CD V S&S .....


Busy busy busy!!
Hi I've been a CD-er for many years on and off and was even a CDC for 3years awhile ago.

Back on CD to shift some weight for my wedding next year and been doing well.

But pennies are tight - so thought I'd try S&S - either with the idea of transferring totally - or 1day of each.

Sent off for my trial 25 flavours .... easy peasy website - and arrived when text said it would this morning.

Eagerly tried crispy choc and was disappointed .... but thought it was me and how I'd made it up. So just made coffee one - cappucino is one of my favourites on CD and I have it hot and cold ..... so made it hot seeing if this made it better and again I'm disappointed :-(

I'm using a blender as I would for CD shakes .... but am I doing something wrong? or do my taste buds just prefer CD?

I will continue with the rest of the packs .... to see if I find others I like, but will not be transferring 100% to S&S, will keep CD too.
I did CD years ago, for me I prefer S&S because of the meal packs and veg allowance.

I struggle with the shakes to be honest although I quite like the chocolate ones :).

I think sometimes we can get used to the taste of one particular thing. I am thinking how to explain it. For example I used to drink diet coke - a lot. I then went through a spate of buying pepsi max for months and months, now diet coke taste wrong to me. Not that I have it know. I;m sure you could become used to S&S, we all have to decide on the ones we like.

I don't blend mine btw I'm too lazy to wash up. I have one of those shaker things
Thanks BP - yes I know what you mean! I shall carry on and see if by the weekend I'm liking them! I also have the food packs, so looking forward to trying one tonight .... plus the bars! My blender glass is about the same size as a shaker glass .... and goes in dishwasher! lol but the meal things will be easy as a bowl and m/wave at work will make it dead easy! Which meals do you prefer? I've been reading the poll with interest :)
Hi Bev!!!! Waves madly!

How are you? I actually rally like s&s a lot more than CD. I am partial to the milk caramel shake and the hazlenut. Chocolate is ok as is crispy choc. I don't blend them though just have them in a shaker with a little ball whisk in it. Also I adore the meals (except that cottage pie!)
Don't make up the crispy ones using a blender - it gets rid of the crispy bits!

The savoury meal packs are the best thing about SnS though.
Hi Chika <<<waves back!!!>>

Tried a few more ... hazelnut was quite nice, bars are mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Meals are nice too. Veg soup tonight ... okish. Think maybe I'm using too much water - as they taste weaker than CD but I use to make CD up with lots of water.

Will try crispy ones minus blender - thanks Weasey!

I'm going to order the mens 5 a day pack next week .... and if I have 4 a day that will last me 6weeks and costs about £1.11 each item (incl P&P). I shall have mainly 1 meal, 1 bar and 2 shakes a day .... will see what I think of porridge and oatmeal, but they don't appeal to me except in winter.

Anyway another 1lb off which as trhis week was a cr@p week was really good. Somebody drove into the back of me at traffic lights .... then drove off! Ended up with whiplash and I'm on strong muscle relaxants, deep heat (great for sexy nights in .... NOT!), and a microwave bead neck cushion. The muscle relaxants have ibuphren in and the GP said not to take on an empty stomach .... so I've been having 4 half slices of bread and butter a day too.

So next week ..... I'll lose all the glycogen built up this week .... and have a good loss!!! Should be 2stone + gone.