ClaireCat:A Weightloss Trilogy

plucking eyebrows works too,

I got all excited there becuase I sat and tweezed every hair from mine earlier, then I remembered they're tattoo'd on as well, so that must cancel out the weight loss from the plucking! :eek:
I think I'll have lost about 7lbs when I take my acrylic nails off next week tho! :p
I had had the pains 6 years and 3 years before, both times GP said it was stress. I'm seriously not a stressy person but you can't argue with the GP. I got them again a month before the wedding so my family figured it was wedding stress, even though my wedding was all sorted and I was just excited, I knew I wasn't stressed. The next weekend I went to my hen weekend in reading, only stayed an hour before I was taken to Royal Berks and stayed there a week. Had pancreatitis and gall stones, pain was unbearable! Still, they brought me a menu every day and someone cooked me 3 meals a day. Not all bad!
Haha, I'm tattoo and piercing free and even take out my hair clip to weigh lol! Sat here trying to figure out what I can cut off to fool the scales!!
Oooh, never thought about the weight in my piercings! Damn it... Its too much effort to take them all out.

What about cutting toenails? Shaving? Thats bound to be worth a couple of pounds at least!
Ha maybe we were there at the same time! I loved shuffling around the M&S in my PJs, drooling over the food! It takes more than an illness and an operation to out me off food, unfortunately!
Oh my, I had my ears pierced for the wedding (took them out my wedding night and haven't out them back in since) and hated having to keep them in for weigh day!! Obsessive perhaps!
I've got 8 piercings left now, well, 7 and a flesh tunnel (and I say 8 left because I've been pierced over 50 times I think). It'd be too fiddly to take all mine out every week to get weighed!
Haha yes that could take a while! It's all relative as long as you do the same each time but I guess I'm just obsessive about stuff like that haha! Every little helps ;)
I have a question about piercings dont answer if I am being too nosey but have you had ur chuff done? If so can you describe the pain getting it done?

p.s would like to add i am not a pain junkie, just extremly curious

Yeah, had it done twice. It is fairly sore when the needle goes through. Enough to make me swear!

But straight after its not sore at all, even when the jewellery goes in.

Nipple piercings, on the other hand, hurt like an absolute *****! Lol!
4 1/4lbs loss today! Thats great considering I had to eat crap for a few days to take my painkillers!

I wont even say what I'm going to eat today, but I am intending on getting hammered, so needless to say, it'll be carby!
It has just occurred to me, I only need to lost 1 1/2lbs this week to take me to a 2 stone loss!

How awsome is that?!?!?!?

If I weigh in on Saturday and I've hit the 2 stone mark, I'm going to get my bf to take some more photo's. Been taking pics in my bra and a stolen pair of his boxers, so I probably wont post them for fear of utter embarassment! I had posted them when I first started Cambridge, then thought better of it!

What if people I know see them?! I'd die! lol!
That's amazing chick!!! Come on 2 stone! woop!!
How was your weekend? Did you let off a substantial amount of steam on your night out?!! Hope so :)
I went out yesterday for the rugby (I am THE BIGGEST rugby fan in the world) and usually I get so nervous before a Wales game I just get really it was really interesting to be sober for a game yesterday, I actually really enjoyed it, I could concentrate on the match fully, but I was about ten times more nervous!! I'm just rugby mad. Scotland were unlucky today I thought :(
Anyway! Hope you had a great weekend, heres hoping this week brings the 2 stone mark! xxx
you can do that claire,
now you have me panicking i am not in my undies or anything but i am worrying incase anyone i know sees my pics on here, i would hate for someone who may only recognise me and read my diary, ooer!!!!
Hehe! Thats why I took my photo off my avatar and replaced it with my world of warcraft character! I post on pcos forums here aswell and if someone I knew was reading about what I was posting, I think I'd just die! lol!

And yes, the weekend cameth and I had a carby alcohol ridden saturday. Got decidingly drunk and said what had to be said, and all that. Yesterday's hangover was definitly worth it. Although, all I wanted yesterday was a fry up. Sadly, a cafe latte shake wasnt cutting it! :p
Dear Ketosis,

I really do appreciate you joining me and enabling me to lose weight at a good pace, howeve, that being said, do you really need to give me a constant period?!

I'm not sure if this benefits either of us and I'm certain is completely unnecessary. If I have done or said anything to offend you, I am genuinely sorry. I dont want us to fall out, please dont punish me. I'll do my best to be good. Honest.

Kind Regards,
