ClaireCat: The Art of Self Sabotage

Cold hard cash in hand! lol! Only reason I'm going in! :p

Really cant be arsed tho. Looking forward to next weekend. I'm just going to sleep all weekend to recover! Forsee being in work until midnight for the tax deadline, unless the 2 day hmrc extension saves my bosses bacon and we end up being "on time" lol!
Morning Claire! Hope you have an easier day today hon. And hope the scales moved down for you. Well done for not caving in last night and distracting yourself! Hopefully today you will be so busy at work the day will fly by without you noticing any hunger!
Hey Hun, how did you get on today??? :) :) xxx
Fingers crossed your W.I went well and your hair looks good ;)
Progress pics soon? ;)
Hey! Quick sneaky check in from the office.

Lost 2 3/4lbs today so that's alright. The boss is treating everyone to lunch today. Dominos was mentioned, however they're having KFC and Greggs. All I can hear is crunching! I've got a toffee bar. Not quite the same lol!

Just discovered I'm going to a buffet tomorrow for my mums birthday. Don't know why they do these things to me. Feel like on being tested! Lol! Also, i think I'll be here til midnight during the week, so no doubt that will involve take away food.

Wish me luck lol!
Well done on your loss Hun! Your will power is amazing! Xxx
I'm not going to kid myself, ill have.some food tomorrow, but ill be very carb conscious and try and be at atkins friendly as possible and hope I don't do too much damage
Well done on the loss that's great!!!
Fingers crossed your W.I went well and your hair looks good ;)
Progress pics soon? ;)

Pic isnt the best, but you can kinda see the purple. 3/4 of my hair is purple, the top is black


And was going to wait til 2stone off to take progress pics. Do you think I should be doing it every stone?
You look absolutely wicked Hun! Love the hair!! Progress pics every stone is a cool idea xxx
Maybe I'll get the bf to take some pics tomorrow morning before I go out. I took my first set of photos in my underwear and now I'm wishing i'd taken a set with clothes on too! pmsl! Had posted them on my diary, then felt a bit self concious about it and took them off!
I suffer from pcos, which is funny, because I have all the possible symptoms of it, but the ultrasound of my ovaries showed they looked normal. Guess its not really funny, but you've got to laugh! [/QUOTE]

Hey hun, thought id have a look at your diary and this sounds the same as what happened to me, thye did a scan and said she could see a couple of cysts but nothing major, i (embarrasingly) started to cry and said there must be a reason for the ymptoms i had, i think out of piy she recomended another scan (which wasnt very nice) an internal one, and when she did that one she found i had loads of cysts, if you want it investigating it might be worth asking for that.... xx
Did getting the other scan make them do anything about it tho?
It's bizarre isn't it, my bloods show I have PCOS but like you when I had my internal scan, the lady said ate you sure you have PCOS? Which left me in total confusion! They won't do anything more for me until I lose weight :( xxx
Love the hair chick, very bright :D
Yea iv now got a ref to a spec I'm waiting for my appointment, dnt kno about what they will do, but fingers crossed my making a scene has paid off and I might actually Get somewhere with the dr !! X
Well, thats me just off out for this buffet lunch. Its an indian and chinese buffet, so I'm fairly certain it'll be fine. Bound to be some chicken tikka kicking about somewhere that i can eat.

Hoping my mum likes her b'day present - I've got her a "keeper experience" at Edinburgh Zoo, so she's getting 30mins in feeding the lemurs. Also got her an extra ticket to take someone with her and an allocated slot to see the pandas, and spending money.

God, I'm a good daughter sometimes! lol! See you all later :D
Awww what a wicked present!! Have a fabulous day xxx
Wicked present!
Just to let you know my bdays in September ;)

How was the buffet?