GI lover via CD!

Sorry to hear u blew the diet... couldn't u put it behind u and get back on track tomorrow? I know xmas is difficult, but you are doing so well on the diet, and have lost so much, it would be a shame to give up now... maybe adjust your diet to 790 or 1000 for the next couple of weeks and then go back to it?
Well I blew the diet! I think I'm gonna give it a miss now until January temptation is just far to great.

I have been looking into having some hypnotherapy to help me conquer the need to binge cells in my brain! Just need to find a good therapist. I went to see one a man who said he gets his clients to stand naked in front of a mirror on the first visit...I was straight out of there!!

So for now until Xmas is over I'll keep up the water and try not to go mad! And also listen to my Paul McKenna CD. And I'll be back after Xmas to get back on track and lose that last 4 stone!


It is very tough this time of year alright! Water is key on or off the diet and it is so easy now with the cold weather to let it slide, but it does make a difference I feel to keep drinking water, partly because I feel the trigger for thirst and hunger are so closely related and if your drinking water you don't actually over eat as much.

Let us know if you have any luck with hypnotherapy!!!

Love Mini xxx
I could do really. I'm doing 790 anyway have done all along. But you're right maybe I'll up it to 1000 cals over Xmas. :)
Oh I do like the water...mainly as my skin is so soft and clear! I had really bad skin before CD so I really hope it doesn't return when I get to goal. Its so nice not being spotty!
I will let you know how I get on...need to find a good one though. My GP wanted to put me on slimming tablets I have to say I'm quite tempted but a tad scared to.
My skin is always brill when on the diet and already it is glowing again, mainly because I do make myself drink my water...:)

Never took slimming tablets so don't really know much, but some can be addictive like the ones for suppressing the appetite.

With my addictive personality I know it would be dangerous for me:rolleyes:

Love Mini xxx
I know what you mean about giving it a rest until the New Year. This time is sooooo..... darn difficult. I am not going to cry into my Lactose Free Mushroom Soup if I eat soemthing etc. What's the point? So I'm taking a very relaxed view of the next couple of weeks or else I'll be really miserable and fall off the wagon BIG STYLE! Me thinks it's a healthy approach to adopt. I'm going to see my drinking the shakes as medicinal i.e. for my RDAs and my consumption of water as a preventative measure to the symptoms of an impending Menstrual Cycle (water works wonders for my cramps, my spots prior to menstruation AND my sugary food cravings).

Anway good luck, ciao for now!
Monday 18th December 2006...

OMG its only a week away!! And I'm so excited!! I'm such a big kid when it comes to Xmas! Everything is done so I can just sit back and relax for a few days until I have to hit the shops for the dreaded food shop and fight over sprouts!!

I spoke in depth to my Mum yesterday and I have decided to contiue with my CD journey after Xmas and not take the slimming pill route. As she said I'm doing ok on CD why change? Mums always know best hey!?

Had a fab weekend, caught up with loads people I haven't seen for ages. Every single one noticed I'd lost weight! My cousin was green with envy we have both being trying to lose weight and she has put on instead of losing, I didn't say anything but I was so chuffed I was for once slimmer than her! My Uncle took a photo of us sitting next to each other and I compared it to one taken last year when I was 19 stone! I have to say I look so much better. I can't wait until next year now when I WILL be at goal! And commented on my lovely shiny hair and now style! I have to say I hate it now its just too short but it'll grow!

Right better get showered and dressed.

Glad you're feeling upbeat and excited - it is an exciting time of year! :D Also pleased you are going to continue with a weight loss programme that you know works for you... 61lbs is a heck of a lot of weight to lose and if you did all that one programme then there's no reason (apart from self-sabotage) why you can't continue to succeed on it :D Good ole mum eh!? :) She's right though... slimming pills aren't (in my opinion) a good way to do it.. but hey.. if it works for some then fine, right, but not for me..

How great to make a relative jealous of your weight loss.. tee hee hee... I have a sister who has ALWAYS been slimmer (like stones and stones and stones) than me... but you know what..I saw her yesterday and she muttered that she is going to have to start losing weight now too.!!! LOL (I am still about 5 stone heavier than her so she has oodles of time! lol)

It's lovely that your family and friends are being helpful and making great comments on you - long may that continue :D Have a great week. xx
Think you're mum is right... stick with CD.. you know it works.. slimming pills are an unknown and a bit gimmicky really!

Enjoy your christmas and then come back committed and determined and CD will do the rest :D
Mum's do know best!!!

You will have loads of company as January is the start of a New Year filled with hopes and dreams for a slimmer summer...

As Kirstin has said you have done so well already on CD why change what works for you now.

Love Mini xxx
Great to hear you so upbeat! I've joined your January 'Find our ribs' challenge ... that gave me a chuckle I can tell you!!

It's a real boost when people you haven't seen for a while remind you just how far you've come by pointing out the huge difference since the last time they saw you. Often, we can get a bit stuck in a rut and lose sight of what we've achieved. 61lb lost is awesome: never lose sight of that! :)
Another day nearer to the big day!

Oh I'm now getting very excited about Xmas! Went out last night walking the streets for 3 hours! Why?? am I mad! Yes I am but it was all in a good cause. Was collecting for local Childrens Hospice with Santa on his sleigh in tow! The faces of all of the children whose doors we knocked on were a delight! One little girl even ran out and gave 'Santa' her letter! Poor Santa shed a tear or two. The whole evening was magical with not one person shutting the door in our faces and refusing to give to such a good cause. And me well it made me feel really Christmassy!
So back to today and this blasted diet! Can I get back on track? No I can't so having tried to give it one last push before Xmas I have decided to completely have a break over the Xmas period and come back fighting on January 8th along with my thread The Rib Finders Challenge!
Right hi ho hi ho its off to wake the kids I go!
Have a great day everyone!
Me x ;)
Sorry for the delay in replying to your posts. Unfortunately I broke my wrist last weekend! And its playing up loads. Anyway that aside diet is going well, Xmas shop is all done and life I have to say is very good! Which having had a breakdown 2 years ago is good for me to say!
Kids all break up next week and I can't wait! Love having them at home and loads planned. Seem to be travelling all over the country from Portsmouth to Derbyshire and Somerset to Surrey! Tired just thinking about all that drivng my poor DH will be doing!!:p
Off for a lovely sleep I'm so tired today having had 24 here for lunch today! And OMG it was hard!! And what did I eat from the lovely spred I laid out....1 chicken drumstick! and my shake! Water been abit hard to swallow today so will try harder tomorrow.
Hope everyone is well.
Sounds like it was a great night CA. I always think it makes it even more 'Christmassy' if you can do something special like that.

I used to run a cadet marching band and we were always busy with charity concerts at Christmas - it was lovely. Now my time always seems to be taken up with 'other stuff'. I don't think I was any less busy in those days but, as with most people who do things like this, I could never 'find' time ... I had to 'MAKE' time.

I know if I made a bit more effort, I could MAKE time for other things (exercise, helping others ... even housework! :D)

Well done to you for being such a generous hearted person CA xx
Xmas Day over...phew! Boxing Day leftovers! Oh no not again...

Well, I've neglected my thread for over a week! But I'm back now that the pre-xmas rush is over and I can sit down and relax! DH & kids gone off to spend their Xmas money at the sales...can't believe I didn't fancy it but the thought of going out to yet more shops really didn't appeal!
So Xmas Day...we had a quiet one just DH, Me & the kids...oh and of course the dog! Kids got up rather early but not as early as they thought!! As I'd put the clocks back!!LOL so when they got up at 5am it was really 9am!! Cruel I know but there was no way I was getting up that early. Presents seemed to take forever to unwrap there were loads! Kids were over the moon with all over their presents (phew)! DH was very happy with his Sat Nav from me and all the bits from the kids and family. As for me! well I'm abit overwhealmed by how spolit I was! from a picture of the kids (that has to be the best present)! to an i-pod to fluffy socks to an exercise bike OMG the list is endless.
Lunch was totally yummy! Looks like more of the same for dinner tonight!! Another slobbing out day before we start entertaining tomorrow. Then away for New Year!
Diet wise...well apart from the gallons of water I've been ratehr naughty but I don't feel guilty at all. The one thing eating like this has done is told me I don't like it! I don't like that feeling of being bloated and like my skin can't breathe. So like many others I've read I will be going back to SSing sooner than my planned 8th January.
Hope you all had a great day.
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