caz weekly weigh-in

Catherine...just wondered who told you about the the instructions I got were nothing beyond nothing expect the packs water tea and coffee?
I would check with LT if I were you - general consensus is that you cant have anything thats not packs, water, teas or coffee - see my Celery post :)
On a positive note - I didnt realise your burnt more calories eating celery that was in it....isnt that interesting? wonder are there any more foods like that?
Morning Bea :)
There are a few more foods like that I think, if you google 'negative calorie foods' you should get some interesting results, and many discussions about whether or not they really *are* negative calorie!
I cant stand celery lol!
how are things going ?
brilliant about the jeans , isnt it amazing how quickly you notice the difference in clothes !!!

Kepp up the good work x
thanks lucky... yeah, it's great when u really notice it yourself. And one of the girls in my office has said that she can really see I've lost weight in my stomach... happy days. :D They don't know I'm on LT though...
BUT... I weighed in today... 2nd weigh in and i'm only down a measly 2lbs. I know it's a loss, but it was only week 2 and I really expected a bit better than that.
Was a bit frustrated to say the least when I came out of chemist, after being so good, and feeling so hungry and tempted the last week didn't help. I was so tempted to break it, but battled against the temptation, only to find I'm rewarded with pittance... :sigh:
even the girl in the chemist was surprised and I don't think she believed me at first when I said I stuck to plan like glue!
Looks like this could be a long drawn out process for me. But I'll struggle on... (don't mind me... just feeling sorry for myself!)..

Hi CAZ....every pound counts and your total loss for two weeks is brilliant - so try to look at it like that..... its probably more fluid related...I presume you are drinking the full 2 plus ltrs of water etc???....there was a guy on the CD forum who "gained weight" after sticking to CD 100% so if anything is a bit of fluid dont get disheartned.. you will have that 22lbs in no time!!
thanks for the words of support bea. Yep, i've been drinking my 2.5-3ltrs of water a day so I would have thought water retention wouldn't come into it at this stage. So, you think it might? Do you think it could sort itself out again?
Either way, even though I came home a bit disheartened yesterday, I decided to stick with it, after all the weight is still coming down, albeit slowly.

By the way, congrats on your weight loss so far - you're doing fantastic!! :D
I have to say, it's soo good to have all you guys on here for the support I need... ur great!
Thanks again..

Don't get disheartened. You often find that those with the least to lose, lose it slower than those who have a lot. It will come off and every loss is a loss. Look at it that way.
thanks for the words of support bea. Yep, i've been drinking my 2.5-3ltrs of water a day so I would have thought water retention wouldn't come into it at this stage. So, you think it might? Do you think it could sort itself out again?
Either way, even though I came home a bit disheartened yesterday, I decided to stick with it, after all the weight is still coming down, albeit slowly.

By the way, congrats on your weight loss so far - you're doing fantastic!! :D
I have to say, it's soo good to have all you guys on here for the support I need... ur great!
Thanks again..

A loss is a loss, so congratulations!!! As for water retention, could you be approaching your TOTM? Anyway, don't worry and carry on!
mapcr - wish i could write it off to totm, but it's not i'm afraid, so that'll be another hurdle in 2 weeks. ah well... :sigh:
but like you said, i'll trudge on anyway...

like sedalia said, every loss is a loss ;) - so I've turned my mind to think of it like that!

i got some bars this week, just so I can try something to chew :D. Gonna have one this evening with a nice hot cuppa. Sheesh, hope I like them now, cos I'm really feeling like I need something to 'eat' as opposed to 'drink' on this diet!

Dont get to excited!! i like (too strong a word probably) the peanut one becuase to me it is just a little bit more moist by my workmate likes the coconut one best. The coconut one has nuts in it too by the way and that confused us for a while!!
They are a little better if you zap them for 15 secs in the microwave!

No, Rach, I havent seen any of it at all this time, usually I am glued. Not sure what I actually *have* been doing with my evenings LOL!
I have never tried heating them. I always think that they look a bit burnt already and sometimes you get a really black bitter tasting bit that would make anyones eye flicker like they have just sucked a lemon!!
well, i tried one... ohmigod, yuk, yuk, yuk... can't stand them.
Methinks it'll be back to 3 shakes for me... so more weeks of pure liquid :sigh:
Ah well, if it works, so be it!!