Christiana's "persistence not perfection" food diary

fantastic loss! well done!
Thursday, 16th December 2010: EE day

Lemon hi-fi bar (b)
Cup of tea

Scrambled eggs
Tinned spaghetti
Boiled plantain
Broccoli, carrots and corn

Mashed potatoes
Skinless roast chicken
Brussel sprouts and cauliflower florets
4 Tbsp of gravy (1 syn)

14 Ritz crackers (14 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day

Diet dandelion & burdoch

Total syns

Syns left for the week

Thanks so much guys! I'm very happy, and feeling much better. Face is still swollen, but there's not much pain, just discomfort (eating on just the one side is easier said than done), and salt water rinses aren't the tastiest things (ugh).

It's the last WI of the year next week (no class on the 28th), so I'm hoping for a 3½lbs loss next week to take me into the next stone bracket in time for the new year. I'm adamant I will not go crazy over Christmas! I'll be on here everyday, reading the before and afters so I can keep motivation alive! 2011 is practically here already, so I mean to start on the right note...I wasted 5 months of 2010 before I got started, not this time! :D
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Great plan hun I hope you can stick to it. And if you're really determined this week I'm sure you'll lose those lbs.
Hmmm unlike me who started the Xmas festivities on the 1st December !
Hey Sarah! Ah well, tis the season as they say! I think we're lucky in the sense that we started our journeys already - we can pull back from anything, so I know you'll be back on track in no time!

I know it'll get harder and harder for me the closer we get to Christmas, I don't want to mess up! When I'm bad the scales are absolutely ruthless! The whole family is going to my mums, I'm not really worried about Christmas dinner...more so about the inevitable sweet treats that'll be floating about.

Ah well. Whatever happens, we'll be back here Jan 1st with a vengeance!
Friday, 17th December 2010: EE day

Choc orange hi-fi bar (b)
Cup of tea

Boiled plantain
Rice fried in frylight with stock, spring onions, orange pepper, chestnut mushrooms, carrots, broccoli, corn and cooked prawns

Leftover fried rice
Broccoli, carrots and corn
Flaked mackerel

Lemon hi-fi bar (5½ syns)
Choc orange hi-fi bar (6 syns)
3 Ritz crackers (3 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (a)

Diet dandelion & burdoch

Total syns

Syns left for the week
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Saturday, 18th December 2010: EE day

Lemon hi-fi bar (b)
Cup of tea

Leftover fried rice from last night
Baked plantain
Broccoli, carrots and corn

Boiled plantain
Scramble eggs
1 Tesco southern fried chicken fillet (4 syns)
Baked beans
Broccoli, carrots and corn

21 Ritz crackers (21 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (a)

Diet dandelion & burdoch

Total syns

Syns left for the week

I'm officially snowed in! I was meant to work today, but decided not to risk driving in this terrible snow! I did however get a little "body magic" in when I went out to "dust off" the car....getting 5 inches of snow off a car is energetic work, I'm proud of myself! Didn't hyperventilate! :D
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Sunday, 19th December 2010: EE day

Choc orange hi-fi bar (b)

Rice with tomato stew (3 syns)
Baked plantain
Beef (cooked in the stew)
Cauliflower florets, carrots, peas, corn and brussel sprouts

Leftover rice and stew (3 syns)
Chicken with skin (3 syns)
Broccoli, carrots, peas and corn

12 Ritz crackers (12 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (a)

Robinsons NAS summer fruits squash

Total syns

Syns left for the week
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Monday, 20th December 2010: EE day

Baked plantain
Scrambled eggs
Tinned spaghetti

Boiled potato
Couscous made with stock, then fried in frylight with black pepper, chopped orange pepper, mushroom, spring onion, carrots, corn and broccoli
Roast skinless chicken

Leftovers from lunch

Lemon hi-fi bar (b)
7 Rich tea biscuits (14 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (a)

Robinsons NAS summer fruits squash

Total syns

Syns left for the week
Tuesday, 21st December 2010: EE day

Lemon hi-fi bar (b)

Boiled potatoes
Corned beef sauce (2½ syns)
Broccoli, carrots and corn

Leftover corned beef sauce (2½ syns)
Boiled pasta
(Just realised, forgot my superfree with this meal! *facepalm*)

12 Rich tea biscuits (24 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (a)

Robinsons NAS summer fruits squash
NAS Vimto squash

Total syns

Syns left for the week
Hi hun, Sorry I've been absent the last few days - been feeling very sorry for myself with the flu!
How's the snow situation? Have you managed to get out and about?
It was no fun slip sliding all the way to the train station and work this morning...
Well done on keeping pretty much on track - that's really good going! x
Hey Sarah! Aww, I hate flu, get well soon! :hug99: I went out for the first time in about 4 days today (class), snow is pretty much slush now over here, with a few slippery icy spots, but it's still bitterly cold! My mum and dad both have sore throats and the sniffles, but they're fighting it with hot water, lemon and honey.

I'm so gutted we don't have class next week, especially since today's WI showed a 4.5lb gain! :( :( :confused:

I don't think the SW manual scales like me, they always give me a gain. I don't have a clue what I've done wrong this week, I can only deduce that EE is no longer my friend! I'm not worried about getting back on track after Christmas, I think I'm definitely in the right mindset, it's just soooooooo frustrating!

This week will be tough, since it's Christmas, but I've promised to keep my indulgence to that day day alone. I did pick up the new mag and the new "free branded foods" book though.

How are things with you?
Hun I'm sorry to hear about your gain - you really aren't having much luck with those scales.
Maybe you're right - perhaps EE isn't working for you anymore... have you thought about shaking it up by trying a week of green and/or red to see if it makes a difference? I would still stick to the 1/3 superfree though as I think that can really help.

Glad your snow is starting to clear - ours is still there - about 4 inches of compact snow everywhere now! It's just not been warm enough to start melting it. So I am in no doubt it will be just as white outside on Christmas day. Luckily it's not really frozen over. The main problem for us is all the icicles which have formed everywhere - they've cordoned off loads of areas as dangerous and locally a man went to hospital because one landed on him! So I'm avoiding walking close to any buildings...

Well done on sticking to plan next week apart from Christmas day. I'm determined to get back on track from 3rd January - I've probably had about 2 on-plan days the whole of December! It was probably a good thing I was ill as although not on plan - I haven't been eating very much.
Thursday, 23rd December 2010: ? day

So, today was pretty much off plan. Not too bad, but I've been running around all day doing last minute Christmas stuff, and didn't get a chance to eat, so when I did, I had some healthy leftovers. However, mum made SHORTBREAD....evil, evil shortbread! Needless to say, I'm out a load of syns. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

Hey Sarah! I know, the scales are not being very kind at all! However, I really don't want to undo all I have done. I love EE, as I feel I have more freedom with meals, but it seems my body has other ideas. I'll tread carefully these next few days, I'm staying at my parents for Christmas, so I know it'll be difficult!

You've got a good plan there, hope you feel better soon.
Friday, 24th December 2010: EE day

Orange hi-fi bar (b)
Scrambled eggs, spring onion, peppers and mushrooms
Baked beans

Couscous made up with stock, then fried in frylight with spring onions, mushrooms, peppers, carrots, broccoli and corn
Skinless roast chicken

Leftovers from lunch

6 x Burton's Jammie Dodger snack bites (6 syns)
6 x Burton's Maryland choc chip cookie snack bites (9 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (a)

Robinsons NAS summer fruits squash
NAS Vimto squash

Total syns

Syns left for the week
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Sunday, 26th December 2010: EE day

Choc orange hi-fi bar (b)

Leftover roast turkey (no skin)
Couscous made in stock and mixed with peppers, mushroom, broccoli, carrots and corn

Leftover couscous and turkey
Bovril roast potatoes
Broccoli, carrots and corn
1 Tesco southern fried chicken fillet (4 syns)
6 Tbsp of gravy (1½ syns)

4 Rich tea biscuits (8 syns)
Scrambled eggs and tinned spaghetti
Choc orange hi-fi bar (6 syns)

Healthy Extras
Hi-fi bar (above); 250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (a)

Robinsons NAS summer fruits squash
NAS Vimto squash
Pepsi max

Total syns

Syns left for the week

Hey Sarah! Hope your Christmas was lovely!
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Monday, 26th December 2010

Mmmmm....I know I don't have a WI this week and the sabotage has snuck in! I wasn't too bad today, just picking :break_diet: but, I've decided to give myself until Thursday to stop the foolishness! I resolve not to go completely doolally until then, AND be 100% from that point! :character00115:

I think I underestimated the holidays AND staying at mum's! No matter, as of 30/12/10 it's KUTB (kick up the bum! :giggle:) TIME!!!!
Thursday, 30th December 2010: **EE day**

Eggs fried in frylight
Baked beans

Spicy couscous made up with stock and fried in frylight with onions, peppers, mushroom, carrots, broccoli, corn, a Maggi cube, black and white pepper
Roasted skinless chiken pieces (cut into strips and mixed into the couscous)

Leftovers from lunch

2 Weetabix oaty bars (HEXb + 3½ syns)
Cadbury's Fudge bar (5½ syns)
25g bag of Walkers crisps (6½ syns)

250ml SS milk for tea throughout the day (HEXa)
Robinsons NAS summer fruits squash
NAS Vimto squash

15½ // 89½ left
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Hope you had a good xmas:).I had a good xmas, also got the flu bug and i had ice cream and more ice cream:( it soothed my throat:eek: oh well im sure im heading for a gain but thats ok im sure i will kick it off again quickly.Back on track now and looking forward to shrinking more in 2011:D.How's things with you?:Dx