Coke Zero on Offer

Cans are bogof in Netto, as I bought a couple of packs just in case! Normally I am a pepsi max addict, but see it has citric acid.

I presume those who have been having coke zero or other drinks are having it in addition to their 2 litres of water a day? I'm struggling with that today (first day on diet!), I don't drink very much at all, 2-3 cans of pepsi max is all I normally have. My bladder isn't thanking me for all this water and I still have 500 ml of water to go today!!
Hi Ladyshopper, it is very important that you consume 2-4 litres of fluids a day, and that includes coke zero, etc but remember water is the most healthy and will help the diet no end. When you go into Ketosis it is very important that your liver gets a good clean out as ketones can cause damage if they hang around in the liver
I posted on this earlier in the week and was given loads of tips - citric acid seems to be one of the things advised to avoid making coke zero okay however loads of people also seem to be fine with diet coke. I also emailed exante and their answer was 'If you are following the Total Solution then you should avoid having diet
drinks as they may take you out of ketosis, however it is entirely down to clients if they decide to have these types of drinks. It will not affect your weight loss and in some cases it helps individual clients sustain the programme.'
Hi Kaka, thanks for that bit of onsight from Exante. I have been in Ketosis for 4 weeks straight and have been drinking caffeine free diet coke with citric acid so it works for me.
Yeah, I think it's good to know you can have a soft drink as a bit of a treat if you want one - I had avoided them all week but treated myself to a coke zero last night and wow did it taste good - I've made some ice lollies from it as well to enjoy in this glorious weather!
I agree, I get winds stuck in my chest which causes me all sorts of pain and the diet coke gets rid of them, thats the only reason I drink them but yes they do taste very very good. As for the weather, enjoy while it lasts because next week is horrid.
Hi Imgonnabeskinny, just to say that I have been drinking caffeine free diet coke since I started and have been in ketosis for 4 weeks now and have not been out of ketosis, so the citric acid has not taken me out of ketosis.