Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

I am, I promise ;)

Not the best of days today. My phone finally packed up and has completely rejected my sim card :( Used my sisters phone to call Orange and they're gonna send me a new sim card. Could take up to 4 days :cry:
Got to work and everyone kept asking me "Is everything alright?" and I hadn't a clue what was going on! But it turns out that I was 2 hours late for my shift because it had been changed while I was off and because my phone has been messing about I didn't get any voicemails :rolleyes: Everyone was ok about it. I mean, what was I supposed to do?!

And now I've just checked my emails and Brandalley have refunded half my fecking order! I can't win with these online sales sites. Secret Sales ended up refunding half my order last month too :cry:

Anyway.... food.

Lunch: 3 Quorn sausages, half a tin of beans, a 'fried' egg, wholemeal toast (HexB1), a waffle (2.5), and tomato sauce (1)

Break at work: Activia fat free and a Fibre Plus (HexB2)

Tea: 2 beef style red onion Quorn burgers, mini jackets, half tin of refried beans, salad, onion, peppers, and sweetcorn. Low fat cottage cheese and low fat cheese (HexA2) Dressing (0.5)

Snack: ETA...The Human Centipede has actually turned my stomach (unheard of for me with horror!!) so there'll be no snack tonight LOL!

Drinks: Coffee (milk half HexA1) Diet Coke. Sprite zero. Squash.

Syns used: 4
Syns left: 20

Exercise: Work and walking.
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Thursday food.

Breakfast: Weetabix (HexB1), raisins (2), honey (1), banana, and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Break: Yogurt and some fruit. Fruit tub has melon, grapes, strawberry, pomegranate, and blueberries in.

Lunch: Quorn ham, low fat cheese (half HexA2), cherry tomatoes, wholemeal bread (HexB2), and a teeny bit of mustard and extra light mayo (0.5)
Salad, peppers, cucumber, carrot, beetroot, and dressing (0.5)
Mug Shot and Scooby Snacks (4)

Evening break: Rest of fruit tub.

Tea: Low fat Supernoodles, 2 Tesco 'chicken' fillets, microwave veg bag, low fat cheese (rest of HexA2), low fat cottage cheese.

Snack: Eat Smart toffee yogurt. Cadbury's Magic Elves (3.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Irn Bru. Options (2)

Syns used: 13.5
Syns left: 21.5

Exercise: Work and walking.
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Friday food.

Breakfast: Weetabix (HexB1), raisins (2), honey (1), banana, and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Break: Yogurt and some fruit. Fruit tub has grapes, strawberry, pomegranate, and blueberries in.

Lunch: Quorn ham, low fat cheese (half HexA2), cherry tomatoes, gherkins, wholemeal bread (HexB2), and a teeny bit of mustard and extra light mayo (0.5)
Salad, peppers, cucumber, carrot, beetroot, and dressing (0.5)
Mug Shot and Scooby Snacks (4)

Evening break: Rest of fruit tub. 2 Starburst (0.5)

Tea: 2 Quorn sausages, half tin of beans, waffle (2.5), wholemeal toast (HexB2), and a two egg omelette with red onion, tomato, and low fat cheese (rest of HexA2)
Tomato sauce (1)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 15
Syns left: 21.5

Exercise: Work and walking.
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Saturday food.

Breakfast + first break: 2 Alpen's (HexB1), banana, half fruit tub (grapes, strawberries, pomegranate, and blueberries), and a Shape Zero.

Lunch: Tesco Light choices pasta ready meal (1.5) and low fat cheese (half HexA1)
Salad, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, carrot, and feta (HexA2)
Rest of fruit tub.

Afternoon break: Small bag of Cadbury's Animal biscuits (5.5)

Tea: Mushy pea curry with brown rice :D NOM! Been looking forward to this all week ;)

Snack: Fibre Plus (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee (milk rest of HexA1) Diet Irn Bru.

Syns used:
Syns left:

Your food diaries are looking yummy lately! I really need to get back on track, if you have any spare motivation send some my way :) I'm back on my old diary by the way, failed spectacularly at going back to veganism. Grrrrr! xx
Hey guys!
This weekend was probably the 'easiest' I've done so far. Pretty steady with occasional bouts of insanity .... rather than constant insanity :p

Can't be arsed typing out the rest of my diaries for last week, but I ended the week with a chocolate 'buffet' and still had 1 syn left for the week ;)

Will check out your diary Oddsock dude.xx
Week 9

Lunch: Veggie ravioli (2), wholemeal toast (HexB1), Quorn beef slices, low fat cheese (HexA1), salad, peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and dressing (0.5)

Tea: 2 Quorn steaks topped with home made veggie chilli (no veggie mince in this one), with savoury rice, and low fat cheese (half HexA2)
Salad and dressing (0.5)

Snack: Funsize bag of Maltesers (5) Fibre Plus (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee (milk half HexA2) Squash. Options (2)

Syns used: 10
Syns left: 5

Exercise: Absolutely bugger all ;)
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Decided to have pancakes this year coz I didn't last and felt very left out :p

Lunch: 2 Quorn sausages, scrambled eggs, half tin of beans, waffle (2.5), tomato sauce (1), and wholemeal toast (HexB1)

Snack: Handful of grapes.

Tea: Quorn mince, red onion, peppers, courgette, aubergine, broccoli, chopped tomatoes, and feta (HexA1)
Low fat cheese (half HexA2)
Salad and dressing (0.5)

Snack: 2 pancakes (12 going by cals on the pack). One with chopped strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and honey (1). And one with about 2syns worth of Nutella :D
Fibre Plus (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee (milk rest of HexA2) Diet Lemonade. Squash. Diet Irn Bru.

Syns used: 19
Syns left: 1

Exercise: Well over an hour cleaning out the garage animals and having a general tidy in there.
Probably an hour and a half walking to and around the shops.
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Oh and I stayed the same again :rolleyes: To be fair I didn't get weighed last week after my weekend away so I may have gained then and lost it. But still....getting a bit fed up at being stuck where I am.
I know it's my own fault but I'm still gonna complain :p
Had a good SW day yesterday. Lots of free food and ended the day with chocolate and 5 syns left over.

Today...Well. Ended up having lunch with Mum in our fave place but I really, honestly did pick the healthiest option of a veggie filled omelette. Unfortunately it came with 1 and a half slices of thick white toast and I just couldn't resist it :eek: But I tried my best!
Making mushy pea curry tonight so that's nice and free, but have got one or two mini indian snacks to go with it.

Have done a fair bit of walking over the last few days. Hours and hours round Crufts, walked Ellie yesterday, been out wandering round shops today and walked both dogs too :)

I am trying. I really am :rolleyes:
Todays meals were spot on SW, but I ruined it with a bit less than a quarter tub of Phish Food frozen yogurt and a Double Decker. BUT!! I was 'getting rid of them' coz I'm determined to have a 100% week next week.

Had a nice day today and got a lot of jobs done. Sorted out the pigs & bunnies, de-poo'd the garden, cleaned out the chins and tidied/hoovered their room, and walked both dogs for 30mins each :)

Not only will it be a 100% week next week I will do lots of doggy walking and try and get back in to Wii Fit-ting again. Even if I only do one or two sessions a week it'll be good! Tomorrow I have a lot of walking planned. I'm taking Dave the vets for his VIP so will walk him back and go the long way thru the park and then 2 woods-walking boots I think! And then I'll have to walk Ellie at some point in the afternoon/evening coz she'll get jealous and annoying otherwise.
Trying to keep Ellie's walks to 20-30mins now that she has arthritis, don't want to push her too far and cause her pain :(

Right, gonna shut up now. If anyone would like to support/kick me up the bum this week then please do ;)

Oh and the flatcoated won Best in Show and the petit basset got reserve at Crufts. Woohoooo!!! :D
Week 10!

Come on Kelly, stop being silly and get back to SW properly!!

Good start to the week though as I've done a loooong walk already and still have one dog left to go.

Lunch: 1 Weetabix and 1 Chocolate Weetabix (HexB1 + 1), banana, raisins (2), bit of Splenda, and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)
Small bowl of blackberries, blueberries, red grapes, and a chopped strawberry. Shape Zero.

Tea: SW chips, 2 veggie burgers (1), 'fried' red onion, bbq beans, Quorn bacon, low fat cheese (HexA2), and gherkins.
Tomato sauce (1)

Snacks: 2 Alpen Lights (HexB2) and an Eat Smart toffee yogurt.

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Irn Bru. Squash. Options (2)

Syns used: 7
Syns left: 8

15mins walking with Dave to the bus stop and vets.
1hr20min walk home with Dave over the quarry path, through a park, around 2 woods, and the meadow :D
30min slow walk with Ellie and Mum
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Hi hun, don't worry about drifting for a while, at least you are not gaining weight so you are doing a fab job at leading a balanced life and having the occasional treat without losing the plot. Lots of people find that really hard to do, even when they reach target, so i think maintaining is a victory in itself.

You sound determined now though, so I am sure you can have a 100% week next week..... once the double deckers are gone ;)
Just realised I haven't put on here a huge decision I've made over the last week!! Only replying on Ellebear's thread reminded me :rolleyes:
I've decided to put my OU degree on hold for a year or two. I was really struggling anyway and I'm just not enjoying it. I'm doing my degree mainly for fun, not really for my career or anything, and it's gotten to the point were it's stressing me out and I'm just not enjoying it at all. It went past being challenging, hard work to stressful and just a burden to be honest :eek:
I've felt really really lousy about this, but I really do think it's the right decision.
My job and the training that will start soon are far more important than the degree. And I seriously can't risk my depression and anxiety getting the better of me because of it!!
I can always go back to OU any time. And I have my level one certificate and will keep all the points I have earned so far :)

So yeah, no OU for me for a while. My free time is my own :)
Had a lovely, mostly lazy day today :D Had a lovely lunch and watched Adventureland for the first time. Then went out for a run/walk with my sister and Dave. I ran for longer than I ever have before and it's really boosted me to get back out there, even if it is just once or twice a week! Walked Ellie dog straight after. Made a lovely tea. And gonna watch a fillum in a bit :)

Lunch: Pasta & Sauce with peppers, red onion, sweetcorn, feta (HexB1), low fat cheese (HexA1), ripped up Quorn ham, salad, and dressing (0.5)

Tea: Morrison's edamame stir fry with added baby sweetcorn and mangetout. Buckwheat soba noodles. And 4 Quorn Southern Fried strips (6)

Snack: 2 chocolate Weetabix (HexB2 + 2), raisins (2), banana, and skimmed milk (all milk HexA2)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

Syns used: 10.5
Syns left: 12.5

Exercise: 50min run/walk with Dave.
30min walk with Ellie. :chores016:
Thought it was about time I got the Wii Fit out again. Feeling super motivated for SW and exercise this week :D


Lunch: 2 Quorn sausages, scrambled egg, 1 Quorn rasher, waffle (2.5), half tin of beans, and wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Tea: Yasai Cha Han at Wagamama. Will say the oil was my HexB2 and 5 syns for the tofu and little bowl of miso soup.
Shared a bowl of Edamame with Mum. Omg they are nommy :D

At the cinema: Funsize bag of Maltesers (5)

Drinks: Coffee (milk half HexA1) Squash. Coke Zero. Green tea.

Syns used: 13.5
Syns left: 14

Exercise: Maybe an hour and a half/2hrs walking to and from bus stops and around town.
30mins in my Wii Fat piggy :D Did Step Plus, Rhythm boxing, Super Hoola Hoop, 5 yoga poses, and the flying chicken one :p
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