Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Saturday food - Green Day. Working 8-6:30.

Alpen Light (half HexB1)

Morning break:
Tub of red grapes, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries
Shape 0%

M&S veggie lasagne (3)
Cheese (half HexA1)
2 M&S veg bags - tender stem broccoli, fine beans, butternut squash, carrots, and sugar snap peas

Afternoon break:
Alpen Light (rest of HexB1)

Quorn southern fried burgers (5) topped with gherkins, cheese (HexA2), and chili jam (1)
Low fat Supernoodles
Big side salad - bistrp salad and spinach
Wholemeal roll (HexB2)
Extra light mayo (0.5)

Caramel Freddo (5)

Coffee, Diet Coke, squash, Matcha

Syns used: 14.5
Syns saved: 6.5

Around 9hrs on my feet at work

Steps - 10,029
Calories burned - 2,641
Miles walked - 4.24
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Sunday food: EE day.

Banana & Alpen Light (half HexB)

Morning break:
Tub of red grapes, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries
Shape 0%

Mushy pea curry
Aldi Pilau rice pouch (0.5)
Salad leaves, rocket, and a drizzle of dressing (0.5)

Afternoon break:
Alpen Light (rest of HexB)

Mash (2 syns for Clover because my Mum made it)
Quorn steak
Aunt Bessies Yorkshire pudding (2.5)
Carrot & turnip
Veg bag - carrots, peas, and sweetcorn
2tsp of low salt gravy granules (2)
1tsp of horseradish (1)

Malteaser Bunny (8)
Mini Caramel Egg (3)

Coffee, Diet Coke, squash, Matcha, Options made with Oatly (half HexA + 2)

Syns used: 21.5
Syns left: 0!

Around 9hrs on my feet at work
17min/0.8 mile walk with Pinta
19min/0.9 mile walk with Dave

Steps - 12,407
Calories burned - 2754
Active minutes - 42
Miles walked - 5.25
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Hi Kelly, food looks great for today.

5 DAYS UNTIL OSLO!!!! Aaaaah!!! I'm so excited for you!! :D xx
Love the dinosaur, that's so cute :D When I lived in Warrington I used to take the kids for walks in Sankey Valley Park and when you go near the back of Gulliver's world there's loads of model dinosaurs in the woods my sons used to love them.

I hope work hasn't been too bad for you this weekend x x x
Hey guys!

I'm getting rather nervous now Sophie!! Scary!!

Barbette we used to go to Gullivers a lot. Loved the dinosaur bit! Did you ever go to the dinosaur thing in Colwyn Bay? That was really cool :D

Work was odd. Much worse today tho! But very glad I am off for a week and a half now. Was my last weekend ever with my weekend buddy :(

Sort of good news.... I managed a stay the same this week with my weight! But considering we had Easter, 2 days at the food festival, and Thursday afternoon off plan I call that a WIN!!! :D Shame I can't get weighed again before Oslo tho lol.x
Well done for the STS!! That is awesome!! You obvs ate really well the rest of the week!

Shame about your weekend buddy. Will the new person be there when you get back from Oslo?

Hope you have a better day today!xx
Hey Sophie!
I'm hoping my walking efforts as well as doing a lot of good EE days will help. It feels like SUCH hard work though with ME completely destroying my metabolism. I'm not sure how often I can do such active weeks, but I'll try. Still learning :)
I must be the only person ever to be happy about staying the same lol! But usually that would have gotten me around 5-7lb gain! So a sts is awesome :D

My friend *should* still be in work for a couple of days when I get back. But she is owed holidays and lieu. Not sure if she'll be allowed days off though as there are two of us on holiday over the time I'm off. But we're having a welcome home party for another VCA the weekend I'm back and then she'll be having a leaving party in May sometime. We'll definitely all still be friends. Once a VCA, always a VCA ;)

Something else I may the only person to complain about. I've been keeping an eye on the weather for Oslo, and it's going to be hot and sunny!! WTF?! I have all the stuff I could need for cold, I was not prepared for warm LOL! So far it looks like temp could be around 14-17oC, but doesn't look like it will drop below 0 at all, even at night. FFS! LOL! I think what I might do is take my coat and try to fit a hoody jacket in my case as a spare. I'm only taking hand luggage, so don't have much space or weight for options! But when I did a practice pack my case came out under 7kg and I have 10kg allowance, so hopefully a light hoody wont make too much difference. And I'll wear my walking boots and pack a pair of Converse :) Sound good? Lol! Going to have to take sun lotion now! Bloody weather ;)

Right, so this week.
Today is dog training and Martin is coming with me to check out the class. I think his lunatic dog Daisy would do really well.
Tomorrow is Rachelle's birthday so a BBQ at hers tomorrow afternoon :D
Wed I'm having my highlights re-done in the afternoon and then I might see if Mum fancies the cinema.
Thursday I do plan to have a day at home to get the bunnies sorted and me sorted and packed - but we'll see ;)
And then Friday - EEEEEEEP!!!!
I'm sure your holiday will be particularly appreciated after such a tough weekend.

I notice the Met is indicating a heatwave here for three months so you might yet find Oslo (relatively) cool! It make walking about so much harder when it's hot. It's hard to plan clothing to meet all eventualities with such a limited luggage allowance so yes, you end up wearing the heavy, bulk stuff 'just in case' and sweltering until you get on the plane! I did that once, stripped the layers off and decanted into a bag I'd packed in my backpack for just that reason! I'm sure you'll sort it all out.

Hope you manage to give yourself some rest between now and actually going!
Me? Rest? You know me better than that LOL! But yes, I will try and tone things down. I do want to keep walking though, maybe just not quite so much. My legs are really painful today, especially my hips and knees. But I know if I completely stop I'll just suffer more. Hard to find a balance isn't it?
I'm taking Pinta to class later and Rachelle is taking Mum shopping, so I'll walk Davey when I get home. And I do need to sort the bunnies today, but that will be it. Promise :)

I've never traveled with just hand luggage before. The liquids thing is freaking me out a bit, esp as i will have to take suncream - I think I have a pouch of sun stuff from Superdrug I can take. If not I guess I could buy something from Boots at the airport, then at least I know it wont cause problems with the liquids allowance.
But yeah, will see if I can fit in a hoody to my suitcase. There's no way I could wear any of my coats in that sort of heat. I know 15oC isn't that hot to most, but I don't do well in any sort of heat, esp now, so don't want to be suffering while I'm away. Doesn't look like it's going to rain at all, which is great, but I'll take an umbrella as well.

I can't take a backpack with me as a bag on the flight out. Ryanair only allow TINY bags as a second bag with your hand luggage, so will have a small bag with my purse and passport in and that's about it :/ Coming back tho Norwegian allow a backpack so I know I'll have extra space for anything I might buy or whatever coming home. Bloody Ryanair!!! x
Monday food: EE day

2 free Quorn sausages
Cheesy scrambled eggs with red peppers and mushrooms (half HexA)
Beans with cherry tomatoes in
Wholemeal toast (HexB)
Tomato sauce (1)

Quorn meatballs cooked with red onion, mushrooms, peppers, cherry tomatoes, and spinach
Pasta N Sauce Mediterranean veg
Bistro salad
Cheese (rest of HexA)
Extra Light Mayo (0.5)

Small bowl of strawberries & raspberries with a Shape 0% crumble (0.5)
Mini Malteaser Bunny (3)

Coffee, Coke Zero, squash,

Syns used: 5
Syns saved: 10

Over an hour at dog training with Pinta
27min walk/1.2 miles walked with Dave
Bunny clean

Steps - 8,046
Calories burned - 2,209
Miles walked - 3.4
Active Minutes - 35
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Pinta's class went really well tonight. We got compliments from 2 of the trainers :)

Just to make things more difficult there was a Flyball class going on at the far end of the field, which happened to be the bit we were closest too. So lots of running, barking dogs and shouting/excited humans! So not only did she have the usual amount of dogs and people, but that too. Plus there were a lot of children this time too :/ There was one very judgmental child who kept shouting at Pinta to be quiet, putting her fingers in her ears, and complaining to her Mum. Her Mum just kept glaring at me a lot. *****, if you come to a dog training class and be judgmental about people trying to train difficult dogs then you wont be very welcome. So seen as she was being judgmental, I heard that she was having trouble with lead work, so I glanced over at her boisterous Sharpei who had a collar on about 3 times the size it should have been and a very, very short rope lead. Well, there you go ;) In your face :p Hahahaha!
Anyway, it was good. martin was impressed and wants to bring his loony tunes dog too :)

I need to get clever and train Pinta to do some new things too. The sits, lies, stays, paws, etc... are good, but I think we need to up our game ;) Thinking of teaching twists and turns and she's been having a go at crawl. There was an adorable Jack Russel crawling today. SO cute!!!

So yeah, all good :D And I walked Davey when I got back, sorted the bunnies, and made a really nice tea. Have also decided to change from a Green Day to an EE and keep it low synned in preparation for tomorrow. Coz I'm dead good ;) x
It sounds like Pinta did really well, and so did you too! You're completely right about the other participants, they shouldn't be there if they're going to judge! You're all there for a reason! Pffft.

Food for yesterday sounds great too!

Hope you have a lovely time at Rachel's BBQ this afternoon!xx
Just a quick update:

Food = LOTS!
Drink = some alcohol and some Coke Zero

Steps - 9,357
Calories burned - 2,454
Miles - 3.96
Active Minutes - 29

FitBit stats for the week:
Total steps - 62,722
Total distance - 26.54 miles
Calories burned - 16, 910
Weight change - 0 Very happy with a sts tho considering!
Average daily sleep - 5hrs 58mins lame!!!

Will do a proper post tomorrow. Absolutely shattered.xx
Hi Cheeky! Wow, with such little sleep you'd have no problem with a baby! Your fitbit stats are great! You've walked a whole marathon this week!xx
As Sophie's said!

Hope Rachelle had a good birthday but reading between the lines, the BBQ was a success! I think it's extra hard staying on plan when you know you're going off plan in a few days time. Even if you don't intend to be majorly off plan whilst away, you know you're going to be having odd things, just because that's part of what a holiday's about.

Congratulations on the STS - all that exercise is clearly having a good impact on your weight, if not on your joints. Oh - and did you read that the recommendation is now 7 hours sleep a night and that 8 may be too many? Just under 6 hours doesn't seem quite so bad in that light.
Hey guys!

Hahaha Sophie, no I wouldn't be ok with a baby ;)

Patty I'd planned yesterday as off plan anyway. We always do something for our birthdays and we all just join in no matter what we're all up to lol. So yeah, I had no intentions of sticking to plan yesterday.
But it wasn't too bad really. The only thing from the actual bbq I had was a big slice of halloumi to have as a burger - on a brioche bun :eek: Everything else was like salad, some Quorn stuffs, a few crisps, and some cake. I did graze through the day, but I don't actually think I stuffed my face as much as I would normally lol.
And to drink I had two Swedish ciders and a couple of small glasses of gin with diet ginger ale. The rest was coffee or Coke Zero.

I came back to check on the dogs and Rachelle and John said I could bring them back for a bit. So Pinta's first social engagement!! Getting them there was stressful and luckily I had Martin with me so he could walk Dave. Pinta's not been out with Dave for months because she's a zillion times worse with him. But we got there and she wasn't too bad. She was very scared and very barky, but we warned people to ignore her and stay away. Although that didn't last long and one silly girl pushed her a bit too far and she did snap at her. Good job she was on her lead and I was paying attention. WHY don't people listen?!! I feel really guilty and I've apologised to Rachelle but even she has said don't worry about it and she thought Pinta did really well.
Dave was in his element. He's SUCH an attention whore ;) He was off-lead the whole time wandering about, joining in with everyone, getting lots of fuss. I kept Pinta on a long lead for most of the time, but she did have some off-lead time and we had a play and she played with Dave and had a wander around until it got a bit much.
I am pleased with how it went, just a shame people don't bloody listen to your warnings eh?!

Hey Patty! I wish I could take comfort in the less sleep being recommended, but the daily amount of sleep recommended to ME/CFS people is around 10hrs. So when I have my 4/5hr nights it's absolutely nowhere near where I should be. I dread to think how long I would actually need to be in bed for to get 10 hours sleep! I can be in bed for 12hrs and get less than 8hrs :/ Anyway, yeah, I take no comfort in 7hrs being "enough" lol
Wed food: EE day

2 free Quorn sausages
Cheesy scrambled eggs with a lot of mushrooms and yellow peppers (half HexA)
Beans with cherry tomatoes
Wholemeal toast (half HexB)
Fruity brown sauce (1)



Coffee, Diet Coke, matcha

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Hoovered the living room
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