd week). this is my lowest weight since i was 18 so im impressed :D. this is for life not just for christmas- as the tag line goes!!
hope that helps.
thanks for all your advice, been a bit mad today, had 1 shake, 1 bar, seabass and salad (no carbs), 1 piece of toast, 1.5 biscuits and 1/2 pack of snack a jacks. Going down the slippery slope already. Cant believe how good food like toast tastes! Must try to get back on track tmw. :cry: Oh and a mullerlight, and 3 strawberries.
carolyn - im no expert but rather than get on that slippery slope, why not just join SW now so you have some sort of structure to follow - im sure it wont interfere with your do on the 27th as much as CD would have anyway? I must admit, that that is why I know I cant get to the 1500 plan on CD because I lose the structure before then! :)