Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Hope the bunny is doing ok? I got my gang out in the run for an hour each yesterday. It's hard coz when the weather's good i don't want to lock the dogs in. But the bunnies need to go out too!

That's such a shame about your bunny's teeth. Such bad luck to get a bun with crap teeth. I'm worried about one of my girlies - think she'll need a teeth check at work soon. Eeek!

Do you find it hard not being a touchy feely person?! I can be, but it's very rare! I'm very cuddly and stuff with my animals, esp the dogs, but not with humans. Before I got a hug from Mum when she got back from Wales, I don't remember the last time I hugged anyone :confused: The confidence thing makes sense, I have very little self confidence. Which is difficult because I apparently come across as very sure of myself and really confident. I'm obv really good at acting LOL!

I think things will come naturally, if they're going to. But you know what I mean about making an effort or being brave?! Eeek! It's really hard :eek: xx

Aw I feel so sorry for my lil simba bunny!! Every time he got an abscess I took him to the vets - they sliced it open and I spent the next 3 weeks cleaning it out !! No wonder he hates me - iv took him atleast 7 times for a diff abscess !! The antibiotics they gave me never worked so I stopped goin the vets and wen he gets them now , it's possible for me to squeeze it open and clean with salt water which always clears the abscess away ...... After his last he didn't get one for atleast 6 months !! On previous occasions The antibiotics ran out before it even stopped bulging and that was £30 a pop! So it's a DIY job and its working too!

Yeah I do find it hard, I think it's down to my childhood - my dad was very abusive to us and my mum - he use to force us to hug & kiss him ... I was terrified of him, So I think that's why - my mum would always hug and kiss us thought but deep down I no that's why .... I just can't do it , my husband thinks I'm strange but he just doesn't understand and if I was him, I wouldn't either .... I dislike being touched too, I don't no what it is !? But your not alone ...... And defo must be down to confidence - which i lack a lot off too and come across confident ....... Crazy isn't it? Putting on a front .... It's easier to do than be shy tho isn't it?
It'll defo come in time - with the man you want it to be with! Iv let myself go a lot more with my husband - he's the only man iv let touch me ..
(Sorry if all that was me droaning on zzzzzz)

Hey guys!
Oh it's exhausting being so nervous lol! I did have a really nice time tho :)

The dogs weren't too good yesterday. Ellie only vomited the once, but Dave must have done it about 4 times :( And he'd not eaten, so was just water and grass. Poor little boy :( I made him pasta and turkey ham for his tea and he wolfed it down. They've both been much better today, thankfully :)

It was really nice having John over. We had an hour of chatting before we had to go to the cinema and I decided to drive seen as he'd driven over from Chester. Hope my driving was ok! I'm overly critical of myself so was really worried.
He enjoyed Despicable Me 2 and I think I cried even more with laughter this time. It's SUCH a good film! I was so in to it I forgot about my vegan sweets!! And that was the 3rd time I'd seen it lol.
He came out to see the bunnies while I fed and cleaned them. He likes animals but has never had a pet!!
We had tea and watched an ep of Archer, then Scott Pilgrim, then Dr Horrible :D We didn'y have cake last night, but I did have 3 beers. I was just glad I managed to eat my tea. I really toned down the portions coz I knew I'd struggle to eat in front of him. But I managed to finish it. Couldn't cope with the cake as well tho :eek:

Today he was an absolute star and built my chest of drawers and bedside cabinet! I just sat on my bed reading and drinking coffee. He was SO good and wouldn't let me help lol.
Later on we drove up to the woods - was too hot to walk Dave up in the sun. It was lovely and shaded and cool in there. I LOVE forests :D We met some nice dogs too. Even met a Belgian Shepherd called Jack. They're beautiful dogs!
We walked Ellie round the local park and were lucky enough to not bump in to any dogs *phew*

Then we had cake :D And then he had to go home. Dave's been moping lol! He's really gotten attached to him. And Ellie's settled with him so quickly, I was so surprised. he's been really good with them, esp for someone who's never had a dog.

I treated myself to My Neighbour Totoro on Blu-ray, so just finishing off watching that and then I might have an early-ish night. I didn't sleep very well - unsurprisingly. Was so anxious and it was so bloody hot. I did get some sleep, but I woke up a lot. Will hopefully have a better night tonight, it seems a little cooler :)

Back on plan tomorrow, so will see y'all then.
Night everyone and thanks for all the messages.xx

Glad you had a good time with your date. How did you like my Neighbour Totoro? I loved it - especially the cat train!!!!

Sorry not been posting for ages as I am not attending class at the moment. Did weigh myself at mum's and it is all back on so will have to kick myself up the ar@e now.
ARGH!! I'm so tired!!!

I had my appointment today with the 'general medicine' Dr. he was lovely actually, and really quite pretty ;) Today was just a catch up really and to tell me what they've found on the blood tests.
Basically my hormones are all out of whack! And my mystery illness seems to be even more of a mystery than first thought!e
But my TSH is now 10.0. F*cking 10!!! So it's gone from 4.7, to 6.0, to 10.0.....
My cortisol is also very very high.
And my prolactin is also very high, over 1000 now.
I got my MRI appointment through today and he explained that it's a brain and pituitary gland one. So they're looking for changes/enlargements/tumours of mainly the pituitary. Yay....
All the other tests are still good to go. he doesn't seem to think the abdomen ultrasound is necessary, but I haven't even had that appointment through yet.
He's ordered another blood test - just one this time!! And it's a Thyroid Antibodies one.
I asked about my TSH and pointed out that every time I'd gotten worse my TSH had gone up, even though everyone keeps saying it's normal. So he's also referring me to endocrinology. I guess either way, whatever it ends up being, it is likely to be pituitary, adrenal, or thyroid. So Endo is where I should be. But he's not discharging me from 'general medicine' either and I will be going back to see him in 4 weeks if nothing is found on any of the upcoming tests.

Sooooo.... I still reckon it's my thyroid :p But he did say that all the symptoms as well as the crazy-ass bloods are very interesting and also really unusual! Yay for me....
But he wants to keep going with my case and, as he put it, he wants someone more 'clever' looking at me too.
I just hope the referral comes through quickly. Coz it's looking like more time off work rather than less! :(

Urgh, anyway, I think I've covered all the me stuff.

On the way out we bumped in to my ex's/fake brother's Mum. she was going in for biopsy results as they thought she had cancer!!! She was by herself so me and Mum instantly invited ourselves along. You can't go through that alone!!! Mum even went in to see the Dr with her :) And she's all good! She has a benign tumour of the thyroid that they're just going to keep an eye on. But NOT cancer :D

Anyway, I will be back on here soon. I miss you guys! And I will reply to your posts too. I'm just so tired! Have had a physically and mentally tiring week this week. Just exhausted *yawn*

See you soon.xx

ps. Have put on just over 1kg so need to stop p*ssing about with naughty food ;)
Things seem to moving at last, at least they've narrowed it down a bit. It's good they're referring you to the appropriate doctors now, hopefully the next round of test will produce a definitive answer. Try and take it easy, I know easier said than done.
Good news about your ex's/fake brother's Mum, it was really nice of you and your mum to support her like that must have been scary for her.
And 1 kg is not bad, once you're sort you'll drop that x x
Thank you Tace! I am glad things are moving. The Dr at 'general medicine' is keeping me, but also referring me out lol. Damn he was so pretty! ;)

Have done a teeny bit of research in to Cortisol - I only know about it linked with Cushing's, coz that's what Ellie has. And I don't have human symptoms of Cushing's, but I do have every single one of the symptoms for increased/too high Cortisol. It's probably symptomatic to whatever's going on, rather than the issue itself, but it does explain an awful lot of my symptoms. Which handily go along side hypothyroidism.
Also, which I would never have considered, if you're suffering from high cortisol you put weight ON, especially around your middle!! Hmmm.... It's odd coz, like I said, I only know how Cortisol works in Cushing's Disease. And that causes weight loss and increased appetite. Odd eh?! And also interesting if you're like me and want to know EVERYTHING ;)

Anyway, it's put my mind at ease a little and it has explained some of the things I've been feeling and stuff that's gotten worse recently too. So I feel a bit better in some respects, but only because I know "why", there's still bugger all I can do about it :(

Right, well I'm supposed to be seeing the new boy tomorrow, I have a MASSIVE headache, I look like a Walking Dead extra, and my vertigo and weakness has been truly epic. So yeah, that date should go well :rolleyes: I have sucky timing don't I?! ;)

Had better go to bed and try and chill out and read for a bit. Sleeping tablet is a definite tonight! God damnit I'm tired :faint2:
Hey all!
I feel awful, absolutely awful!

But I did manage to have a good day yesterday. John came to pick me up at about 2 and he had a whole, easy date planned. He took me to Walton Hall Park in Daresbury, he thought I wouldn't have been before but it's somewhere we used to go a lot with my Dad, but I haven't been for about 10 yrs. So not as much of a surprise as he'd planned, but it was really nice! We Probably walked round the main parts twice, but with about an hour sitting on a bench in between. The big reason for going was the petting zoo, but it was closed JUST for that day lol! Then we went the cafe and that was closed and then the crazy golf had closed when we went back there. You gotta laugh haven't you?!
So we headed back to Liverpool, picked up a Costa, and parked up at Otterspool and watched an episode of The Wire in the car. Might sound odd, but I'd been talking about Idris Elba and he thought I might like to see it :D It was really good actually, might get a bit addicted to that!
We came back to mine for a bit. We'd bumped in to Mum on the way out and she said hello and stuff. And she got back from seeing her friend and just sat with us for about half an hour before she went to bed. Then we watched the zoo programme being shown on ITV at the moment - about Wipsnade and London zoo. It's surprisingly honest and quite heavily veterinary, so I was well in to that.
We laughed that it was way too hot for a cuddle, so I just leaned my head against his shoulder for a bit and almost fell asleep. Think he went home just before midnight.
I feel bad that I didn't ask him to stay, esp as he'd gone to so much trouble. But my headache was REALLY bad yesterday and the pressure was unbelievable! It ended up in the front of my head, my eyes, nose, and neck. Was probably the worst it's been so far. You know, in the 6 months I've had it!!! F*cking headache permanently since Feb!!!! Grrr....

Anyway, I was absolutely exhausted yesterday but really painful and jittery. These arms and hand muscle tremors are getting a bit annoying now! Sick of hitting myself in the teeth with cups!!

Today I was supposed to see my friends, but they cancelled on me at the last minute :(

So I drove Mum to my Nan's. Got home and cleaned and fed the bunnies and put Ramona & Ralph in the garden run for a bit while I sat out reading. Also de-poo'd the garden coz I'd not done it for a few days :eek: Coz, of course, no one else knows how to use a poo bag.....

I was going to have a Tom Hardy evening, but I'm going to see Worlds End tomorrow so might watch Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz in preparation instead.

Had a good day on plan yesterday and used most of my Hex's and 12 syns.
Today is on plan too and I've only used half a HexA, a HexB, and 2 syns so far. Think I might have mac and cheese and a Quorn steak with salad for tea :D

Hope everyone's doing ok and haven't melted to death!xx
It sounds like you had a good day with your beau despite everywhere being closed. Spent many, many happy hours at Walton Hall with the kids, they all loved the petting zoo. If you look in the pond/lake it's full of turtles or it used to be. You could watch them sunbathing on nice days :)
Sorry you're feeling so bad :( this weather can't be helping. And well done for staying on plan x x
The weather's killing me! Making my head worse, lowering my blood pressure even more, making my vertigo worse. I'm full of joy at the moment lol!

We didn't see any terrapins yesterday, but I have seen them before. It's such a lovely place isn't it?! :D Was made up that we went there.
Was still to nervous to even try holding his hand or anything - lame! But he did kiss me before he left. I feel rubbish not being able to make a move and stuff. Hopefully I'll get there. Stupid brain! Although it didn't help yesterday that I really did feel like I looked like a zombie and I thought my head may actually explode! :rolleyes:
I wouldn't worry too much about getting close, it will come in time. Don't push yourself because you'll feel more uncomfortable and will be more awkward.
Love it there, one the places I miss now I don't live in Warrington. xx
Ooo this Walton hall sounds good - me and the hubby are always looking for nice places to visit!

Deffo don't worry about the closeness - it'll come in time - and your feelings will gradually change and it will all fit into place :) xxx
Thanks guys! I think it's just that I remember how quickly me and the big ex got close. We were friends for a couple of months first but our relationship moved VERY quickly! He was pretty much living with us after a few months :rolleyes:
And I've not had a serious relationship since, so it's really difficult to judge what I should be doing. And I should probably just be letting things happen, as you guys have said.

Yeah look up Walton Hall Park/Gardens. It is really nice :) and they have the friendliest squirrels ever! x
Thanks guys! I think it's just that I remember how quickly me and the big ex got close. We were friends for a couple of months first but our relationship moved VERY quickly! He was pretty much living with us after a few months :rolleyes:
And I've not had a serious relationship since, so it's really difficult to judge what I should be doing. And I should probably just be letting things happen, as you guys have said.

Yeah look up Walton Hall Park/Gardens. It is really nice :) and they have the friendliest squirrels ever! x

Oh wow thanks for the tip!

This chap sounds like he likes to move slow so if its best for you both then I wouldn't even worry .. Good things come to those who wait ;) xxx
Haha RubyRoo's posts sponsored by Guinness ;)
I can't remember if I've said, but it's been 8yrs since I was with my big ex. So it has been quite a long time :eek:

Food today ended up being all Hex's on Green + 13 syns. Not so bad :D

Planning to meet my friend at Costa tomorrow and wait for Mum to catch up with us, then we're off to see The Worlds End, maybe get a cheap tea somewhere, then to see a National Theatres Live performance of Macbeth at the cinema too. Have watched Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz in preparation for The Worlds End. Gotta watch all of the ice cream trilogy together haven't you?! I might also see if Cineworld have Cornetto's tomorrow. You couldn't see the last of them without a Cornetto!!!
Not sure where we'd end up for tea, if we do go. Options near the cinema are McDonald's (not a big fan but I will eat there occasionally), Frankie and Benny's (doesn't look awesome for veggies), Subway, Tesco, or a chippy lol. Super healthy :p Will eat low syn for lunch though. Every little helps ;)

Hope everyone has nice weekends.xx
Have had a busy, busy day!
I met my friend to pick up some stuff for the bunnies and to have a Costa and a catch-up. And we waited for Mum to meet us.
Then we saw The Worlds End - with a Cornetto, obviously!
Then we had a quick, cheap tea at McDonald's. I'm really not a fan of McDonald's and the veggie burger is crap, but we didn't have much time and I was bloody starving!
Then we met everyone else to see the National Theatres Live Macbeth performance. Kenneth Branagh was fantastic!! I got some pic and mix but was way too involved in the show to eat it lol, brought it back with me. Will eat it tonight though coz I really do want to be good on as many days as I can from now on. Need to get back in to good habits!!!

I'm absolutely exhausted and I had a horrible vertigo and hammering heart episode for the last hour of Macbeth :( But today was worth it!

Going to watch an ep of Breaking Bad I think and then head to bed. Don't plan on doing much tomorrow.xx
Haha if I'm not going anywhere then it's always a pj day ;)

I really should go to bed. Have watched a Breaking Bad, did some Bzz Agent stuff, and been wistfully looking at holiday pics on my FB. The chances of me and Mum going somewhere this year are getting slimmer and slimmer (whilst I'm not :p) Maybe if I get a diagnosis soon and get some treatment that works that will change. Oh and get the car booked in at the GOOD garage for a service and some stuffs - see how much that costs me.
Savings are down too because of not working and especially not doing weekends or extras. My basic pay SUCKS! And it's due to get cut soon coz I've been off so long and it looks like I'll be off for at least another month :cry:

This year has mostly sucked for all of us hasn't it?! Mystery illness even managed to ruin parts of my holiday of a lifetime!!! But, you know, just means we'll have to go again....

Right, I'm going to let the dogs out for a wee and then definitely head to bed.
Night all.xx
Urgh guys I think I really have gotten a little bit worse again. Didn't get up till after 2pm, but I didn't go to bed till 3am! I think I only woke up once, so probably had at least 9hrs sleep. I feel exhausted! If I hadn't of been hungry I may have just stayed in bed.
My head feels really heavy today and the pressure is building and building.
Have spent most of the afternoon watching the golf - British Open. But I have cleaned and fed the bunnies and also got Peggy and Simon out in the garden run for a couple of hours. I de-poo'd the garden too - really trying to keep on top of it!
Managed to prickle my had on some nettles coz Simon picked that corner of the run to hide in. Little git! I often have to get someone to come out and scare him towards me. Sometimes I send Dave :eek: They're in a run so he can't get them btw! And he gets on with them anyway.

I got my washing done and put out on the upstairs maiden too. It's a bit cooler here today but can't imagine it'll take long to dry.

Having a relaxed day but think I'll probably be within syns, unless I do something silly! But don't think there's anything 'silly' left to eat LOL!x