Can I get a reeeeee-start?!


Full Member
Hi all,

I am on day 2 of sole source again after messing about with cambridge for the last year. I have been at the stop-start stage for all of this year and now realise I can't go on like this.

I was having 2 days on sole source then 3 off, then would sole-source for 5 or 6 days then binge for 3 days. It was almost like I felt I 'deserved' to binge after so little time on sole source.

Of course I know it was wrong, and dangerous, but I now want to to stick to it 100% and get this weight off once and for all.

I have re-gained the 5 and a half stone I originally lost on Cambridge and I am wanting to lose 8 stone in total.

Seems like a massive hurdle, but I am determined to see it through to the end as the other options just don't bear thinking about.

The last few months have been full of excuses from myself about having 'just one more day' of eating what I want. kidding myself that as soon as I have got it out of my system I won't crave it while I'm sole-sourcing.

Now it's time to woman-up and get this thing nipped in thebud so I can live the life I want to! :D
Hiya! It's day 3 and although I nearly caved today, I'm staying strong. It's killing me though! Roll on day 6 or 7 so the cravings subside!
Heya. Your story rings true with me - I messed about with ssing most of last year, starting and stopping and have finally regained most of my original weight loss back in 2007. I restarted (again) on 26 July and tonights my 2nd WI. It isn't easy even though my 'heads in the right place' as peeps would say. So good luck with it and I hope the cravings subside soon. I must admit I went into ketosis more quickly than the first time around, but then I had started reducing my carb intake in the lead up (so that obviously helped).