Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Wednesday: 500cal fast day.

Porridge sachet (101)
120ml Koko milk (32)
1tsp maple syrup (10)
= 143

Carton of New Covent Garden Carrot and butternut squash soup (168) That was a LOT of soup!!
2 cheesy Cracker Bread (38)
1 Laughing Cow extra light (20)
= 226

30g Coco Pops (116)
50ml Koko milk (14)
= 130

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke (1) Water.

Calories used: 500!!

Exercise: 4hrs at work.
A few very short dog walks because the fence is broken again!
Cleaning the bunnies.
Starting to feel a bit nervous about the hospital appointment. Which I know is silly as the likelihood is that bugger all will actually happen. But I've spent over a year building up to this!
Also my face is still killing me. I feel like my left eye and ear are going to explode and that my teeth are trying to escape! The skin on my face, head, and ear is really tender too *sigh*

Ah well, had better try and get some sleep. Back in work at 9, even though I didn't finish till 8 this evening!xx
Hey cheekychinchilla.. I am so so sorry to read about your horrible time with your 'mystery illness' I too have had a very simular experience to a lot of symptoms you have described.

Its really horrible to feel things and not have people sympathise and/or believe you. I think you sound like you are an Incredible person ,going through all of this and helping your mum and still despite your pain and irritation of the unknown you still strive to keep going to work and enjoy yourself xxxx

I hope you find some good news tomorrow...

Btw the spoon theory is good isnt it, I have used it many times to explain my illness to new friends xxxxxxx
Love vanity doll x

♥ Curse Of The Curves ♥
Wife to 'BamBam' 30/01/2010
Mummy to Baylie Emma 18/05/2012
♥ Goal : Loose TWO stone ♥
That's bummer about your first aid case not being a first aid case; fingers crossed that you are able to recycle it for a different study.

Food for yesterday looks lovely - difficult to believe it was a fast day.

Hope work is not too bad and that the hospital appointment goes well.
Im intrigued...

♥ Curse Of The Curves ♥
Wife to 'BamBam' 30/01/2010
Mummy to Baylie Emma 18/05/2012
♥ Goal : Loose TWO stone ♥
Well guys I DO have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They said they don't call it ME anymore - wonder how the ME charities feel about that?!

The consultant was nice, but again, nothing he could do other than offer me a diagnosis and refer me on. He said he has absolutely no doubt that I have it and he would have diagnosed me by my symptoms alone, without all the hellish and torturous tests!! *****!! Good to know....
He's sending me to the CFS clinic/therapy thing, but I'm honestly rather skeptical. One of the things they do is CBT, which I've had before and found it of no use whatsoever. And the other things is graded exercise/activity, which sounds good, but what I've heard of it sounds a bit "erm?!" Seems to make a lot of people more ill....
Honestly though, I find it difficult to imagine anything they could do for me other than what I've already done for myself. I couldn't wait any longer and had to get myself back to work, I can now walk the dogs, and do course work, and some other stuff. Ok slower than I was, but there was a good long time where I couldn't leave the house or drive or do much of anything. I refused to let it make me housebound. I've been there before and I will fight with everything I have to make sure it doesn't happen again for a good long while. I can't fight this illness, but I wont allow it to beat me. I'm just wary of getting my hopes up about potential help, when really I doubt there is any!
No mention of pain relief, so going to try and book an appointment with my gp for next week. Not sure how reluctant he'd still be with me technically still being under another Dr's care. Argh!!

My brain's a bit battered at the moment and I'm struggling to remember anything else - fully diagnoses brain fog right there ;)

Me and Mum stopped at Starbucks for a drink before I got back in the car - I felt rather wobbly. And then we went for an early tea at Harvester coz I had a £5 voucher. I had the veggie burger with fries this time and only managed one bowl of salad :eek: I had about 3 spoonfulls of Mum's dessert too, but felt quite sick by then lol. Apart from that I've had a small bowl of Honey Nut Shredded Wheat with Koko milk when I got back from work. Might have more cereal or toast a bit later, but don't feel like it really right now.
So even though today was off plan it's probably still within my "normal" calorie allowance for the day. Burger meal was just under 800 cals I think, as an idea :)

Hello to Vanity Doll too *waves* Lovely to get a new visitor!!xx
I can understand you being dubious about any treatment they suggest but you can but try it and see if it helps. I would tell your Dr that you need something for the pain, surely having a diagnosis will make it easier for him to sort something out.
I can imagine it will take a day or 2 for it to sink in properly even though you've had a rough idea for a while. I hope it helps ease your mind in the long run knowing for definite what you're dealing with.

Sending you big hugs x x
I think it is genuinely good to have an answer and no for certain (well as certain as you can with this!) that I have this crappy illness. And now work will have an answer and will know I didn't have an 8 month holiday or was putting it on or whatever balls anyone thinks!! Tempted to take in the CFS leaflets and photocopy them and put them in every room of the building ;) :whistle:

I think I'm my own worst enemy at times. I'm quite proud :eek: BUT I also know what I'm doing and have common sense and also cared for my Mum through aaaaalll her many illnesses and know the score. I've seen what you have to do and if you allow yourself to wallow and stop you will make yourself ill and destroy your own future!
I know I wont be running marathons (as if ever anyway!) but I'm determined to at least keep going at a leisurely place.
Ah f*ck it, I'm rambling now. I will jump through some more hoops and see what the happy hap is and give it a go. I'm dreading the CBT though. I KNOW it's a very very good therapy and very useful for certain things, but if it didn't help me with my actual mental illnesses I'm a bit unsure in how it will help me with a physical illness that has an impact on my mental health illnesses....
The good thing is, and I really don't have an ego, but I think I'm a pretty strong person and all the absolute sh*t I've been through might have slowed me down and it did almost stop me, but I'm still here and still fighting :) Would be nice not to have to fight any more, but well, it seems unlikely really....

I'm just very skeptical about what someone can actually do for me. It seems, I dunno, just really unlikely. Especially when I've done so much for myself already! *shrug*

Will shut up now.x
Hi Cheeky, glad to hear you have finally been diagnosed - must be a relief!

I just wanted to say, you are so strong and you have achieved and are still achieving so much, but don't be afraid to let others help you. It's not a sign of weakness! I know it sometimes feels like you can't count on anyone else and the only person who has stayed constant throughout has been yourself and it's hard to let other people in, but sometimes it really can help to have a someone impartial to talk to. I know you've been there done that already and didn't find it helpful but sometimes it's because we aren't really letting the other person in...and sometimes it is because they really just can't help! Anyway, that's my pennies worth from my experience!

So true what you say about wallowing...I really think that a negative attitude will only bring negative things! You have to give out positive vibes for positive things to happen!

Also never feel the need to apologise for 'rambling' on here! You are totally not rambling! You can talk as much as you want! (At worst people will just skim over it and get over it hehe)

Take care! x
Aww thank you Miss Sophie!
It just difficult because my first counsellor accused me of lying about my depression so I didn't have to work. The first GP I saw at the new practice said that same and said no one would ever give me a job if I didn't pull myself together - he's STILL down as the mental health specialist! I had a really lovely counsellor for a couple of years and then an ok one who tried CBT with me. Thing is with CBT it isn't counselling. You don't go in and just talk and rant about your feelings it's about getting to change how you think about certain things. And I don't know if it's just me, but I've had 13 months to come to terms with knowing there is something wrong with me and quite a while knowing it was probably something incurable. I don't seem to particularly resent it, I don't feel I'm wallowing, or letting it stop me doing stuff, etc. I got over that, again, by myself last year when I couldn't bear to be touched or even look at myself in the mirror.
Just feels like exactly what you said, the only person I can rely on fully is myself!! I always get myself out of these things. Sometimes it takes a while and it is really hard, but I've never let myself fall, not completely. And I could have oh so many times :eek:
I just feel that a lot of the things around these supposed "treatments" are very negative and don't seem to help many people and, in fact, seem to worsen the condition for an awful lot of people. And it scares me to think of someone muscling in and ruining all the damn good work I've done!!!
I see this as a choice. I can give in, live a poor existence on benefits, and pretty much stop. Or I can carry on with what I've been doing!
A friend on FB told me not to fight it or I'll get worse. But I don't see it as fighting the illness, but fighting to keep my life and learning with this :)

Of course I will go to whatever they ask me to, I will and I will try it. But I'm not daft enough to do it blindly! And when I get a chance I will do some research in to the graded activity thing and go armed with info. I wouldn't blindly treat one of my dogs for an illness, so it shouldn't be any different for myself.

God I don;t half go on!!

Something a bit different.... I got an email from my tutor - huzzah! She thinks I will be able to use my blocked doggy as a radiography and fluid therapy case. AND a first aid case! I KNEW I was right!! She said if he had to be catheterized to "unblock" him, which he did, then it counts as first aid. Damn straight!! She said he can't really be classed as medical, even though it started as a medical condition, because he ended up in surgery. But that's still 3 things I can write him up for. And I still have the poor poisoned kitty cat I can use as a medical case.
So yeah, nah nah nah nah nah, I was bloody right!! I have emailed her the write up of the dog so she can see IF for certain I can use him, obv I'd need to go more in depth on certain bits, but that would be awesome if I could use him and the cat to cover all those things. I think I would just need one more radiography case study to finish the written bits of section 2 then :eek:

Oh I took an exam today. The instruments and anaesthetic equipment one. I got 34 out of 38! But it's a 100% pass one :rolleyes: So annoyed because I bloody well named everything correctly!! But I got the descriptions on 2 instruments and 2 anaesthetic things the wrong way round!! Argh!! So going to take that again next week - you can't re-take them within a week of failing it. Damn it! Who has 100% passes?! Seriously!!

Urgh I'm going to bed! Was just doing a quick 45mins on my medical case study. Almost 2hrs later..... I've left myself two big notes in red of what I need to add in to finish it off. But I've had enough! Good job I'm not in work till 4 tomorrow isn't it?! Lol!

Hopefully get some sleep!

See you all tomorrow. Thank you, as always, for your lovely messages and just being there for me.xx

PS. I did have a snack this evening. Wholemeal bread, extra light Laughing Cow, light coleslaw, and a pack of Pom Bears. And maaaaaaaybe son Hotel Chocolat *blush*

Pps. The hospital weighed me at 0.1kg lighter than last night. And that was before the 3 poo's I've had today ;) LOL!
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You are totally right, Cheeky. You DO know what is right for you, and what feels right or wrong.

I think it's definitely a positive thing to fight to keep a good standard of living.

You are amazing.

Well done on your exam, I'm sure you'll pass next time round (100%??? are they crazy???) and great news that you can use the case to demonstrate lots of different scenarios!

Wow - there's a lot to catch up with here!

Firstly, it's good that you now have an official diagnosis. That is, I would have thought, a positive thing as you can now say ' I have...' rather than 'They/I think I have...' Hopefully your boss etc will take than on board and will be a bit more supportive but as you are such a determined and tenacious person, I suspect they tend to forget you're not well. Keep an open mind about treatments etc but as you say, you're the best judge of what's right for you.

It sounds good about your case studies after all - fingers crossed here. And whatever time did you eventually stop work?! You're a glutton for punishment!!

Hope you had a good night - what was left of it - and that you have a good day.

(Another person on Minis whose diary I follow but rarely post on was told by her doctor yesterday that she most likely has ME/CFS and is now waiting for appointments etc. I assume some research is being done as to why it's becoming more prevalent?)
Hey guys!
I forgot to tell you about the text I got from my boss yesterday. I basically sent that I have a diagnosis, what it was, and the rough plan. Ok? I got back "Good that you have a diagnosis. Graham has been admitted to hospital after being bitten by that cat. It's his weekend and Gemma can do Saturday for him. Any chance you can do Sunday? Sue is already in, Becci is on holiday, and Darrin's doing the next two in a row. It will be an 8am start and you can have Monday off"
So yeah, I'd JUST told her that I'd been diagnosed with a chronic, debilitating illness, she had no idea how I had reacted to that news. I know it's been a likely thing for a while, but still. So absolutely nothing except a kind of "That's good" And "can you do an extra emergency shift?"
So I think I can assume that work will in no way act differently over this or offer me any support or anything. I am so, so angry about this!! And the way it's written is that there is no one else, so it comes down to me.
To be honest, I could do with the money and it'll be a decent chunk towards what I just spent on the car. But still a bit of caring or even a bit of tact goes a long way!! :mad:

I finished working just after 1am last night. Couldn't switch off tho. Had loads of dreams!! Mostly about animals.

Anyway, will have to cut this short. Need to get ready for work.xx
Yup! And guess what?! I can only have 4hrs of the 9hrs stand-down I'll be owed for Sunday next week. AND I have to do at least one extra late :cry:
So I have tomorrow off but in 8-6:30 Sunday, off Monday, in till 8pm Tues & Wed, 9-1 Thurs, and 8-12 Fri. For now! God know's what's going to happen though!

Tonight was awful! I am absolutely emotionally battered by these emergency shifts. I just want to cry! Or scream!
Today there was a small group of us who were genuinely fearing for our lives. And I'm not being silly or dramatic here, this dog could have killed us and we were trapped in a tiny room with it. I had to deal with a cat with my vet friend Laura who was so aggressive it took us over 20mins to get it in to a f*cking carrier to be sent home. It was like the Krypton Factor, but with the chance of losing fingers! And then we just had emergency after emergency pile in. And I mean dying emergency. We had 1 vet consulting by this point and we had an animal each in 4 consultation rooms, their nurses were dealing with two emergencies in the back, and my phone just didn't stop.
I took the most bizarre and horrific call I've taken in a long time - one of the very serious emergencies that eventually came in.

I just :cry: I didn't even leave till 8:20 helping out with some stuff. It's so bad right now! I just feel so battered and a bit broken if I'm honest.

Have managed an on-plan day today. There was some cake in the staff room but something I witnessed made me so ill I was almost sick. This never, ever happens!!

Had a very brief chat with my boss in the corridor today, but we just really needed to sort out my rota for next week with the shift changes. I'm sure once everything calms down we'll get a chance for an actual chat. I couldn't have put it on her today tho, no way! She's so bloody stressed!xx
Phew just caught up with your diary. Work sounds so stressful, the last thing you need! I'm pleased you finally have your diagnosis, although as your fellow ME friend, I wish you didn't have it as it truly sucks! If you ever need to chat to someone who knows exactly how tired and in pain you feel, I'm here! :). Your positive attitude is great and will get you far in fighting this. By the way, my GP and clinic do call it ME and it's on all my paperwork. CFS trivialises it, as though it's "just tiredness". Anyway, it is what it is regardless of name, but I tend to tell ppl ME so they take it more seriously. Which it sounds like your manager needs to! I was given a document to hand in to work explaining the illness and how they can accommodate. Xxx
Awww I replied to you Katie and it's vanished!!

I was surprised when he said they don't call it ME anymore. I agree with you, it sounds less as CFS. I've had so many people say "So you're just tired?" Of course no one gives a crap until you mention pain :rolleyes: Of course others symptoms aren't important are they?!!
And I'm sure teh ME charities would be thrilled if the name ME didn't exist any more.....

I wish my work would take it more serious. But it seems to be being shrugged off and almost ignored because it's a hidden illness. It might not be the case, but that's how it feels. And I'm trying so hard and working really hard and putting in so much effort. But no one seems to see it or even really care that I'm there!
I'm not even sure how my work could even accommodate the illness. It's such a physical career to be in and I honestly don't know how they COULD make work a bit easier. But I do think it needs to be made official and maybe I really should see their occupational health people?! It just terrifies me that they could say I'm unsuitable for my job any more and get rid of me :eek:

Anyway, have just finished the medical case study (poisoned cat)! I added in the last few bits and did a bit of research for a few more references and extra bits of info. I'm happy with it. Not sure how the mentor and tutor will feel lol. Managed over 1,700 words in the end :)

Might have to go to bed now, really tired and I feel quite down and a bit upset after today.xx