Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Aww - I'm so sorry to hear about Ralph. At least you have the consolation of knowing you did the right thing and that you gave him a lovely last day. Anya's prospective new partner looks a fun guy - I love his markings.

You did have a good weekend, didn't you? But what a shame you had to pay for it by feeling so bad this morning. And ouch to the ear - I've done that (the buds are the only things that dry my ears when I take my hearing aids off. Well, that's my excuse!)

Good luck with your application for PiP. I'm surprised you have to access your work's computer systems for your P60; I thought it was a legal requirement to give you a physical one. Mine is actually sent to my home address, even though my payslips are delivered to work.

Your studies sound as though they are going really well. Not long until you finish now? At least you'll lose some stress in your life but I realise your job will never be stress-free, particularly not with the bar-stewards who sound off like they did. It makes you despair, because their children witness such behaviour and think that's the norm and so perpetuate the behaviour.

Good luck with getting back to SW 'properly'. It's something I need to do as I've found the combination of doing Fast days and being at target is leading to me eating too much on the non-fast days.

Hope you get a good night and feel more 'normal' tomorrow.
Off to bed as apparently being 'up' for 8hrs is enough for me today. I fear my brain is trying to escape via my eyes and ears. It isn't a pleasant feeling! Plus all my joints are sore
& my muscles screaming.
I did have something odd happen before. There was a thunder and lightening storm that kicked off my Raynaud's in my hands! So weird!! And worst super power ever ;)

Forgot to write up my food! Plenty of super free, 1.5 HexA's, 2 B's, and 2 syns :)

Will reply to you lovely ladies tomorrow. I'm in bed to read, sulk, and hopefully sleep! Really hope I can make it into work tomorrow!!!
Night all.xx
I dragged myself in to work today. Half a good idea and the right thing to do and half "urgh!!!" Spent most of the time leaning in a consult room "helping" my vet friend lol. We had no management in at all today and I was a spare person or "float" so decided to sneak some time with my course folder and photocopy stuff I needed for this section - like exams!! They don't copy and paste well, so photocopying is the way to go. Means I can easily revise them now :) Well, once I find the answers.....

I came home and had a nice lunch watching Neighbours. Went out to sort the bunnies and the plants in the garden have gone insane! It's like an obstacle course/tunnel to get to the garage doors. So out came the chopping down tools - the only gardening I really do ;) Obv today was the best day to do it when I feel so weak and have virtually no strength, but it needed doing. Plus I needed a clear path for when the girl comes to home-check me for the bunny!! Couldn't have her crawling along the path lol.
I de-poo'd the garden too. The grass is so long tho!! I put Anya out in the garden run while I was chopping stuff down and cleaning out the hutches and runs.
All clean and fed :)

Off out in a min to go see Godzilla. I really don't feel up to it, but I've already had bits of it ruined by people in the internet and I don't know when else I will get a chance this week. So will suck it up and try not to fall asleep ;)

Sent off my disability/pip forms today. And also got back on to IT and got them to sort out my work account. I can get in it now. YAY! And yes, my P60 was there waiting for me, so I assume we receive no paper what so ever from head office now. So renewed my tax credits online. Should get a bit of a bump up in money this year as I "lost" a lot of money being off sick last year. I know it's only for the year as it will drop again in the next tax year, but any help right now is a bonus!!

I read online yesterday that the new PIP claims can take up to 6 months just to get you an appointment for a face to face assessment/medical. That is ridiculous!! It had better not take that long :rolleyes:

Right, will be back later. Cheerio.xx
This is from the Benefits and Work website I've been using:

Will I have to have a medical for PIP?
If you claim PIP you are extremely likely to have to attend a face-to-face medical assessment, unless you have a terminal illness.

According to the DWP, at March 2014 around 98% of PIP claimants were being asked to attend a face-to-face assessment.
This is much higher than the 75% that the DWP had expected, mainly because neither Atos nor Capita are succeeding in getting enough medical evidence from claimants health professionals to be able to make decisions on paper evidence alone.

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?
The result of the very high proportion of claimants having to have a medical, and the length of time they are taking, is that a massive backlog has built up. In March 2014, Atos and Capita began warning claimants that they might have to wait up to 6 months before they got a medical appointment – let alone a decision.
Godzilla was amazing!!! It's a definite hit if you're a fan of Godzilla and know some of the stories and past films. It appears to be complete lost on newbies tho. The reviews seem split right down the middle between lovers and haters.
I LOVED it!!! There are some visually stunning scenes. Truly amazing :D Also *ROAR*

Food on plan today. Not tempted by anything at the cinema and didn't take anything with me.
I had veggie brunch for lunch - 1 of each Hex and 1 syn
Tea was veggie burgers, tinned spaghetti, cheesy Smash, and a veg bag - another HexA + 2 syns
And a Chewy Delight for a snack and my last HexB :)

So far this week: 25 syns saved :)
We've just got back from seeing that, I agree brill film :D The effects were amazing and the "roar" was awesome lol.
You've had a very busy day, well done on getting through it I hope it doesn't hit you tomorrow. Are you working tomorrow? Or can you have a bit of a rest?
I can believe the waiting times, Ian hasn't had his PIP assessment since it changed over, they haven't got round to him yet. He's really nervous and is convinced they'll judge against him :( The change over hasn't gone as smoothly as they thought and they are really backlogged.
You're food sounds good and quite familiar lol. I had a veggie brunch and a spicy bean burger for tea, good minds think a like :D
I hope you get some rest and sleep x x x
Truly the king of monsters?! One of the most stunning scenes for me was the parachute jump. Just WOW!!! I desperately want to see it again on the big screen. Potentially even 3D!

Hit me tomorrow? It's hit me now lol!! Aye I'm working tomorrow, but just 9-12. Got a couple of practicals planned with one of my favourite nurses so actually feel pretty positive about it :) Just not the getting up early ;)

I think I read it's going to take up till 2018 to change everyone from DLA to PIP!! Mum's on low rate DLA (whatever is £20 a week!) and she's not heard anything from them about the changeover either. It is scary stuff!! It seems like a lot of appeals are being won though. They're just doing a terrible, terrible job!!
It's shocking to think that they're not taking time to contact the health professionals people name on the forms. Isn't that the point?!! I've named my GP, my clinical pharmacology consultant, and the consultant who diagnosed my ME. I've also attached the diagnosis letter which outlines a lot of my symptoms and stuff.
How much time are they wasting ignoring evidence or not bothering to contact people's Dr's?! Eeejits!!

Oooh so close to matching food today lol! I still haven't looked for those spicy bean burgers! Were they Iceland?? xx
We saw it in 3D, I'm not sure I ever want to see another film again in 3D, a bit much for me.
They've always done a terrible job, I think they've just got worse :(
I hope your shift is a good one then and you get a chance to have a relaxing afternoon after you've signed for Sven. And whoopee :party0049:
Yes they were from Iceland, it was from the same packet, last one :( x x x
I knew PiP was bad, but didn't realise it was so bad. Why are the assessor a supposed to know more than the medics? Crazy that they take so long to contact the doctors etc.

Did your hand shake when signing the forms? Mine always does for anything major like that.

Hope you've been feeling a bit better today.
Oh guys! The universe does not let up!!

I was doing a bit better this morning. Got my radiography practicals done with my nurse friend at work and the shift wasn't too bad.
I came home, had a nice shower, did my lunch, and started revising. My Sister text me to say her back had gone! Didn't realise just what that meant until she got home. I literally had to half drag half carry her in to the house and on to her bed. She was shaking, crying, and absolutely screaming in pain!! I don't remember the last time I saw Rachelle cry, prob when our Dad died. Never mind screaming! And I mean screaming!
I called the Dr's and they did an emergency prescription for me. I ran and picked it up (£15?!!) We got Naproxen, Tramadol, and told she could take paracetamol too.
I called Mum and she left work early. We managed to get her in to the bathroom and sort of changed. The toilet was impossible, so the shower came in useful *blush*

She said we still had to go to Skoda and sort out the car. So we left her as comfortable as we could and luckily weren't very long...

They hadn't factored in the maintenance package to the finance. A mistake and it had been left out! The miles have been added and the finance payment I've made this month has been taken off. But adding the maintenance package has actually increased it by a further £4 more than the highest I'd been quoted. *sigh* I know it's not a big deal, it just keeps creeping up tho. He said he couldn't tell me not to take the maintenance cover as you never know what can happen. he did tell me not to take the tyres cover again though as it would be wasted money for the mileage I do. So I do trust what he's said. Just a bit annoying to gain some money back and then lose it again, you know?
He's on a boat headed to Grimsby at the moment. I *should* have him by the end of next week but they'll update me when stuff happens. Likely to be Saturday from the sound of it :)

Finally got home through rush hour traffic in the city centre :rolleyes: Rachelle was still in a lot of pain and had started to get pins and needles and numbness in her head, hands, and legs... John called an ambulance and a paramedic arrived pretty quickly. Me and John managed to get her downstairs and I sat on her bed with her while she was assessed.
He assessed her and calmed her down - said likely panic and hyperventilation causing the numbness - and slowed her breathing and tried to get her to relax. He called an ambulance and she went a few hours ago.
All's I've heard is that she was given some meds (don't know what) and then apomorphine, which hasn't worked :( Don't know what the plan is. I feel awful being stuck at home, but Mum went in the ambulance and John followed.
I'm so glad I was here when she got home. If I hadn't of swapped my shifts with Darrin I probably wouldn't have been!! Also good job I'm trained in emergency "medical" care really. i hope I helped anyway. I really hope I have :(

When they left I made her bed for her. Her and John have been in his for a good few days and her bed's been stripped down. Tried to feed the dogs, but Dave wont eat :(

Just :(

I have, by some ridiculous miracle, managed to stay on plan today.

Lunch was a tin of veggie ravioli with cheese, salad, yellow pepper, and wholemeal toast - HexA1, HexB1, + 2 syns.
For tea I made a massively veg packed Quorn pieces curry using a tin of chickpea dahl as a base. It's got red onion, garlic, red & green peppers, cauliflower, and spinach in. Really good!! Got two portions left to put in tubs too. Had it with rice, beansprouts stir fried with soy sauce, and some cottage cheese. No syns and no Hex's!
Will have a Chewy Delight or some Alpens later for my second B :)
Oh gosh - poor Rachelle. That sounds absolutely horrendous. I don't suppose she's been able to tell you how she did it. Really hope she recovers quickly. As you say, it's a good thing you were there to help. The paramedic who came sounds really good - they're pretty special people.

Bummer about the missing finance bit. It's not much of a consolation, but at least it was a small amount. The peace of mind you get from having the package must be worth the £4 though.

You did really well to keep on track with all that going on. Well done!
Rachelle had been to work - she's a merchandiser, so pretty heavy work. And then went to the gym. Leaving the gym she picked up her back pack and that's when it happened. Not doing anything daft or falling or lifting weights. Picking up her own bag!
I feel so awful for her. For her to react the way she has it honestly has to be bad. She doesn't complain about pain, she very rarely takes pain medication, she doesn't get upset, or stressed, or cry. I really is bad :(

As for the car, it's a good job the extra finance payment I've paid on my Peugeot brought down the finance before the maintenance was put on or I don't know if I'd have been able to afford it!! It wasn't pushed on me though. He said on paper I should be fine. I've bought the servicing package and my mileage will be lower than most, so it should technically be ok. But, and he said the same, you never know what could happen do you?!!
And knowing my luck if I didn't have the car covered something would happen!! I hope to never need the extra's I've bought, but I need to know they're there.
He asked how my car had been, which made me laugh because it's been fine. Very well behaved!! It must know it's time is up with me!! ;)

I kinda want some chocolate and think I should use some syns. But I fear if I start I might not stop. So will continue saving my syns and try and carry on with my good food week!x
So sorry you've had another rough day, there's no let up for you at the moment :( I really hope they find out what's going on with your sister's back and get it sorted, back ache is bl@@dy awful and can stop you doing everything. Fingers crossed they find some sort of pain relief that works. Backs are really tricky things (I know) you move in the smallest way and it can go, done it loads of times, I've moved slightly and then been crying in pain :(
I also hope Dave's ok.
You did amazingly well to stay on track today, well done. Would a hot chocolate help? It sometimes does the trick for me x x x
I know mate. I've had years of back trouble :( I was bedbound and couldn't do anything for myself about 8 years or so ago when my neck and shoulder pain really kicked off - my boyfriend at the time had to dress me and stuff *blush*
Back pain really is horrendous. And you're right, anything and everything effects it and makes it worse.
I can't believe the apomorphine didn't work. That should have sent her to happy land with the pink elephants!! She's had a sore back on and off, just a part of having a physical job really isn't it? But this is different, I have never seen her like this :(

You know I literally just thought "Oh I could use another half a HexA and have a hot chocolate"! Great minds ;)

And yeah, I sometimes feel like I live in a soap opera. A depressing one like Eastenders :p
If she stays in they should be able to give her something strong enough to ease it off surely??
And ha ha ha you must have had the same thought as me at the same time, hot chocolate is a life saver :)
That's why I don't watch soaps too much like my life lol. There again life would be boring if every day was the same x x x
The apomorphine should have knocked her out!! Not sure what the next step up human-wise is really. she's already had tramadol (in the morphine family) Naproxen, paracetamol, whatever they gave her when she got there, and now apomorphine. They really need some muscle relaxants!!!
Not sure if they'll keep her in or not. They're not very enthusiastic about that are they?! Might be for the best though so they could maybe emergency MRI/CT tomorrow or something. I've no idea how human medicine really flows any more. It's alright thinking what we would do in work - I mean by now she'd have been knocked out, x-rayed, scanned, pumped full of meds, etc... But human stuff, unless life and death, is sooooo slow!! As I am sure you and ian are awfully aware of :( Meh!!

The only soap I watch now is Neighbours. My guilty pleasure ;) xx
They're not overly keen on keeping you in but sometimes you have to put your foot down and demand it, I did at Christmas they tried sending me home and I told them no. As it turns out I was right not to let them. If I was her I'd insist they keep her there at least over night to see what they can do to manage the pain. They should at least x-ray her tomorrow to see if there's anything causing the problem.
We watch none, Ian couldn't believe his luck to find a woman who didn't watch them lol x x x
I'm not with her. Have only got occasional texts from my Mum. To be honest if her screaming, crying, and inventive swearing doesn't sway them I don't know what will.
I've offered to go up to the hospital as John's got to leave. But he's given them money for a taxi and my car is way too low for Rachelle to get in to right now. Feel a bit useless :(
I'm sure Mum wont let them fob her off. She'd fight for us :)

When I was with my ex i watched most of the soaps so I had something to talk to his Mum about. That stopped as soon as the relationship did ;) I've always had a love of Neighbours, but I don't really know why. My Mum doesn't watch soaps, neither does Rachelle, and my Dad never did. We used to occasionally watch Hollyoaks because it's filmed round here and Rachelle had accidentally been on it a few times LOL.
But yeah, it is quite odd that I watch Neighbours. don't even think it was one that Martin's Mum watched. But yeah, I don't watch reality tv or any other soaps, so I think I can allow this one ;)

I've got a hot chocolate, 2 alpen's, and an Activia. Think I'm done now lol.

That means 1.5 HexA's, 2 HexB's, and 4 syns used today.
Leaving me a whopping 36 syns saved so far this week :)