Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

More bloody stress!! Mum went to my Nan's on Friday and sat with her while she had a horrible fever and was vomiting like mad! They still went out to Rhyl on Saturday (I know!) and on the way, when my nan was asleep, my mum's sister told her she'd been feeling really unwell and she thought it was her hernia!
So when they got back from Rhyl Mum and her Sister went straight to the hospital - they're worried her hernia is strangulating. She's had at least 3 ops on it already! Mum eventually left her at the hospital and got back to my Nan's at 4am!! She was texting me up until 2:30am and I was so f*cking anxious and felt sick I just couldn't sleep properly.
I've woken up today feeling like someone has been kicking sh*t out of me, particularly my right side, and there's even a really sore bit on my head. Mum was supposed to text me to say if she needed a lift, so I was waking up like every hour and checking my phone. She didn't get in touch and got home by herself. So that was pointless worrying!!

I just feel so rough today. Have had enough!!

But I have also had enough of this eating junk food and silly things malarkey, so will most definitely be re-joining the SW ranks tomorrow and making a bloody good effort as well.
Going to watch some more Agents of Shield before Fargo comes on :)

See y'all tomorrow.x
Sorry to hear about your nan, another thing for you to worry about as if you've not got enough already :(
I'm not surprised you're not feeling well after all that stress and little sleep, I hope you manage to have a quieter day today to recoup a little and hope you get a bit more sleep tonight.
Glad Saddam is settling in, as if there was any doubt with you to look after him :)
I wouldn't worry too much about your food, you've had so much on your plate this last couple of weeks, food is the last thing on your mind. Sending you big hugs, I don't pray but I will be thinking about you and I really do hope things start picking up for you x x x x
Ah Cheeky - that's so unfortunate about your aunt and all the subsequent stress an disturbed sleep. As if you don't have trouble with that anyway! I hope she's (ie your aunt) doing OK.

As Babette says, don't worry too much about your food at the moment - you've got so much on your plate.
Hey guys!
Just a quick hello as I'm heading to bed. Work tomorry!
Thanks for the lovely messages :)
As for food I think I do need to think about it and pay more attention or it's only going to get worse. I need to look after myself and part of that is my weight. Its so important to me to be as healthy as I can so I really do need to stop constantly eating junk and making excuses all the time. I don't mean I'll be banning junk, but I need to get myself sorted and not have these big runs of days off plan. I need to do this and I have no doubt I will need all the help I can :)

Right, off to bed coz it feels like my face is about to explode. And all the right hand side of my body still feels like its been battered :!

Really hoping I hear from Skoda tomorrow too. I want my Sven!!!!xx
Urgh I need a do-over!!
Last night was awful. I slept till around 3am and then just kept waking up. Seriously like every 30mins!! Yet my brain still managed to fit in a dream about my Dad - I was getting married and he was helping me get ready. Cheers for that one subconscious!!!

Work was going so well until a nurse asked me to watch an anaesthetic while she went on her break. I've done this so many times! But in the space of about 5mins he crashed! His pupils were big and fixed, I couldn't get a heart rate, and his breathing was very shallow. I've never had this happen!! We had to grab a nurse to try and bring him back and I got a drip ready and stuff. What they ended up having to do was half bring him round (we give a drug to do this) and then put him back under and stabalise him. I felt awful!! I wish I had spotted it sooner. I feel SO guilty!
And what's worse is the vet and nurse that helped seem to be blaming the nurse who I took over. It's no one's fault!! It was going to happen whether it was me or her with him. Obviously she'd have been able to do more than me, but it's just one of those things.

Then I was helping a vet get ready for an orthopaedic op and I accidentally touched the outside of the sterile gown. FFS!!

I just want to curl up and sleep. What a b*stard of a day! And I'm only half way thru lol.

Got an email from Skoda and apparently the car is still in Grimsby. Very annoying considering I was supposed to pick it up on Saturday!! He said they're really busy at the port and they're quite slow getting the cars through. Grrrrr!!! I really hope it's this week!! If it's not here by Friday I'll have to wait until next week as I'm working this weekend, which will be really annoying.

Right, going to make my lunch...x
Woo! An on-plan day. Go me :)

Lunch was veggie breakfast using one of each Hex and 1 syn

Tea was cheesy Smash, Quorn grills, mushy peas, and sauce. Used another HexA and 1 syn

Snack is a Chewy Delight (HExB2)

Very full and very pleased at a proper SW day :D Oddly I have had some gall bladder pain today. None at all when eating pizza, ice cream, candy floss, sweets, etc... but one my first healthy day in a week?! Makes no sense!! :rolleyes:
Sorry work was so bad, i think we all have days like that, I know I do where I feel like walking out and coming back in and starting again.
And last night sounded awful, strange dreams can really weird you out, I dreamt the other day I was pregnant with my ex husband??? I can never figure out where my brain gets it from. I hope tonight is a little better for you.
A massive well done on staying on plan :talk017:
Silly gall bladder :( fancy it being naughty when you're being good x x
Some days are just lost aren't they?! I haven't almost had an animal die on me before tho :(
Today was a bit better, nothing nearly died anyway! I was clumbsy tho - stabbed myself twice while packaging suture needles! :rolleyes: I'm so tired tho. Still didn't sleep properly last night. Awake way past 1am and kept waking up. Cannot wait for a lie-in tomorrow!!

Managed to swap a couple of shifts so I don't need to take time off for the ME clinic appointment too. I relieved two VCA's of a late shift each, which they were overjoyed at, so not an issue lol. And it'll break up the week a bit for me too. I've swapped to a late on the day of the clinic and also the day after in case I need to have a lie-in.

Did an exam today and failed it!! Really stupid questions. They're quite subjective in the last section - why do people have pets, why would you choose euthanasia, what animal's you would see first as an emergency. And the course being as crap as it is, of course I don't know what answer they want!! Ridiculous!!

Found out who we're working with at the weekend and I'm quite happy. We'll have a good nurse and my vet friend Laura. All's we need now is a good vet from the other hospital lol!

Right, I'll be back later. Struggling to focus on anything and my face feels like it's going to explode and melt my eyes.

Still on plan :)
I didn't have the extra cereal bar as a snack last night. I was so bloated and my gall bladder painful I just didn't want it.

ALSO! THE CAR WILL BE READY FOR MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party0019:
Hi Cheeky,

Sorry I've been so rubbish lately! Work sounds pretty hardcore atm, well done you for getting through it!

Gall bladder pain is horrendous, I had mine removed in 2009 so I speak with experience! I've never felt such an excruciating pain! A woman in my ward told me it was worse than child birth...I guess I'll be able to compare in 7 months time!

So excited for you and your new car :party0011::party0011:

Am I glad I don't have your job! There's absolutely no way I could cope with all that stress on top of everything else you do. Seems daft having such subjective questions and even more so when your course doesn't give you the answers! You'll be glad when it finishes - not long now.

Stupid gall bladder. I hope that settles down quickly but how annoying that it's flared up just as you've had a good time on plan - where's the sense in that?!

And yay for Sven on Monday!
Hi! I am new here! Just came to read your diary as an inspiration;-) thank you for writing it! I like it! I am just starting my new life today and hope to achieve all of my goals! your work is rather stressfull(( i know that i eat A LOT when i am in stress(( good luck with your struggle for the perfect body;-)
I'm not surprised you're clumsy, you're not getting enough sleep :( I will be keeping everything crossed you get some tonight, it won't be helping your gall bladder all this stress and being physically exhausted. I know you don't want an op and I understand you have very good reasons for not wanting one but if the pesky little thing is going to cause you pain and add to everything that's going on it may be better to have it out. Having mine out was the best thing I've ever done.
La Parisienne, the lady was right, I've got 3 kids, been in labour twice and 3 c-sections and it was far worse than all of them :(

Sorry about the exam, again I'm dumbfounded by the course you're on. There isn't a "correct" answer to questions like that.

So glad you've got a date for Sven's arrival :wee:

Hope you have a good evening and start to feel a little better x x x x
Oh dear Gods! I think my gall bladder is trying to kill me!! It's like someone is grabbing hold of it and scrunching it up and it's sending waves of nausea around me.
Hope it settles because I really, really, really don't want surgery. How on earth did you cope with chronic gall bladder issues Barbette? One and a bit days in and I think I'm dying :p

I'm hoping that maybe it's because I have eaten so badly lately that I have managed to annoy it. I've almost been sick a couple of times as well. Hrmph!

And wow, so many visitors!! Hi everyone :)

I guess the nature of my job is stressful, same as human medicine. Wont stop me complaining about it though ;) Plus, it is my choice. But yeah, I will moan about it....
And things could certainly be made easier with some changes. But we'll see!
The exams are ridiculous, honestly. The questions I'm talking about are multiple choice as well, so it's not like you can even discuss your answer! I am seriously counting the days till it's done! My mentor was off sick again today and my tutor is still on holiday, so not had any contact with anyone over the course in like 3 weeks. :rolleyes:

Skoda guy said the car will arrive on Saturday and will be ready for me on Monday :D I am even willing to go out on my recovery day to get it ;)

Was supposed to be going to Asda and to the cinema tonight but both have been cancelled. I picked mum up from work and went to the shopping centre/Morrison's she works by, but I wasn't going any further than that. And can't face the noise and stuff of the cinema - I can't even believe I'm saying that!! The pain in my head is so sickly and horrible. Just no :(

Suppose I'd better start a proper food diary again. I'm sure you'll all be thrilled ;)

Tuesday: SW Green Day

2 free Quorn sausages
Beans with cherry tomatoes and spinach in
Cheesy scrambled eggs with red pepper and onion in (HexA1)
Little crispy potatoes
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Tomato Pasta N Sauce
Quorn steak
veg bag - carrots, peas, and sweetcorn
Cheese (half HexA2)
Extra light mayo (0.5)

2 Alpen Lights (HexB2)
Shape 0%
Caramel Freddo (5)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

Syns used: 6.5
Syns saved (inc yesterday) : 21.5
Wednesday food: Decided to have something different for my lunch and it was brill :D

Small jacket potato with an extra light Laughing Cow triangle (1)
Free Quorn burger
Sliced onions, red pepper, spinach, and mushrooms "fried" with Wahaca sauce
Cheese (half HexA1)
Low call dressing and a small bit of bbq sauce (1)

At the cinema: A Twister (4)

2 Quorn fillets
Onions, mushrooms, and peppers cooked in Sriracha
Low Fat Supernoodles
Cheese (rest of HexA1)
Wholemeal bread (HexB1)
Small amount of sauces and extra light mayo (1)

Shape 0%
Chewy Delight (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Ribena. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 7
Syns saved: 29.5
Last edited:
Hey guys!
How is everyone?
I actually had a pretty good day yesterday. The gall bladder and horrible bloated feeling has buggered off - huzzah! My overall pain was minimal yesterday, which hasn't happened in ages!! I got a really sickly headache in the evening, but not till about 11pm. I got stuff done in the house - tidied and hoovered the living room and kitchen, did dishes and put them away, cleaned and fed the bunnies, de-poo'd the garden, and played fetch with the dogs for a bit.
We went to see A Million Ways to Die in the West last night as well. My second watch! It's just so funny! You do have to be a Seth Macfarlane tho. I was surprised Mum wanted to see it as she's not a huge fan of Family Guy or American Dad, but we went. The thing is with my Mum, for whatever reason, she has a thing for slapstick-comedy. So I didn't warn her or Rachelle that it was a little slapstick heavy. She was actually laughing out loud at some bits. Very impressed ;)
It is a really, really stupid film, but I like it.

I had some serious SW wobbles yesterday. First was the cinema - I so wanted Pic and Mix!! But I bought a nice low cal ice lolly instead. Mum had candy floss and chocolates!! And Rachelle wanted chips picking up on the way home and then Mum did, so I took them to the chippy. I didn't get a thing!! I stole one very small chip from Rachelle, but that was it *polishes halo*
I made myself bbq "chicken" burgers :D

Today I've not got much planned. Picking Mum up from work and getting a few bits from the shops for my weekend work food. We are going to the cinema this evening to see Edge of Tomorrow. Hopefully with Rachelle and John. Think I'm just going to try and have a relaxing afternoon before I go get Mum :) xx
Thursday food: Made interesting beans for lunch - enough for a portion to take to work for one of my weekend lunches :)

Spicy interesting beans - onions, mushrooms, peppers, cherry tomatoes, chilli tomato puree, baked beans, herbs/spices, and a bit of Wahaca
2 small jacket potatoes
Quorn steak
Mexicana cheese (HexA1)
Tiny bit of salad.
Bbq sauce (1)

At the cinema:
Chewy Delight (HexB1)
Shape 0%

Chickpea dahl with Quorn pieces, onions, green & yellow peppers, mushrooms, butternut squash, and spinach in. Some Indian spices and Sriracha. Made enough for 3 portions.
Mild Curry rice
Salad and super low cal dressing

Chewy Delight (HexB2)
Caramel Freddo (5)
Mini Malteaser bunny (3)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Ribena. Peppermint tea.

Syns used: 9
Syns saved: 35.5
Last edited:
So glad you're feeling better and had a good day yesterday, about time :D
Well done on resisting the naughty food and sticking to it :angel09:

Ian wants to see A Million Ways to Die in the West, we both watch family guy and American dad and loved Ted. Might have to go and see it before I go back to work.

Hope your day is as good as yesterday x x x