Step 1 Sole Source + Carb Junkie Going Cold Turkey

You going straight back to SS for a week or so?

I hate work right now I need my holiday!! Ugh..

I'm on step 3.. Dependant on losses moving to step 4 tomorrow..

I'm just so exhausted all the time at the moment :( xoxo

Starting back on SS/SS+ for a few weeks and will see how we get on.

I have only been back just over a week and I feel like I need a holiday again! Been very busy...

Do you think that the tiredness is due to the step or overworked/already mentally on holiday?
Yeah it is really scary!!

I have been feeling so lathargic feels like it takes so much energy to do anything! Day 3 in progress and can't say I am enjoying the experience.

After having them a year I have just worked out how to use the body fat percentage function on my scales and as of last night I am 30.6% fat! According to a few we pages I have glanced at that is in the healthy range!!! Whoop whoop!!
YAYYYYY well done!

Weigh in day for me today..

Did you find your losses were around 2-3 a week on step 3?


I didn't do step 3, more like 2.5. I allowed myself a bit of the carbs from 3 every couple of days but mostly I stuck with step 2 meals...and then I had a lot of meals off as well :p
How much were you losing a week doing that? LOL..


Paying 30 pound a week for 2-3lbs sucks lol..


It varied greatly from week to week....sometimes I stayed the same and other times I lost 4-7lb. To be honest I was only doing that from Christmas and I haven't had enough weigh ins during that time (my consultant was away, I was away, I was ill etc.) to determine a pattern. I would say 1-2lb a week but I was also exercising as well. If I was on 2.5 religiously I would be able to tell you something more conslusive. I plan on doing it properly when I go back up the step this time but last time I was basically in holiday mode for two months already. I would also take measures to try and get my weight as low as possible on a Friday for my weigh in like taking off my glasses and watch (which I don't usually do), wear lighter clothes to the weigh in...ensure I had a recent bowel movement etc. so I do feel my signature is a little falsified. This time I'm going to do it PROPERLY again.

SS day 3 complete!!! It's been pretty tough going, especially in the evenings when the hunger starts to kick in. Just had my morning shake so only another 2 meals in the next 14 hours of the day allowed (GREAT! - sarcasm)

I might have bought myself a chocolate chip flapjack from the canteen the other day as they never seem to have any when I am actually allowed one's sitting on my desk and I am not permitted to eat it until at LEAST April/May. My colleagues are assisting in my endevour by marking the packet so they will know if I ate it and replaced it :p how considerate! Nic and I have a deal that we only get to celebreate our one year anniversary IF we are 100% until April 5th - 3 weeks and 2 days to go! The exception to that is a meal out we have planned for a friends birthday tomorrow night but we are only allowed chicken salad (no dressing).
4 weeks!!! Eeek! S'Mac, Shake Shack and Max top 3 eats of NY I think!

I don't think I am ketosis yet as pretty hungry right now and still another 3 hours (at least) for my next shake. The problem with being up and active between 7am and usually at least midnight is that is a whole 17 hours for all of 3 little shakes!! It was fine before we moved as I was up at about 9 and we were doing SS+ anyway so that is 4 meals, meaning I would eat every say 4 hours. But now my meal spacings have gone to about 6 hours between breakfast and lunch, and 5 hours between lunch and dinner.

I am still feeling really motivated to get into running and plan on running home (energy permitting) from the overground station to the flat - 1.5 miles. Not sure I should on SS though. Think I will just see how my body gets on and maybe add a 4th product on running days. It is something I really want to get into and I feel that doing it while I have the motivation will be better for me in the long run...
I need to go to this S'Mac place! Where is it?
Max Brenner is a 100% must visit again numerous times lol.. So divine especially that hot chocolate.

I wouldn't run on just SS honey.. You just aren't eating enough & it'll affect your weigh in.

How long you gonna SS for?


The chocolate pasta from Max Brenner was pretty amazing!!! The chocolate sauce was so rich and just....YUM...if you haven't tried that one you must!!! The one I went to was on East 33rd between Lexington and 3rd but there is one on East 12th between 1st and 2nd as well...S'MAC - Sarita's Macaroni & Cheese

I don't have a weigh in this week so it won't be too bad on that front. I haven't really heard from my consultant since I got back so just using up any left over packets of S&S products and Cambridge shakes (we have enough to last us both a few weeks). I don't think that my consulant is very happy I didn't go to my planned training day that was last Wednesday. I know I SHOULD have cancelled rather than just not gone but each time I spoke to her in the run up to it about how I wasn't sure it was something I wanted to do with our year travelling coming up and saving vs. the inital consulat joining/setup costs etc. she convinced me I should go anyway. I'm not making excuses...if I knew I wasn't going to go I should have rang and told them, but I felt so uncomfortable about it and pressured that I chickened out. I asked her for a meeting time for tomorrow and she hasn't replied yet, which is fine with me as it gives me more time to lose my holiday weight.

I know what you mean about not running because I am already having too few calories...that's why I am torn about doing it. On the other hand on want to build up my ability to run as currently I can make it about 60 seconds down the road and have to slow to a walk because I am so out of breath...then walk for maybe 30 seconds and then run for 30 again. I haven't got any kind of tracker and I have taken my watch off each time but I think it's between 15-20 minutes from A -> B. If I can build this up when I go on my travels there will be something I can do about things if I feel like I am starting to put any weight back on. At a guess I would say I might burn between 100-200 calories for 20 minutes given my lack of speed and stamina so an extra product on those days could cover that right???

I have never been this motivated to run in my life, or indeed exercise. Maybe I am in ketosis....I am still feeling the hunger but for since yesterday afternoon I have felt like my energy is boundless! Maybe it's the result of some sun though....
Also...5lb!?!?!?! That is AMAZING!!!

My @home weigh in's this week show me at about 12 stone 1lb which I am happy about. Hoping to be back in the 11s as soon as next week! Only 4lb off my lowest weight since starting the diet. But like I said...I'm looking a bit more at the eating/exercise balance now rather than the numbers specifically.
Yeah it sounds like shes p*ssed off at you.. Yeah you should of told them HOWEVER it does sound like she pressured you and thats not good.
At all. She shouldn't pushed you into it after your hesistations. Don't worry about it honey. She makes money from you so she'll get in touch.

If you are going to run then yes have another pack or shake.. It'll be around 200 calories for 20 mins..
Normally 10 calories a minute..

Thanks babe I was very surprised haha..

I just wanna get it done with.

Step 4 next week eeeeeek..

REALLY into this choc mint bars.. So yummy!

I went off the mint chocolate shakes after I had them 3 times a day for however many month but just had one for my "lunch" and now I remember how good they are. I was having 1 shake a day and 2 Slim & Save meal thingys and actually started to miss the shakes! I think this week has been easier to stick to than last week because even though we are trying to save still for our travels now that we have actually reached our savings goal we can afford 3 shakes a day each if we really want.

Run...or not not run...?
Managed to complete day 4! Yay! I went for half a run yesterday (less than 10 minutes) because I ran into the wife half way along so I walked home with her rather than abandon her :p As I didn't really do the exercise I intended to I didn't have a 4th product.

My colleague sid I could borrow his old running watch for the weekend so if he brings it in I plan on having a bit of a run this evening before dinner out for a friends birthday (salad and chicken for me). I can set the watch to properly do couch to 5K....60 seconds running, 90 seconds walking and set off along the Thames. It's 5 miles from my office along the river to Tower Bridge and back but I don't think I could manage that at my pace :p The routine says I should do it for 20 minutes so I will see how far I get...

Oh...and a weigh in before I went to bed last night puts my JUST back into the 11s but after rounding I am 12 stone currently. Only 3lb off my pre-holiday weight! Hopefully this time next week I will be there again then it's 9 weeks to shift what I can....!
It will be off in no time!! How long are you going for again?

I don't have a weigh in this week so I kind of want to do my own for my signature update. However, I don't want to be over generous and use the 12 stone figure from last night because if that's not accurate due to the time of day I weighed or in the wrong place on the floor etc. I am going to add a couple of lb's on...might even help me stay motivated if it means next weeks weigh in losses figure is "better" :p
I know but going from SS to everything made me gain a stone! I didn't even each that much!

I'm going for 12 nights I can't WAIT! Ugh..
Thank god I don't live there, theres TOO much good food.

I just wanna get these last few pounds off already! Wahhhh!

Try tomorrow morning after you go to the bathroom & then update it! xoxo

haha! I might....the wife tells me off for going on the scales too much as it is. I usually wait until she has gone in the other room and sneek a weigh in!

12 nights is a really long time! Are you planning any other trips while you are there like Washington DC, Phili, Boston? I could eat A LOT in 12 days!!!! Jealous!!!