Clean and lean


Gold Member
Hi to anyone reading!

I am so inspired by the clean and lean plan from what i have read.. However before committing to buying all the books and nutrient packs/shakes etc does anyone have any advice? Recipes?

I know the basic principles are eating clean fresh organic natural foods and I have planned the next two days lunch and tomorrows breakfast but some recipes would be helpful?

Thanks :)
I'd suggest, especially as you don't have a huge lot to lose, just join SW on-line for 3 months.
Katywoo87 let me know how you got on with Clean & Lean. I've been doing the 14 day kickstart since Monday and I've already lost 5lbs of the 11lbs I want to lose!

I'm struggling a bit with the lack of sugar but it's getting easier. The principles are great and I love the food you get to eat. I just know that I'll have to introduce alcohol back in else I'll go bad! Can't wait to have some fruit after the 2 weeks!