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New Member
Hi guys, new here.

Im a 25 yr old male started my diet about 2 weeks ago, went on the no carb diet, where all i ate was meat, and used sweetener for all my sweetening.

I could tell my body is in Ketosis, i have the wonderful breath that comes with it, and Im looking to branch out a little bit.

I see here that trying this GI Diet its a little more forgiving. I just got out of a relationship, and i have this urge to binge on very bad food again, but just before i goto eat it, i stop myself cuz i feel guilty.

So ive been on this diet for 2 weeks, i started at 361, and last time i checked which was on saturday i weighed 346!! that right there has kept me motivated to stay on this diet, even tho i have some changes in my life, i am trying my best to accomidate.

Ive looked over your forums here, and was wondering if I have the urge for bread, can i have Rye bread? 2 slices to make a ham sandwich? thats my main concern now. the diet i am on now, its hard to do it, considering that I had to move back home and eat food here that isnt so diet friendly.

one last thing i saw that list of GL amounts, am i to say that the lower the number the better?

anyways thanks for any info you guys give me, and I hope i can stick to this to lose my weight and get healthy before it gets too late!


Welcome Sydeshow. Well done on your fab losses in the first couple of weeks. GL may suit you better than no carb as it may be easier to sustain over a long period.
Yep, the lower the number on GL or Gi the better it is for you.
I don't worry too much about the numbers once I identified the very high gl foods. I try to avoid as much as possible, bread, potato, pasta and rice. I use tinned chickpeas, cannelini beans, haricot beans instead. You can have a little rye bread. Personally, I'm not keen on it. I might have one or two slices of wholmeal bread every other day.
Drink at least two to three litres of water every day as this helps keep you hydrated and less hungry. I find it helps me. Also keep a close eye on your portion sizes. I found it easy to eat too much until I weighed portions for a while so as to get a better idea of the right amount.
You have taken the most important step in beginning your journey to a new you. Stay strong and use minimins for support
SO its been 3 weeks, and im at 21 pounds lost! ive introduced some low GI foods, had some rye bread today, prob wont do that for awhile.

I feel great, and have already lost a pant size!
Wooohoooooo!!! 21lbs in three weeks! Well done you!!! I'm with you on the rye bread, it is not something I could take to. I've learned to pretty much do without bread and don't miss it. I have maybe one or two slices of my own homemade wholemeal bread every other day.
Have you tried using quinoa yet. I pretty much use it as a substitute for potata/pasta/rice
Excerpt from an article:
"Quinoa is an ancient grain and was once considered 'the gold of the Incas' in South America. All but forgotten, it is coming back into vogue on a global scale.
Like most whole grains, it is a great source of fibre, but what makes it really special, in my book, is that it is a complete protein, providing all essential amino acids (important for tissue building).
Specifically, it is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc and iron. While most of us look to animal based protein sources such as meat and cheese for our daily intake of protein, quinoa provides a good option for people following a vegan diet who might feel slightly limited with beans, nuts and tofu.
An obvious substitute for pasta, rice or couscous, you can buy quinoa in all health food shops (and thankfully, it's gaining shelf space in many supermarkets). Rinse it before cooking to get rid of its bitter outer layer, then simply cook it like rice until it is light and fluffy.
For added flavour cook it in fish, chicken or vegetable stock instead of water.

You can get it in Tesco. I cook up about three portions at a time and kep it in the fridge and then I can add it to a stir fry. It will keep for two to three days in the fridge. It pretty much looks and tastes like couscous but is better for your blood sugars from a gl perspective. If you dont want to use it use cous cous more often instead of rice or pasta.
Hi Sydeshow, how are you getting on? Still losing on GL, I hope.