** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

It's really sunny here (Edinburgh) today too... I am in a really s****y tapas bar at the moment eating low carb stuff, glass of wine (treat) and all by myself lol I feel like a right wally.
That meant to say sw anky but it obv didn't want me to say the middle part lol
PMSL Tweetie at the sw anky bit! Nothing wrong with being there by yourself... I always look at women doing that thinking they look confident, self assured & intelligent!
oh good luck with the avon. never managed to make any money!
Sounds Delish claire!! The scales budged by 1 pound this morning!! I'm delighted, at least it's in the right direction!
Morning Claire, I hope you haven't got one of these bugs that are flying around
I hope so too jim as got 8 days off after today. Felt rubbish last night so had a fairly early night n still feel crappy today. Will dose up on paracetamol to bring the temp down n I'm necking lots of flavoured teas as warm drinks are nicer than cold ones atm.
Yes Claire, let's hope you can stave it off love
oh hon - hope you feel better soon x
Oh good Claire, that's nice to hear love