cambridge diet to slimming world

youre definately doing the right thing :) although dont the shakes have high syn values? did i read somewhere its about 6 syns?
well guys - im now getting to that point where im on the verge of losing control - im having one small protein meal a day but for some reason in my head it is acceptable to have a bit more salad and all those stupid things! :( few more weeks of re-feed and then so cannot wait for sw! hows everyone else doing?
Hi Gemma. Cambridge diet is basically shakes and is a very low calorie diet. There are different levels to it but the most basic is 3 or 4 (shakes/porridge or bars) a day. It puts your body in a state called ketosis where you burn fat and aren't hungry. It is a fantastic diet if you can go without food (or very controlled foods). On my first week I lost 11lbs but I have seen someone lose 18lbs! It becomes harder as you work up the plans and start introducing food again as you have to count calories, thats why alot of people switch to SW or WW so they don't have to do the counting x
Hi Mercy, sounds like you have it under control at the moment, so please stay away from the verge. I little salad wont hurt too much and is good for moving up the plans. I ate more than I should do moving up and when you do swap over your body will be used to the amounts by then.:D
I got to target, but the trouble is staying here now. I still have a little stash of CD hidden for emergencies but may give them away, at the moment they are my comfort blanket:rolleyes:
Triple, thats a good idea, to keep some buy for the just in case times, which will never come up. xx
but arent you just starving all the time cos ur not really eating?
You would think so but no. As your body is in ketosis you aren't hungry at all. It's strange as you then have to remember to have the shakes! Don't know how it works but it does.
Eternal I agree it is more the urge to eat when you are in 'k.' When you think about it though that is what natural has programmed into pick up food and eat! So CD fights against that natural urge
How long have you been at goal now? x
Only a week and it's not as easy as I thought. I've already had a blip. :sigh: I think the secret is not to get complacent. I will always battle against my weight, but this time I'm going to win :D. Well done on your loss your doing great x