** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Yeah it was totally un-planned and randomly thrown together but v.tasty - will defo have again as easy to do without many ingredients.

Necking water with Cd flavouring in atm.
Hey miss. x
I know what you mean I'm the same and I can't find a reason for it.... I've came to the conclusion its lack of human interaction coz I've not been at work and I'm used to seeing a lot of people in a day and I've just had OH for company for the past week
Teetie - I so feel what you're going through, I was out of work for 4 months recently and these guys really kept me sane.

Get a routine - wash often (once a day, don't mooch), do not weigh yourself more than once a week and just stick to the key things - meat and green leafies. That, and talking to these lovely people, will get you through until the next job comes along.

Lol thanks lady felsham but I'm just off on holiday for a week... It's bad enough, I can imagine what it's like to be out of work though I'd go stir crazy.
Morning Claire :D
Morning Claire hope you are feeling a bit happier today??? It's snowing reeeeeaaaallly heavy here and can't go anywhere so count yourself lucky.
Hi Claire, avatar's looking gorgeous. Hope you have a nice last day off before going back to work, and hope you get a whooshie this week! :)
Morning ladies

Wi was +almost 2lbs. Hmm. Sucks. Not gonna change my ticker tho, hopefully things will change.

It's chuckin it down here today. Gonna leg it over the road to get some stuff in for work tmoz. Then staying in like a hibernating hodgeheg all day.

Snow Laura?? Yuk.

Thanks for the compliment :)
Cheers lady, i'm going to try to. Just bought some lemon and ginger tea bags. Didn't buy anymore sf squash, going to use up the CD powder.

Got some sossies, bacon, hallomi, 2 x tubs egg mayo sandwich filler (for salad at work), lettuce, lemon juice. Going to possibly attempt the lemon and almond cakey things but not convinced i can whip the egg whites too well manually. We'll see.

What's everyone else up to today? I don't intend on going back outside, it's depressing.

Dreading getting up at 5am tmoz.
Well I was meant to be going to the theatre tonight but not if the weather is still crap although the snow is melting now.. Not sure if I can be bothered tbh. just been looking at wedding stuff online and lazing about, possibly get an Indian takeaway tonight if OH will go and get it for us. Staying at his mum and dads in the sticks this week as they are on hols but going back to Edinburgh tmro, work on Monday :-(
A busy morning, and was going to meet a friend for lunch but she bailed, which was fab because now I can have the rest of the day to laze about :)