** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Oh thanks honey I will get on it tomorrow think I may have an early night :) see you in the morning
They're just saying how important fat is in our diets to keep the brain n all our cells working. The woman on the diet is saying how her moods go up n down with the sugar levels.
Wow this is quite interesting!!! U should all watch it!! Should be on iplayer. When companies take the fat out of products they put cellulose in which is also contained in wallpaper paste!!!

Now they're dissing ww ready meals haha this is gold
Morning Claire, it's disgusting what they do with food isn't it love.
oh i recorded that Claire!
how you doing today you gorgeous brunette x
Afternoon Claire
Sounds like it was an interesting programme, probably not going to have a cat in hell's chance of watching it with my packed schedule this weekend though!
Morning (oh, afternoon.... lol) ladies!! Looks like i'm back to sleeping like a log :( Not good as back to work on an early shift sunday, boooo.

The programme was really interesting and pretty much slated low fat diets.

Just done the washing up and made a creamy coffee. Not really feeling hungry in the mornings. Think i might start eating earlier though to get the digestion going. I'm still showing +2lbs on last week's wi, only today to lose it lol. Hmm, beginning to wonder what may be causing it as i don't think i go over the carbs. Tempted to cut citrics as best i can and see if it makes a difference. I'd be lost without sf squash though, especially in work where i don't really get much opportunities to make a brew so take a bottle of squash out n about with me.

Hope your all having a good day!
hey hon try logging your carbs on fitness pal then you can soon keep track (will warn you its addictive!)
Hey babes,

The first time round on here i logged every single thing down on here and added it up meticulously so i have a rough idea in my head of what things are worth etc. I really don't think i've been over-doing the carbs. I have a look at other peoples food on the what we're eating thread and something i think i eat too much compared with J2 etc but then i think i'm possibly not eating enough compared to others. I dunno. I just eat as and when i'm hungry which i think is the right way of doing it i guess.

Maybe there's just something daft i've not considered that's affecting things? I never had a problem with citrics before but maybe things have changed this time round. Maybe something is interfering with the Amitriptyline i take for migraines somehow? Hmm..

Just had a large mug of creamy coffee and still not feeling hungry.
I just had homemade beef burgers OMG they were amazing!!!! I can't think of anything that you have posted that would stall or make u gain apart from citrus stuff or caffeine?? Are u in ketosis?
Do you feel like you have lost inches? Maybe water retention?
My bum n thighs are feeling better i think. I do feel a little water reteniony i think. Maybe things will be better once i'm back to work on sunday.
I think that's all it is btw... Bet once you get back to work you will have a massive whoosh.
B. Sleep
D. Small chicken salad using 1 chicken thigh, 1/2 a little gem lettuce, few slices cucumber, mayo.

Taken 2 coQ10. Meant to be 1 a day at 30mg but atkins book says i can take more so i took two. I think it helps metabolize fats if i remember correctly. Also hoping it helps with my energy (or more to the point - lack of!).
I've been taking l carnitine and my energy is noticeably more.. I've ordered some q-10 but for my blood pressure.
T. 1.5 chicken breasts chopped up n fried off in butter, 1 whole courgette peelings fried off in the same pot, dash of worc sauce added, slug of cream to finish off with 4 florettes of brocolli
Yum sounds lovely... I'm having venison.