Carly's Weekly Weigh In Thread!

carly taylor

Likes food too much!
Well managed my first week and weighed in this morning! managed to lose 9lb! I'm really happy with that!
Fantastic! You'll have a bikini body in no time :)

Well done xx
Thanks guys, had a blip at the weekend, but went to the gym extra to try and make up for it!
Well done you - great start :)
Week 2 and I lost 1.5lb bit disapointed but to be fair I have been a bit naughty this week with food, plus I wasnt expecting much in week 2 after such a big loss last week! JUst got to keep chipping away! A loss is a loss!
Weighed in at the weekend for my Third week nd pleased to say I've got my first stone off! I'm at the point now where on other diets I've settled for this weight, even though I've always wanted to weigh less! I'm really wanting to try to get another stone off now just so I can say I'm the lightest I've ever been as an adult!
well done on your great losses Carly, you are doing brilliantly! Keep at it & good luck for your next goal!

Nicola xx
Well done. Great stuff, I'll be chuffed if I lose a stone in three weeks!!
Thanks guys, it's been really hard and I've crumbled a few times on the way, but I think all the excersise has helped! We are all doing so well on this board- keep it up guys!