** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

I think my dose appears to be far more manageable. My heart has given really odd beats now and again over the last couple of weeks, not sure if it's the meds or diet or stress... no idea really. Guess i can mention it to the doc in a few mins n see what he says. I'm sure i'd be fine on 50mg though, i don't really wanna come off it as the results have been fab so far. My migraines are awful, i lose sight in one eye for about 20-30mins which isnt good doing what i do. I'm sure i'll get to the bottom of it though.
the migraine thing.......i suffered terribly from them all my adult life, as did my parents, my sisters, and 2 of my children.....horrid things!

but, since the dreaded menopause (which i have sailed through) they have tailed off so much that i have not had one since christmas day 2009! mind you it was a biggie, must have been going out on a bang!

you have all my sympathy, i know how debilitating they are, i used to get them with no warning, and tried every cure under the sun, to no avail
Yes i also get them without warning. Generally when i'm tired and/or stressed which is a lot of the time if i'm honest. Goes with the territory i'm afraid.

Will update when back from the docs. C u soon guys :) And thanks for the posts, you're such a supportive bunch.
hope you get sorted love. Mine used to come on AFTER a period of stress.
I'm back peeps and thankfully i'm not gonna die just yet! ;) hehe. Have had the 50mg reduced to 45mg to see if i can bring down the heart palpitations whilst still keeping the effectiveness of reduced migraines.

Nowt to loose i guess. Will take em after some food in a bit but not hungry again atm :( Weird.
Cheers guys :) Trying to neck some sf squash atm to try to flush out the gurgling belly demons.

So far -

B. Sleep
D. Small piece of pie
S. Pepperami

1 tea, 1 coffee, sf squash
I had a homemade curry it was Delish!! I have been sooooooooooo good this week and gonna treat myself to lunch tmro I have a half day at work. Low carb tapas always does it for me ;-)
Morning miss. x
Hey up :)

In work but struggling to find any motivation lol, getting up this morning was hard. I think my head has been swapped with that of a sloth.
Sadly that's not an option till sat. Tbh it'll probs do me good having to get up n get on as I've spent the last few days sleeping for England.
I totally agree hun n know full well that I suffer from SAD. I used to travel abroad a lot with my last job so don't get anywhere near as much sunshine now. It could also be related to the Amitriptyline I'm on for the migraines. I must make a concerted effort to take it earlier in the evening I think.
Yes im a SAD sufferer too hon :(
hope things get a bit brighter for you love x