Step 1 Sole Source Cartwoman kicking her fat gamer booty

I've been doing this for two weeks now and I can truly say that the second week was the hardest. I wasn't even hungry, but I was craving things. I had these weird cravings like hash browns. I don't know why I wanted them so badly. I didn't need them because I was hungry (because I really wasn't), I just wanted them. Seems that this week was more about fighting my inner demons and I'm very proud of the fact that I stuck to ss-ing 100%. I kept drinking water, no fizzy diet drinks at all and drinking tea and coffee without sugar and milk.
Also I don't mind my hubbie eating chocolate bars, etc in the house any longer or having hamburgers. I actually enjoyed cooking spaghetti for him. I still draw the line with him having take out in the house. I would feel horrible if he was eating a nice curry or pizza and he's ok with that. I surprised myself actually by not caring all that much.
When my friends came over today for D&D I knew there would be crisps and other food flowing over the table, but again I didn't care that much. I felt a bit like the odd one out for not taking any, but I didn't feel sorry for myself.
With it going so well I have now also decided that I'm not going to come off the diet for x-mas. I'll keep on having my shakes ^^

The big problem this week were my bowels. I had a lot of issues going to the toilet, but once I used Movicol it started to 'work' as normal again. As a preventative I'm having one sachet per day to keep things healthy and normal for me. Tomorrow is my second w.i. and I'm nervous as ****. I've set myself a goal of losing 3lbs every time I get weighed, but I am secretly hoping it's more. I really want to loose 2,5 stone by January.

If you have stuck 100% I bet you will lose more than 3 :) good luck. My first weigh in is Wednesday x
I hope so ^^ my body however has proven to be a pain at times due to my bowels. :eek: your first weigh in is soon! I'm sure you'll have a great first loss ^^
Woot! Lost another 4lbs! I was aiming for 3lbs (though 6lbs in secret ;) ) but I'm happy with this. The movicol has sorted out my bowels so I'm a very happy bunny! I have about 6 more weeks to reach that 2,5 stone total goal and then I'll slowly work my way up the plans since I'm aiming to start getting pregnant from Febuary and I don't want to move from 400 calories to 1500 in one go, because I'll just pile on the pounds again. So incredibly happy!!!!
BIG WELL DONE TO YOU! You are doing brilliantly!!! xx
BIG WELL DONE TO YOU! You are doing brilliantly!!! xx

Thank you so much! :)
Also my cdc told me about half a pack of cookies & cream with half a pack of strawberry makes a cheesecake flavour and it's true! It tastes divine!
Thank you so much! :)
Also my cdc told me about half a pack of cookies & cream with half a pack of strawberry makes a cheesecake flavour and it's true! It tastes divine!

Ooh, really? Damn, I used my only cookies and cream shake yesterday. Enjoyed it, actually,much more than mango (and I'm not a fan of coconut).

Now, cheesecake - try half a teaspoon of sunshine orange flavouring in a vanilla shake. Also very cheesecake-like! :D

Well done on the 4lbs off - that's a fab week 2 loss! :clap:
Ugh I have the flu :< I don't have a high fever, thank god for that. I'm just very tired and moving around too much makes me dizzy. I also feel sick after drinking water and it feels as if I want to vomit. I am still slowly drinking the water needed, but spreading it much more over the day than I normally would. I wasn't even that hungry today, but I have taken all my shakes for the day. The weird thing is, is that I am craving pizza. I guess since that was the standard comfort food when one of us is sick, we order pizza. I'm not even hungry :/

I'm just hoping that being sick doesn't have a negative influence on my weightloss :eek:
I know I shouldn't have, but I jumped on the scales this morning and I've lost 2lbs on my scales. I know I don't weigh the same on my scales as on my cdc's, but seeing that I've lost on mine means I will also have lost on hers ^^ I'm hoping I can loose 4lbs this week and the movicol is making things a lot easier!
Today has been hard. I'm almost 3 weeks in now and the urge to have 'normal' food is increasing. I'm not hungry, but I miss eating. I also keep having to refuse food and treats at work. I knew it was going to be hard around the x-mas period at work. I've still been good and hopefully it will be easier next week. I've ordered 2 bars for next week to slowly get back into eating a little bit more carbs.
Hello Cartwoman, great to meet another geek here lol!
I've also been playing WoW since 2006 (I even met my husband there lol) and I blame Blizzard Entertainment for my excess fat. :rolleyes:
Good luck with your journey :eek:
I met my husband on wow too! I wish I could blame gaming, but in fact I get thinner while gaming since I forget to eat :)
Didn't get weighed today. My cdc has just lost her father and she was really sorry that she couldn't weigh me. I would lie if I said I wasn't dissappointed but it's totally understandable. It was already nice that she quickly dropped off my packs and told me I didn't have to pay until next week. I paid her anyway as I had the money in my hand. So I will weigh myself tomorrow morning on my own scales and see what I've lost. If that means that next week losses are not so much I know it's because of the scale difference.
Weighed myself quickly and I've lost another 4 lbs on my scales. I'm sure it will be a bit different on my cdc's, but that's for next week so I won't be too disappointed if next weeks loss is not that large. 16 lbs gone in 3 weeks is good ^^
I met my husband on wow too! I wish I could blame gaming, but in fact I get thinner while gaming since I forget to eat :)

Oh lol :D

Lucky you! I wish I could forget eating but sadly I was the opposite, I was non-stop eating junk while playing so the pounds piled up quickly :cry: Now I have cups of tea instead :p

Congrats on your 4 lbs loss this week, you're going great! x
Today was hard. My bowels really hurt and I'm incredibly bloated. I took some sachets of Movicol and hopefully tomorrow morning it will have settled (read: emptied). I always feel quite down when I'm constipated, not quite sure why, it's just what it does to my mood. I've been good though today. I 'won' two chocolates from the advent calender and I gave both away to my friends. I keep doing that with all the free sweets and cakes at work at the moment. It makes me grouchy at times, but it's what I have to do to reach my goal. I guess the hardest will be that I can't join my friend for his bday at pizzahut and will have to join them after their meal to go to the cinema. When I realised that I did feel sorry for myself, just a tiny bit.

So December is here and in this last haul of ss for me (which will be 5 weeks total, until 8/1/2013) I'm hoping for another 15 -20 lbs loss total. In the new year I'll be doing 810 for 3 or 4 weeks and then slowly work my way up the plans. I'm just starting to miss food and I have decided I can't be bothered with making shakes any longer. Next week I'll be ordering just tetra's and bars.
It's weird how much I'm craving normal food now. I will also have to do some soulsearching this month. I have a birthday of one of my friends and we are invited to join him at pizzahut... my nemesis. I could be all terminator-like and go face my enemy (pizza), but I'd rather avoid any confrontation. I'm just a bit bummed out that I will have to join my friends and the OH after they've eaten. I know that my OH said it was ok to join them for one day, but it's a slippery slope. It's the same for x-mas. I know my in-laws mean well and they would also make food for me so I could do 2 days of 810, but if it was up to me I'd rather stay home for x-mas and just have the OH go. I'm ok with being surrounded with food at work, but when it's in these social events I find it incredibly hard.
Am I the only one?

I am very conflicted; one part feels that I just have to do ss for 4/5 more weeks and then work my way up the steps and it's not that I'll be dieting for the rest of my life, the other part of me goes: 'one day won't hurt, it will just take you a little bit longer. It's not a race.
I hate my conflicted self at times! What would you guys do? I'm not deciding yet until I get weighed right before, that might change my mind still.
Have I found the secret answer to make me forget about food? I started Just Dance 3 yesterday and it kept me entertained for 45 minutes. After that I felt much better and I also lost any hunger I had, but the best thing was that it boosted my happiness. When I had a sneak peek on the scale this morning I saw that I was 1lbs lighter. I was hitting a small plateau so this was a good surprise. I think I'll try to do Just dance for 30 minutes each day to keep my happiness levels up :)
It's now been 4 weeks and in total I've lost 17 lbs. I'm happy with that but I was secretly aiming for 20lbs. I know this month will start to get messy considering I might have to break my rule of not eating at x-mas. It just hit me that this might be the last time I'll be spending it with my in-laws (same goes for some bday's with my friends) since we'll be moving cities next year :/
So my aim for the next 4 weeks will be a loss of 10lbs. I only have 33 lbs to go for my end goal and considering i'll be doing 810 for another 4 weeks I'm pretty positive :)
It's been a strange week. I've had pizza and I really enjoyed it, though I've been really sick afterwards. It was for a bday so I don't regret it, if anything it made me realise that certain food makes me really sick. I am still going to go off plan over x-mas for a few days. It's been a tough week in which I was good (except for pizza day) but my hormones are making me go mental. I'm having horrible moodswings and I really feel as if the world is weighing heavy on my shoulders. It's annoying and I guess it's because I'm supposed to have my period. Yay pms :/ I know I've already lost another 2 lbs but I'm hoping that it will be a bit more in 2 days and hopefully my mood will get better.
Hope the PMS has calmed a bit, I know mine hasn't yet! I've noticed that you seem to be my Dutch twin! I also met my chappy through world of warcraft and moved to the Netherlands to be with him, men eh! If you want someone to gossip about pc games with, let me know I'm mildly obsessed with trying out new genres (currently working through the THQ humble bundle bunch I bought)!