Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Yayy - but start keeping track now!

Curry tonight sounds lovely and I hope you have a good time with your mum tomorrow.

There was a red Citigo parked at the end of our road yesterday - the same modelas your's but 5 doors - so I had a discreet nosy. I was very impressed. Hope Skoda is still doing the same sort of offer when I need to replace my Clio or 'our' Vauxhall!
Barbette - I never noticed you're in Leeds. I have the answer for you :D Roots & Fruits in the Grand Arcade, just after the theatre. It's a little veggie cafe that's been there years and is fab. It has been run by an old couple for years and years but was taken over by new owners about 6 months ago. I haven't eaten there since but they did say they wouldn't change too much. Give it a try - you'll love it! :D
Thanks Katie I will have a look for it, just got to persuade the OH to go with me he's a meat eater and doesn't like veg :( x
Sorry you're having such a rubbish time, I hope it eases off for you soon. I know what you mean about having a rest day that turns in to a day of doing loads, it happens to me all the time lol. I'm sure your mum appreciates all the work you do around the house.
I so happy for you getting back to your weight you were before the gains, I bet you're really happy, well done :D
I hope you all have a nice day tomorrow and enjoy the meals out x x x
I just got so downhearted Patty. I was putting weight on at such a ridiculous rate I just didn't want to even think about it. I'm happy that it's back to where I was though. Now if I can lose 6kg I will truly be back to where I was ;)

I saw a Skoda Citigo out in the wild the other day too. The thing is they don't put the model name on the outside, or not that I've noticed? I know the green tech ones have the G&O of Citigo in green tho, which I really liked :D They are impressive little machines! Can't wait to get mine.
Not hear back from the sales guy though. Will send him a reminder email tomorrow I think. It wont be long until I have to sign the finance papers and give the rest of my deposit, so really would like this sorted before that deadline!
I don't actually think there are any "offers" as such on the Skoda cars at the moment. Just a very good rate of finance and cpc :) I haven't been sold an offer anyway.

Barbette I'm really fed up with everything. I've been feeling very odd today. Really jittery and my head keeps swimming. I'm also really anxious and jumpy and getting muscle twitches and tremors. It feels like I'm heading towards a crash, it's been building up for about a week now. Desperately trying to fight it off but I'm no actually sure there is anything you can really do to stop it :(

The house does like nicer now. Well at least the living room and kitchen lol! It does feel good to have a tidy and a clear out I think. I can cope with clutter for so long and then I just can't cope any more and it has to go ;)

I'm back to where I was probably around September-ish time last year? I think it started zooming up after that? Or maybe a bit before, I don't really remember to be honest. I think I turned a blind-eye for a while and I was only getting on scales at hospital appointments. But like I said to Patty I need to lose about another 6kg to get to where I was the beginning of last year and before I went to Sweden. At least I know that I can actually get to that weight because I've done it before. Just need to keep going :)
I'm fairly happy with my diet at the moment and I seem to have got a handle on some of the cravings and have definitely toned down the eating out and eating silly things.
Special occasions not included ;)

It would be cool if you did get to go to the veggie place. When I get round to going back to Leeds we should do a mini-meet and hit up the veggie place :D
I'm guilty of assuming it was the Elegance because it had foglights, but thinking about it, those are available as optional extras on a 'lesser' model aren't they? Whatever it was, I still liked the look of it. The finance offer is the 'deal' I hope Skoda still have in place in x years time!

If a trip to Leeds is ever on the cards, let me know. It's just a short train journey for me or the Ripon/Leeds No 36 bus stop is only 2 minutes walk from my door! And I'm more than happy to meet at a veggie place.

Hope you enjoyed your curry and you feel better this morning. I'm with you on the clutter - I too can ignore for so long and then have to tidy up. I'd make life so much easier for myself if I decided what to do with 'stuff' immediately, but I like to have a think and perhaps a second look before deciding to ditch. And why is it that companies feel the need to inundate you with catalogues just because you bought something from them once, three years ago? (Apologies, got a bit ranty there).
Forgot about the others not having fog lights as standard. Good catch!! It could well have been an Elegance :) I'm obviously not as observant as you lol! Or the fog lights weren't as exciting a feature as some of the other bits on it ;)

Oooh another lady for a mini-meet. This is promising!!

I didn't feel too bad this morning but kept getting really lightheaded and blurry at work :( I did do the multiple choice exam re-sit and passed it.
My boss had sorted out some stuff for me to do with my course. She copied and also emailed me a copy of the last review I did as that's one of the things I have to do as a "practical". She also set me up with a tick list I have to do and get a witness signature on activities over a month and has got the head receptionist/Practice manager in on it. We did a couple of things together and I took a card payment from my boss so she could sign that off! My boss is off next week but has promised time is available to spend with my mentor, take exams, and also do some more of these tick things. She also filled in my learner review and gave it to me to do my bit - she'd put some really positive comments on it.
I'm actually pretty made up by this *blush*
I said to her before that I'd finished the written work now and she asked was that on section to. But no, it's all of it! She seemed really impressed :) *blush*

I picked Rachelle up after work as her Mr's got their car today. We got a few lunch bits and flowers for Mum. We had a little picnic lunch :)

This evening has been cancelled though :( Mum's really not well and John is really sick after having some vaccinations for work yesterday. Probably not a good idea to go for an all you can eat meal in a busy restaurant when half of us don't feel like eating or being sociable.
Not sure what we're doing for tea now, will see what Mum feels like later.
Can you tell I've been having a good look at the Citigo?!

A massive 'well done' on getting that multiple choice exam done and passed; it must be a relief. It's great
that your boss got so much sorted out for you today and whoo for the positive comments which I'm sure you richly deserve.

What a shame about your mum and Mr Rachelle, but you are so right to put off the trip until you are all well enough to appreciate and enjoy it. I hope they feel better tomorrow and you are a bit less blurry and light-headed.
To be honest when I read it had fog lights my reaction was "Don't all cars have to have fog lights?!" *blush* Can you tell I've only had one car and know absolutely bugger all about them?! ;) This last year has seriously made me want to look in to some sort of basic car maintenance/mechanics course tho!!
The Citigo is so damn cute, don't you think?

Forgot to say I was sort of complaining to my work friend that the Skoda-guy hadn't been in touch. Within about 10mins I had an email from him *X Files music* He apologised for the delay and explained that the business manager is actually off this week. He will email me the new figures as soon as possible.
I'm a bit scared that it will be super expensive. I know realistically that it shouldn't, but you can't help but worry can you?
I also asked did he have any advice about cancelling my breakdown cover. It seems you can't get out of a breakdown cover contract if you have called them out!! Even though I pay monthly and have continued paying since the call out it seems they will charge me a cancellation fee and also what's left on the premium :confused: But my new car comes with free cover and it seems ridiculous to have to pay for Green Flag and either cover the new car with that AND RAC or have to pay them off and not use it.

The exam I did today was the one I got half a question wrong on the other week. It's taken us this long to get me 10mins with the laptop! Very annoying. Glad that's done though. Another one down!
I'm really pleased with the way my boss has been with me recently. I mean it shouldn't have taken me working my ass off and making myself ill to get some recognition and nice treatment, but hopefully she's seen just how much I've been putting in to the course and trying to get it done. It's not even like I'm scraping by with passes either!!

In a way I'm kinda glad we're not going out this evening. I still don't feel very good and not sure any of us would have really enjoyed ourselves. It's a shame but we'll do it another time :)
Sorry you're all feeling under the weather :( You are right though you wouldn't have enjoy yourselves as much, better to go when you're all well. A nice quiet night in rsting sounds like what you need.
Well done on the exam pass :D And it's nice your boss has finally recognised all your hard work :)
I hope you manage to sort out the breakdown, that's ridiculous you can't just cancel it. It's not like you're keeping the car and going to another company.
Hope you have a chilled evening x x x
I found this on the Green Flag website which seems to verify Skoda-man's response, so make sure you let G F know you're not going to renew - perhaps as soon as you get the new car so that you don't forget.
Will I get a refund if I cancel my breakdown cover?

As long as you've not called us out during your period of breakdown cover, we'll give you a partial refund. We base the amount of your refund on a daily rate minus a cancellation fee of £10 (excluding IPT). For more information, please call one of our representatives on 0845 246 1557.
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Will my policy automatically renew each year?

You agree to accept that the policy will be automatically renewed each year on the payment details you provided upon purchasing, unless you ask us to cancel it for you.

The thing is Patty I pay for it monthly and I had to call them out twice within 12hrs when my battery died earlier this month. It seems that if you have actually used them for a breakdown you have to pay for the entire cover. That's what it looks like anyway. I've been on the Money Saving Expert forums and read some posts and it seems that a lot of people have been caught out by them!!
My cover runs until the end of September, so still have a fair few months left and I pay £8 per month.
I'll see what skoda-guy says if he replies to my email. I've not had a reply from him about the breakdown cover :)

It never crossed my mind that I couldn't cancel it, but then I didn't expect to be selling my car and getting a new one this year either. Seems ridiculous that you can't get out of it if you've called them out. I know I've used their service, twice in fact, but I've paid up until and passed that point. It's very odd!!
Once I get an actual date for the car and stuff I will contact them and see what the bloody hell is going on....

I guess I have had a quiet night really. Mum ended up in bed, John wasn't home yet, Rachelle went to read in her room so me and the dogs watched a couple of eps of Lilyhammer :)
John eventually got here so I put some Adventure Time on :D And he's just buggered off to bed so I'm going to watch the season finale of The Walking Dead. YES!!
Hey guys!
Sorry for being MIA. Been a rather bad weekend. I couldn't go out yesterday and Mum was really bad so we stayed in, had a pj day, ate way too much junk food, and had a huge Game of Thrones marathon!! I swear it gave me a stress headache and drove me to drink ;) Ok, one pint of beer, but still....

This weekend has been choc full of me being silly with food. I can't offer any excuses or reasons. I just felt rubbish and ate stupid things.

We did end up going out yesterday and went for a carvery and to the cinema.

Was in work today on an early - in for 8am! Wasn't too bad though if I'm honest. I met Mum at a local highstreet after work and we went to Costa and had a wander round to the shops. We decided to go for lunch as it's Mum's last day off work. We went to the cafe near the river and OMG it was disgusting!! I couldn't eat mine and ended up with a refund. Mum wasn't impressed with hers. And we've both ended up with a nasty case of exploding bottoms :eek: :cry:
We both got burgers, mine veggie obv. Mine was basically one of them cheap veggie burgers that are mixed veg in breadcrumbs? Deep fried!! Even the bun looked fried!! It was hard and greasy! The burger was solid round the edges and just greasy mush in the middle!! I ate about 1/4 of it. I did eat the chips as they weren't too bad, but they did give me a refund. It was vile tho!!!

Have had a very low syn tea and firmly back to eating well tomorrow.

Another early tomorrow. I am not good with earlies :p xx
The PJ days sounds just what you and your mum need, a well deserved rest and chill :D We all have naughty days with our food, mine's been dreadful this week will really have to be good next week.
That burger sounds awful, I hate it when they just give you cheap nasty crap for the veggie option because they don't know what else to offer. You never know the "exploding bottom" may help shift some weight lol.
I hope work has been ok and you're having a good night x x x
I honestly thought "Well none of those syns will have stuck" ;)

I have to be good again before the weekend lol. Potentially going for tea before the theatre on Saturday and it's my fake brother's birthday party/bbq on Sunday. MUST BE GOOD!!

I've been to that cafe so many times and it used to be lovely. Last couple of times I've been it's been rubbish. So disappointing! And really quite expensive now too!

Got a reply from Skoda guy and it's an extra £5 a month to add on the extra 2,000 miles a year - up to 7,000. I have been cheeky though and asked if there is anyway he could lower my repayments a little. It's gotten well over what I hoped/budgeted for now. I've just said I know it's a long shot and that we made an agreement but if there is anything he can do.
He's been really good so far. Sorted out the miles, recommended I don't get the tyres cover as it would be a waste of money for the mileage I do (he well could have sold me that!), answered questions, etc. I actually don't expect him to be able to lower the repayments, but if you don't ask. Anyway, it will be ok if it stays as it is. I'm really good at re-budgeting and learning to cope and it IS a financially good move for me and will no doubt save me money and stress in the long run.
But, we shall see what he says!
My fake brother's been talking to him today about part-ex'ing their Fabia :)
I'm glad you've got the mileage sorted, at least you won't have to worry. I hope they manage to sort something out to lower the monthly payments for you. I've just filled the questionnaire on behalf of Ian's sister for the Skoda in Leeds, I said they were brill and I wasn't lying.
Looks like we may have to have another Yeti if they can't repair ours, I think Ian is secretly praying for that as he likes the new shape Yeti better lol.
I'm sure if you good till weekend you can let your hair down on Saturday :) x x
Having a bit of an emotional rollercoaster of a day!

It was so hard getting up this morning! Work was ok and I got to speak to my mentor for a bit. She's got the day free to do mentor stuff so she had a look at all my work I'd sent and some of the things we need to do together. Not one of the 4 written pieces of work need corrections doing to them!! Hopefully this means at least a merit for them. She's going to make sure I get time with the laptop to do the 2 exams I need to do this week and she's looking at the practical stuff too.
She was really nice and complimentary and said my work has been great *blush*
So have just uploaded the 4 pieces of work she ok'd. I'm on a roll it seems!!

I've been texting my friend as she's having to go through an appeal for her benefits and the hearing is today. She has no one to go with her and I feel so awful that she has to do it alone. Really hoping she's ok and gets through it all right.

I also finally found the courage to make a phone call to the Lush spa to book my treatment!! My friend who works for Lush got me a spa voucher using her staff discount ;) But ssshhhh!!!
I'm having this one:
I decided to book it for one of the days off after I do my next weekend because i'm doing the weekend and then straight in to the bank holiday Monday too. So will work 31 hours over 3 days!! I've left a day in between finishing work, getting the treatment, and going back to work. So excited!! It sounds so indulgent and really lovely. Just not sure how my body will react. Funny as when I had my Lush treatment last year it kinda "brought out" my symptoms! But hopefully now they're out anyway I'll know how to deal with them.

So, the sad bit. I've decided that it's time to let Ralph go to bunny heaven :( The wormer didn't work and he's still losing weight and he's gotten quite week now. Likelihood is that he probably has a tumour somewhere. He's still eating and drinking, so he shouldn't be losing weight. Worming is always the first step in a rabbit with weightloss, but it hasn't worked and I do think he will not recover from this and that there is something more sinister going on. I had a chat with my vet friend Laura today and she's going to do it for me tomorrow morning :( It's for the best, I know it is, it's the kindest thing I can do for him. Doesn't make it any easier tho!
While it's sunny I've put him out in the garden run to enjoy the fresh air, the sun, and the nice new grass. He might as well have a nice last day :)

Right, had better do some revision I suppose. Can barely keep my eyes open!!x
I'm sorry about poor Ralph, I hope he enjoyed his last play out in the garden. Sending you and your bunnies hugs. X

Well done on your course work, you're a star pupil :D your mentor must be be proud of you.

I hope your friend wins her appeal, they're terrible and I know how stressful it is.

I have never tried anything from lush, may have to try something when I can have a bath again. Sounds a lovely way to recoup after a long weekend.

I love the picture, gorgeous bunnies.

Hope you're a good evening x x x
Hey Barbette!
You had better be resting, young lady?! Just how many pink elephants can you currently see? ;)

Thank you for the hugs for me and Ralph. I haven't had to make this decision for a good few years and it's always such a hard one to make. But I don't want him to suffer and I think if I leave him too much longer that's what will happen :( We have this amazing thing we can do for our animals and every animal (and person) should be allowed to die peacefully and with dignity :)

I actually do kinda hope that my boss and mentor are proud of me. Does that sound really daft? *blush* Their attitudes have certainly changed in the last couple of months. I hope they really do understand how much work and effort I've put in to this. I am pretty proud of myself though and my friends and family have all been great - you lot included :)

My friend didn't win her appeal :( She didn't score enough points! They scored her more than ATOS did, but still not enough. She hasn't a clue what to do now. She lives alone and she genuinely isn't fit to work so can't claim job seekers. She's going to try and see an advisor at the job centre and try to see someone at CAB and maybe MIND. It's awful what they've put her through. Wish she didn't live so far away!!!

I've been a Lushie for a very long time now. Have met all the owners/top management, been to special events and such. At one point I was exclusively using Lush for my cosmetics! How I afforded that I will never know ;) But yeah, Lush is an every day part of my life still. The thing is, we don't have a bath!! Which is just ridiculous lol. We can't have one because of Mum's illnesses. But I always have a stash of stuff to use in hotels or at friends houses ;)

I LOVE that picture of Anya and Ralph. Can't believe I managed to get it. Must have taken it just as she did that. Little cuties!!
I wanted Ralph to have a good last day so he's been in the garden, eaten lots of grass, got lots of food and his favourite veggies. It really does break my heart thinking about tomorrow :( Poor little man!

I meant to say before, I got an email back from Skoda-Guy. He can't do anything about my repayments. He said if he would he really would. But there is no money left to move round or play with. Ah well, was worth a try. I will just have to re-adjust :) At least I wont be leaking hundreds of pounds every month on repairs though eh?! I think less stress, a shiny new car, and piece of mind is worth that little bit extra a month.
He said he'll prob get me to go in and sign the finance stuff in about a week and the car is still on schedule for the end of the month.
I actually forgot about the car (how?!) and have booked my Lush spa on the 28th - which is 4 weeks to the day of ordering it. I'm sure one more day wont matter..... Lol

Food has miraculously been on plan today. Had all my Hex's and around 10 syns :) I did get weighed this morning and I've put on half a kg/1lb. Amazing considering what I ate over the weekend. So I'll hopefully sts this week and then I can focus on losing and being good for a few weeks as there are no birthdays or big excuses or anything coming up. My will power is not up to being tested, so could do with a few weeks away from such long amounts of temptation!!

Right, a bit more revision then I had better go to bed.
Have got to do some practical stuff and hopefully an exam tomorrow. Maybe it'll give me something to focus on and get me through work. We'll see.