
I know what you're feeling. Ems is a dab hand, a very old dab hand at wall art! Last time it was summer and she got my permanent marker pen! It's still there now on her yellow playroom walls!
They are little monkeys! I have had to ban Violet having pens/crayons etc in her room now! I repainted over it in the hallways and up the staircase last week - but haven't got around to her room yet! I am just thankful that the 3 yr old isn't a decorator - just loves anything to do with tractors!

I have both the little ones chilled our bed watching 'Handy Manny' whilst my teenagers are downstairs are making a that will be a messy kitchen by the time I get downstairs to them! They seem to think I enjoy washing up after them when I haven't even eaten the food! Wouldn't mind but I already cooked them Roast Pork for lunch grrrrr.

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Beto kitty!
I feel so ill.

i'm running a fever, have a massive headache, back aching, had tummy problems and feel sick. have gone to bed about 3pm and fell asleep. i also have a really bad chesty cough that's started yesterday.

i really feel like i've got the flu! hoping to feel better tomorrow as i've dude at teesside high for a trial, weigh in, collect him and emily's parents evening which has been arranged by the teacher for us as there's problems!

emily's being very strange in class. she's not concentrating like she was before xmas. she sat there rolling her eyes around! she's not listening. she's very clumsy! it's my mum's bath day too. i need to be well.

hoping it's a kind of ketosis/atkins flu as yesterday i had 1 shake, 1 bar and some chicken at 2 meals. i'm also hoping that it isn't food poisoning from the chicken!
I feel so ill.

i'm running a fever, have a massive headache, back aching, had tummy problems and feel sick. have gone to bed about 3pm and fell asleep. i also have a really bad chesty cough that's started yesterday.

i really feel like i've got the flu! hoping to feel better tomorrow as i've dude at teesside high for a trial, weigh in, collect him and emily's parents evening which has been arranged by the teacher for us as there's problems!

emily's being very strange in class. she's not concentrating like she was before xmas. she sat there rolling her eyes around! she's not listening. she's very clumsy! it's my mum's bath day too. i need to be well.

hoping it's a kind of ketosis/atkins flu as yesterday i had 1 shake, 1 bar and some chicken at 2 meals. i'm also hoping that it isn't food poisoning from the chicken!

Running a slight temperature 38.7

Not good. Do you think it is food poisoning or some sort of bug? There seems to be a lot going around now and you are being exposed by Ems school, Dude's school, your school and your classes -- plus whatever DH gets exposed to in his job.

I hope things got better for you.

Do think Ems is bored? If she is finding the classwork to easy that could be it.

Also have her hearing checked and not just IF she can hear, but her auditory processing. DD sat in school for years not being able to hear because she could not sort out the teacher's voice from the background noise. DS has ADD and that took awhile to sort -- but he is in in Uni now and doing well.

Hang in there, Nikki!
I second mels suggestion. As a kid, I started becoming clumsy, bashing into things (still do now). Not being distruptive in class, more if I was being cheeky. In my own little world...turns out I was 80% deaf in my left ear.

Though Im sure ems school is wise to signs and symptoms of most problems. If it seems out of character then there is probably more to it than just naughtynesd.
Been to the docs and I have the flu :(. Off work for a week :( now I feel guilty!
right emily!

when she's done something that is wrong she won't say sorry.... she's embarrassed and then goes very shy. apparently she cried at school when they told her that she's a good girl and it's ok to say sorry and that no one would shout at her. :(

we shout at her but we are usually at our wits end as she doesn't listen to us! her teacher is coming up with some good ideas to get her to focus in school and we are joining forces at home with praise, timing her for getting dressed and stickers.

she has trouble with her dexterity and with some actions she's very clumsy. with her fine motor skills.

some of her words are difficult to understand in a way at times and sound babyish! like she says amimal for animal. she we need some speech therapy for her. she gets very shy in front of strangers. she wriggles too much on the carpet and was wriggling so much the other day that she bashed her head on a cabinet in the classroom. oh dear!
Have your GP refer her for an occupational therapy and speech therapy assessment. Explain that she is in a private school - because this is usually done through the LEA. I ended up getting private assessments - not cheap but we worth it.

I can contact my OT (amazing) and ask her if she was a recommendation for the Liverpool area / if you want.

If Ems need Occupational Therapy - even if she is in private education your local LEA or NHS had to supply it.
my first contact will be the health visitor. for both. plus the doctor. i'm going to phone and make an appointment for her. it's about her fine motor skills too.
Got a docs visit for ems Thursday 9am and health visitor phoned back regarding Matthew for hearing and speech. Things have begun!
Good. Glad to read they you are getting it sorted.
it's crazy that my diary is bumped on to the next page!
great! dude's on the chucking up root now! was ok at nursery but by the time he came home he was screaming in agony! i was out getting emily some lovely new shoes and some new phones for the house.

came home and cuddled him for ages. then he crawled away from me onto the sofa and then it all just spewed out! poor little guy! rug is now destined for the tip! it was on it's last legs but there was no way i could clean up the lumps!
Wow. You never get a break. Poor lil Dude. Poor Nikki.
doc was useless. want more info in a letter form from me before he'll do anything!

i'm very depressed right now! i'm having marriage problems. i don't think he loves or cares for me or my wellbeing! anything i do he comments on in a negative way and it's making my depression worse. right now we are not speaking! i bought a new living room rug today. i put it down and all he says is.... can we return it? what's wrong with it! he wasn't there with me! i buy the rugs for the house... we are on to our 3rd right now! anyway he doesn't like it. i say you take it back (i'm angry but i'm also having trouble bringing up the cr*p by coughing and it's not nice as it's causing a sore throat!). he says i'm working!

he wants to change my car for a honda crv.... we did it. i wanted a people carrier
he wants a bmw x5 we get a bmw x5 now the fuel costs are too much so
i want a bmw X1 he wants a 3 series.... we get a 3 series.
i go back to work cause he wants me too even though i don't want to yet as dude is still so little.
i get a 3 day job so get someone in to clean 1 day a week.... he's not happy.
he buys a caravan and then we don't use it so we sell at a loss racking up loads of debt
he stresses about he debt and causes me stress so we can't spend anything
he says join david lloyds gym, then he wants me to leave my gym i have to put my cancellation notice in. retracted at the last min cause i've got a job!
i ask that after 2 kids he gets a snip he agrees and goes to the docs and gets the letter to make an appointment.... 2 years down the line he's done nothing else so i've got my doc to send me a letter and i'll have my bits done.
this is not in order of when it happened!

i feel under valued and a very worthless human being. right now if it wasn't for my kids i would slash my wrists! i am very very depressed.

sorry that this post is so down but i'm not coping well. i'm not well and i feel that he really doesn't care for me at all! it wasn't like this when we were first married and first going out. 7 years down the line we've been married and 10 years together. i don't understand what's gone wrong!

we had an argument on friday and i wrote it down as i'm always told i heard it wrong or it wasn't like that. i wrote it down yet he still says that's not what he said! i feel like i should me locked up in a mental institution as i'm obviously going totally mad! he got our 5 year old daughter to back him up in what he'd said!

whatever i say he always... ALWAYS turns it round on me!

do husbands that care do this? what does he want from me? what have i done wrong? we've not spoken since the kids went to bed as quite frankly i don't want to. i went to my parents and didn't want to come home. i dread coming home! he's gone out now!
he doesn't get me a birthday pressent and only got me a valentines day one cause i pretty much pushed. it's all making me very ill! i just don't know what to do!
Hi Nikki

Honey what a terrible nightmare. Did you have PND after little Dude? I only stopped suffering from mine when my youngest was nearly 3 and it put a terrible strain on my relationships with hubby and my older children - but I have come out the other side now.

Are you on medication for the depression? I was on Prozac which definitely helped me - am not good with counselling so took the drug route.

The one thing I know is that I certainly didn't give attention to relationships I should have done and that caused a reaction, not as severe as your hubby's but there were big cracks, but we are stronger than ever now. But it took time, and lots of patience on all sides!

Does your hubby understand your depression? i know saying to talk will not help at all, but sweetheart you need to talk to a healthcare professional - my health visitor and GP were my saviours.

Everything is getting on top of you with the kids having probs and being ill, you being ill and your hubby being a total knob.

If you haven't seen a GP re the depression then please pop online to do the PND test - think it is the Edinburgh Test and this will give you an idea - but the slashing of wrists thoughts have to be dealt with quickly.

Sending you massive hugs xxxx