Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

That's really bad for your mum, I know people with less problems than that who have mobility cars it's silly how the system works :(
Well done on resisting chippy chips, you're on from at the moment, you could have really gone off the rails with everything that's happened.
I hope you get some sleep tonight x x x
Thanks acc & Barbette!
Still awake, but feeling a bit sleepy. Have been in bed with a mug of peppermint tea and my Nexus for a while. Read a bit of The Goldfinch and did a little more reading about the 5:2 diet. More inspiration ?

I am really pleased I didn't go crazy with food or crack open any wine, cider, or chocolates! Feeling extra motivated to get myself healthy right now!

Right, had better turn the light off and at least try to sleep.
Goodnight lovely ladies.xx
Morning acc! Well, sort of ;)

Was in bed till about 12:30 but didn't really sleep very well. I kept getting up and creeping to Mum's door to listen and see if she was ok :rolleyes: I'm going to drive myself nuts aren't I?!

Anyway, I NEED to do some coursework today and I have my stubborn head on. Can't believe they're being such a*ses about the course!! I mean I'd be thrilled if I could get it done and out of the way in 3 months, but to not take anything in to consideration is ridiculous! Definitely going to email the tutor at the college and let her know the situation. Even if I can just explain why my work might not be up to the standard it was and stuff like that. I don't want special treatment, but I do want them to be realistic!
They handle everything so badly! I mean I even did work while I was off sick, which I shouldn't have done, but instead of seeing it as a good thing they're almost saying "it wasn't enough" I shouldn't have been doing ANYTHING! :rolleyes:

So just going to make something to eat and get started on the alterations for these 2 assignments that have to be in on Tuesday.... Grrrrr!!

Also need to visit the bunnies and get a shower at some point too.xx
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Saturday food: An unplanned SW EE Day - only part of a HexA tho. Ooops!

Lunch: 2 Weetabix (HexB1)
2 tsp maple syrup (1)
125ml Koko milk (part HexA1)
Yeo Valley mango, carrot, & orange yogurt (1)

Tea: Quorn, chickpea, butternut squash, and sweet potato veg packed curry with fresh spinach
A few extra squirts of Sriracha
Chinese packet rice
Beansprouts stir fried in soy sauce & vegan Worcester sauce

Snack: A Lindt Bunny Paw (5.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet cherry Coke. Squash. Teapigs peppermint tea.

Syns used: 7.5
Syns saved: 7.5

Exercise: Lots of brain stuffs! This counts right?! ;)
And a clean on the bunnies (30mins)
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Over 2 and a half hours and my anaesthetic monitoring case study is hopefully fixed and complete. I will be SO annoyed if I have to make more corrections to this. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!! It's over 3,500 words now so surely I've covered everything?!

My head is banging now and I'm all blurry and p*ssed off lol. Going to put the laptop down and brave the cold and go feed the bunnies :) xx
Well done!!!

I'm sure it's brilliant!

Relax - take it easy! Sounds like you deserve it!
My mentor at work, one of the nurses, is an absolute control freak and everything has to be super perfect. The thing is, usually all my work would be to that standard coz I'm the same ;) BUT I'm so far past caring if it's perfect or not and we do not have time to be tw*tting around being picky ;) As far as I'm concerned it is awesome and I am a super VCA :p

I really do apologise for all my ranting and moaning about this for the next few months!! I have never witnessed anything so badly written and managed. And my mentor hasn't been a mentor before either so doesn't really know the course or the expectations of the tutor and college. So, good mix there!!

Have been out to the bunnies and cleaned and fed them. And just had a shower. Will make tea for me and Mum soon I think.x
Sounds like you been hard at it, well done on getting all the corrections done. I hope you're head isn't hurting too much, take regular little breaks.
I can understand you keep on checking on your mum, just hope you're both ok and you're getting enough rest x x x
It was much harder than I thought it was going to be! And I think I've missed a detail about doing an ECG :rolleyes: But, f*ck it ;)

I think once this is less new and we're used to the idea things will calm down. But right now I'm really bloody scared. Especially with my Sister not being here and I'd never forgive myself if I missed something again!

Just had my curry and pile of beansprouts. I made a good call waiting until I really wanted it. I enjoyed it SO much! And I totally forgot it had cauliflower and peas in :D
Small things eh?! ;) Doing well on syns so far too! Think I might have a Chewy Delight and maybe one of my low-cal Graze tubs a bit later.
Good food day I reckon!xx
Glad you are feeling a bit more relaxed at the moment and enjoyed your curry.

We all have those feelings - my MIL is now 91 and we ummed and arred about coming out here but I needed a change of scene after my op. My OH rings her every day and sometimes he is the only person she speaks to all day and then he feels bad about being in Spain and not UK.

Do you not like Cauliflower? that and Brussel sprouts are my favourite, in fact we had cauliflower "steak" for tea tonight and it was delicious.

Have a good nights sleep if you can.

May have to move the chocs and cake - having to look at them every post I make is not good. Thought it was a good idea at the time.:)
I did have a little treat. Had the Lindt Bunny Paw I bought the other day. Bought one each for me and Mum. Lovely and very cute :)

It's awful isn't it Systema?! And I don't mean to lessen it about your MIL but my Mum's only 55. Very, very unfair the things she's been through and what she's still going through. I lost my Dad when he was 49 (I was 22) and it terrifies me beyond everything to think that I could lose her :(

Oh no I love cauliflower, or I do now, I'd just forgotten I'd put it in the curry. Nice surprise! I love sprouts too.

Please do take the chocolate and cakes away you evil woman :p

We just watched Olympus Has Fallen. Can't go wrong with stuff being blown up and Gerard Butler having the crap kicked out of him. Decent action fillum with more explosions than a Michael Bay film! ;) Don't really feel like my extra HexB now. This might be an unplanned EE day :eek: Less than half a HexA, but I did have 1/3 of a big tub of yogurt, so I'm sure it's ok. But yeah, don't really feel like eating something for the sake of it.

Trying to decide where to go for food tomorrow if Mum feels up to it. Potentially the Otters Cafe or the Harvester at Otterspool. I've never been to a Harvester and the salad bar intrigues me. But will it be overrun with horrible kids on a Sunday?! Hmmmm.....
It sounds like you had a great day yesterday food wise!

I know what it's like worrying about parents. My Dad had two strokes when I was 13 and so I've looked after him since then (my parents are divorced). When I was looking at Unis I was determined to stay go to the local Uni by so I could live at home but my Dad wouldn't hear of it, bless him. I still call him every day and feel guilty I'm not there but he is much better now. He's working and has a strong group of friends and neighbours keeping an eye on him.

Anyway, I hope your Mum is feeling OK today and you have a nice lunch out!

Well done on getting your coursework done and on sticking with your food plan despite the worry about your mum. It sounds as though you have a fantastic relationship and I'm sure she appreciates what you do for her. You do amazingly well with coping with everything on top of your own health problems.

It is difficult adjusting after something like your mum's stroke and I understand completely about checking up on her. Many years ago, I was woken in the night by OH fitting. It was something I'd never experienced before but I knew instinctively to call dr who then called an ambulance as OH didn't respond to dr's treatment. He spent two weeks in hospital, but it was ages before I could sleep properly for checking on him after he came home. I did recover in the end, and I'm sure you will, too.
Hi guys!
Sophie that must have been awful so young :( My parents had been divorced for a very long time, but they'd become pretty good friends. When we found out he had cancer when he wasn't in hospital he stayed with us and I was his carer. He got diagnoses in the March and died in the September, just a month short of his 50th. He died in his own flat, but me and Mum found him.
It's very brave of you moving away from your Dad and lovely of him to tell you to go :) I know my Mum would never ask me to stay, but I wont be going far! My sister and her fiance have just bought a house which is about a 5min walk away too lol. So relieved because for a while they were talking about moving to the US or Canada. They may still do that at some point, but for now at least I know they'll be around.

Oh Patty fits are awful!! I've never dealt with a person having a fit - my Mum has coz she used to be a first aider and stuff. But I deal with dogs ALL THE TIME fitting and it's one of the most horrific things I think you can witness happening to something you love. I can't imagine what it must have been like to wake up to your husband having one :(
Not surprised you didn't sleep well for a good long while! Did they find out what happened?

We still haven't gone out lol! Going to be tea now! We're finally going to The Harvester :D I've wanted to try here for ages coz I'm sad ;) But I have heard they have a brilliant salad bar!! Veggie heaven :D My options really would be a veggie burger or a pasta thing. I do want dessert tho, so think I will be sensible and go for the goats cheese and broccoli pasta and stuff myself with salad, then maybe get an ice cream'y thing. I think if I got the burger and chips as well as unlimited salad I would make myself a bit sick :p

Mum had a missed call from the hospital yesterday and called them back today. They want her in at 9am tomorrow at the stroke clinic at our main hospital. My Sister has called work to say she wont be in and I'm not in till 4. And if it comes to it, I could potentially not go in till 6:30 on that shift. The late shift means I have the emergency phone, which would come to me at 6:30. So worst case scenario I think they'd be ok with that and I'd just lose those hours of pay. Surely it wont take that long tho!

Just had a light-ish, low syn lunch too.
I had 2 free Quorn sausages, 2 boiled eggs, wholemeal toast, and 1.5 syns worth of mustard and tomato sauce :)
Just the one meal off plan ;) Don't know where this will power and enthusiasm has come from!!

Need to try and do some more course work before we go out. This assignment is an absolute b*stard and took me months to do! It's a report on radiography health & safety and stuff like that. Talk about making an interesting subject boring as hell! I love radiography, but not all this balls they want me to talk about :rolleyes: I know myself it's badly written and laid out, but the brief was very confusing. Hoping I just need to add a bit of info in some places and just change the layout and re-jig it a bit. My friend (who's just qualified as a VN) has promised to help me out too :)

Right. Coffee and lets go...... :coffee:
Enjoy your meal out.

Not going to move the chocolate and cake - going to make you suffer it if I have to.:D See if I can find something more tempting.
I hope you have a nice tea and the salad bar lives up to your expectations, good luck with the copious amount of kids ha ha ha ha.
Fingers crossed everything goes well for your mum tomorrow, at least they've got her in relatively quick.
I think plenty of coffee is in order to get you through your coursework x x x
Systema you are evil :angeldevil:

Haha Barbette we're going a little later on hoping there'll be less kids. Going to leave here about 6:30, so get there just before 7. Hoping the majority of screaming kids will have p*ssed off by then! If not, I won't be going back ;)

I'm glad Mum is being seen sooner. If she had of gotten to the GP earlier he would have had her seen that day :eek:

Another 2.5hrs of coursework done and I'm more than done for the day. Glasses or on, I'm dizzy as hell, my head and eyes are full of pressure, my neck is very tense and sore, and I'm just exhausted. I hate this so much :( When I was doing OU I could easily do a 12hr+ study/writing session without it phasing me. Just hate what this illness is doing to me :cry:

Ok, moan over. It's done for today and I covered a LOT! Just one bullet point left to explore! My friend's going thru my work now and will tell me if I've missed stuff and help me with the last bit too.
Had better go get ready soon really. CBA now and feel super nauseous! Fantastic :sigh:

Will try and relax a bit before I go out or there's no point really!
Thanks for your messages everyone.xx