Green Day Chickpea cake


New Member
Hi All
I've just rejoined SW for the umpteenth time...but this is the LAST...
When I was in the last time, I had a fantastic receipe for chickpea cake, which I loved. Only thing is, I've lost the recipe.:cry: Can anyone help out:)
Thanks if you can
Hi Again
What an idiot I am. Can't you tell I'm new. I just noticed the search function, put in 'chick pea cake' and there they were. Thanks anyway
Hey Pete...just a little not..I don't want to spoil it for you..The chickpeas in the cake have to be synned's quite hefty - basically the same syns as if you were using flour as you are using the chickpeas as a substitute for flour I guess...
Would that also go for the couscous muffins recipe which I saw somewhere on here the other day (syning I mean)?