Can I have two hex as and no b

Hello from a newbie:wave_cry: I've done slimming world before back in 2011 but I did only red and green days then. this time I'm attempting extra easy. The thing I find off putting is the healthy extras. I absolutely love milky tea there's no way 350mls of skimmed milk is enough for me. I've tried the diamond breeze milk but tbh not sure I can stomach it :sick: I just wondered has anyone used two hex as on EE and no B. would I still lose weight? Surely I could obtain my fibre from fruit and veg anyway. Any info would be great. Thank you ;)
I can't cope with milk allowance either so I always use a couple sins on extra milk, it's worth for a tea-drinking addict like me!
The a choices are for your calcium, the b choices are for your fibre. Its important to have a balance of both for health. Enjoy :)