Carbs and fats daily


Silver Member
Morning everyone, I have a couple of questions for anyone on RTM or maintenance,
How many carbs and how much fat are you eating each day?
Do you find you struggle to keep on track if you have more carbs than planned on a daily basis?
Do you have a sweet trigger that you need to avoid?
Thanks in advance, I'm trying to approach my maintenance from a different angle.
Have a good weekend all
I'm trying to cut carbs at the moment for exactly this reason. I went "off road" at Christmas and gained a staggering amount of weight in a very short time. I wasn't completely troughing it, either! It was the carbs. "Why we get fat" by Gary Taubes explains a lot of the physiology behind why insulin resistance can make you very sugar sensitive.

I was doing LL to take the pounds off - then thought I can't keep relying on packs for the rest of my life. So I'm switching tack and taking an Atkins approach. So at the moment, having very very minimal carbs. It's early days, and I had a blip last night when a gin and tonic leapt unbidden into my hand (!) - but I'm optimistic I will eventually be able to control my weight by watching carbs... I certainly felt a lot more stable and MUCH less hungry between meals on Thurs/Fri, which is when I started this.
Thanks Spangly, I took note of the Gary Taubes book and will order it as it is not available on kindle yet. It sounds like he is talking sense.
Sometimes I feel like it unleashes a monster!!! I read others saying it was fruit that sent them off into a spin..............
Think I will go back on total next week for a couple of weeks to break the chain, and give me a fresh start, although I did try it 2 weeks ago for a few days and could not stick to it, I like food!!!
I am going to do some reading over the next few days.

Anyone else like to add anything/challenges?
I have been keeping a vague track on myfitnesspal. I always have far less carbs and far more protein than is recommended on there.
From looking at the maintenance daily food plate, I think the recommended carbs will be too much for me, those amounts never worked for me before. I will try reversing the amounts of carb and protein, less carb and more protein. There are some videos on YouTube for Gary Taubes and Mary Vernon, both talk about the sugar, insulin and fat link. It makes alot of sense. Don't think I could be as low carb disciplined as they are but I won't go back to 'normal' carb amounts.
eatlikeabird said:
From looking at the maintenance daily food plate, I think the recommended carbs will be too much for me, those amounts never worked for me before. I will try reversing the amounts of carb and protein, less carb and more protein. There are some videos on YouTube for Gary Taubes and Mary Vernon, both talk about the sugar, insulin and fat link. It makes alot of sense. Don't think I could be as low carb disciplined as they are but I won't go back to 'normal' carb amounts.

Thanks elab, I will check out the videos on utube, I seem to have a challenge going on for the balance of it all, balancing what my body needs vs what I want or need to do. When I went onto maintenance I struggled big time with the volumes, and also what I should eat following the plan. Trying to get the part right about stopping eating before you are full as it takes 20 minutes for the message to reach your brain, stop when ready, don't over eat etc, but then needing to eat the whole portion, otherwise not good for your body.
I'm planning on 2-3 weeks total from later this week, ( I'm away at the moment), then that shoukd give me time to get straight again. I have gained some and sit about 10lbs over my lowest weight, I had given myself 7lbs either way of lowest weight, si marginally over and have recognised it, which is good. I do need to stop the mini binges which I think are being triggered by stress, and then when I eat something it sets the ball rolling, and it's a spiral.
Started reading some if the recommendations on here which I hope will straighten my brain. I'm using my SAD lamp for linger daily, and have just got through some stressful stuff- funeral of my last uncle today, so actually affected me on a much deeper level, he died from lung cancer, thankfully only since December, so relatively short period. My mum died from the same painful disease and it brought it all back to me, the suffering and sheer unmanageable pain.
So now I can move on, he would not want me moping around, it's dine.
Also waiting for blood test results Friday nurse thinks my thyroid is playing up or I have diabetes! we will see Friday then that can be dealt with too.
Feeling much more positive tonight.
Have you read the dukan book? It written by a doctor and the interesting fact I remember is how your body will try and gain all the carbs back after being on a protien diet and if you are aware of this you can try fight it obv' i've written a watered down version its very much like the atkins but without the fat well worth a read its what I done after finishing lipo trim and it did keep the weight off till xmas when I went off track, am on LL now as need to loose lots and need the cbt good luck xTara