Can't do it at home, back to group =(


Full Member
In November I was a member of my local slimming world group & was 5lbs away from target. I work shifts & found it hard to commit to the same group (although I always got to A group once a week) so I decided to give it a go at home on my own.
well I've failed miserably & have gained many lbs!
so back to group I go on Wednesday to sign up again, wish me luck xx
In November I was a member of my local slimming world group & was 5lbs away from target. I work shifts & found it hard to commit to the same group (although I always got to A group once a week) so I decided to give it a go at home on my own.
well I've failed miserably & have gained many lbs!
so back to group I go on Wednesday to sign up again, wish me luck xx

Nothing wrong with that hon I am sure you will be welcomed and at target in no time. Good luck x
Well done for recognising you need the support of your group! Good luck getting to target xxx
Fairplay to you and best of luck

I tried SW about 18 months ago with Online support and I failed was too easy to not stick to the plan or gain support, advice from others

Now since restarting(I dreaded it initially being a bloke) I joined my local group and its much more beneficial for myself helps that all the others there are very welcoming and for me helps me stay on track knowing I have to weigh in every week and not hide away from it which I did at home

All the best
As said above, well done for realising it. I was the same, joined last year, lost about a stone then left the group thinking I could do it in my own... I couldn't lol. I'm one of those people who needs to know that I am being weighed and that it's not just me who sees the number on the scales. It's only my 3rd week but group is what's helping me to keep motivated.
I'm the same....i need the pressure of being weighed by someone and my weekly result being shared with the class....ive returned to group for the third and last time! We will do it! :D