Constipation on WI Day

Don't be disappointed - you lost 4 pounds last week - so that's 5 pounds in two weeks - that's an amazing weight loss! :clap::clap: They say 1-2 pounds a week is a great loss; and you've exceeded that!:D

I didn't make class this week as I've had some summer viral flu thing which has made me very weak and given me terrible stomach pain. :( I was a very naughty girl from Friday to Monday:break_diet:; but have got back on the Plan from yesterday hoping to minimise the damage before weigh in next Tuesday.

GP put me on different laxative - Bisacodyl 5 mg tablets. He said I could have 2-4 tablets every evening. I took 3 tablets the night before last and ended up with diarrhoea yesterday. Last night I took 2 tablets and still have diarrhoea this morning. I've never had a laxative give me diarrhoea in my life and it's obviously working so I might decrease down to 1 tablet tonight and see what happens.:confused:
You poor thing! Diarrhoea on top of a stomach virus, you have really been going through it.

Sounds like you needed a bit of "time out", but you've done the most important thing, and got back on the plan - so many times, I've thought "I've blown it now, might as well give up".
Hope you're feeling better soon, take care! :hug99:
You poor thing! Diarrhoea on top of a stomach virus, you have really been going through it.

Sounds like you needed a bit of "time out", but you've done the most important thing, and got back on the plan - so many times, I've thought "I've blown it now, might as well give up".
Hope you're feeling better soon, take care! :hug99:

Thank you! How did you know I needed a hug!:needhug: I've just tried on a pair of trousers that were falling off me; that are now a snug fit!:cry: I'm definitely going to go to weigh in on Tuesday and accept what I've gained.:cry: I just hope that the knowledge of the gain doesn't make me feel guilty about my birthday meal next week at pizza hut and my first wedding anniversary meal at the Indian??:confused:
Could be that you're bloated with everything going on with your tum. The great thing about SW is that you can go off course and enjoy it without feeling guilty, so long as you get back on it as soon as you can. Like you've done just now, so you know you can do it! I am sure your Leader will be there to support you, the same as well all do at Minimins!

You need to stop beating yourself up, enjoy your birthday :birthday: and first anniversary (love your wedding photo, you look :wow: !)

Keep at it! xx
Could be that you're bloated with everything going on with your tum. The great thing about SW is that you can go off course and enjoy it without feeling guilty, so long as you get back on it as soon as you can. Like you've done just now, so you know you can do it! I am sure your Leader will be there to support you, the same as well all do at Minimins!

You need to stop beating yourself up, enjoy your birthday :birthday: and first anniversary (love your wedding photo, you look :wow: !)

Keep at it! xx

Thank you & thank you so much for the encouragement.:D Yes you are so right - hubby keeps telling me to stop beating myself up but it's hard.:confused: My new consultant is great; she's got a group on Facebook so despite having 600 members does her best to help us all out in between groups!:D
Just thought I'd report that the new laxative the GP has put me on; Bisacodyl 5 mg tablets seem to be doing the trick. Only took 1 of them last night and have lowered the laxido orange and fybogel laxatives I take from 4 satchets a day to 3 satchets a day!:bliss::bliss:
I'm the same. I wonder if not sneaky peaking throughout the week would mean I'm more relaxed on weigh in day and then wouldnt be constipated! I too am more than fine the rest of the days of the week, its so annoying. Good to know we are all normal though :)
Could be that you're bloated with everything going on with your tum. The great thing about SW is that you can go off course and enjoy it without feeling guilty, so long as you get back on it as soon as you can. Like you've done just now, so you know you can do it! I am sure your Leader will be there to support you, the same as well all do at Minimins!

You need to stop beating yourself up, enjoy your birthday :birthday: and first anniversary (love your wedding photo, you look :wow: !)

Keep at it! xx

I went to Group yesterday and despite being naughty for the week before last for 3 days when I had the awful stomach bug - getting back on track last week obviously worked as I only gained 1 pound - so was over the moon! Thank you so much for your support last week when I was struggling like mad!:thankyou:

I'm now 2 pounds under target so Consultant told me to go enjoy my birthday meal at Pizza Hut yesterday and my anniversary meal on Sunday as I've got 5 pounds to play with. Was very proud of myself yesterday I only had 1 plate of Pizza - I stopped when I was full - would have usually gone back 2-3 times for more pizza!
Is it something about wednesdays? I'm the same! I'll try the peppermint tea, tho I find rhubarb always works for me, and I tend to put a couple of teaspoons of linseeds in my allbran :rolleyes: (2 syns) When I'm not on SW I go every day, and it's not lack of fibre cos I eat loads of fruit and veg. Ah well!
It's the caffeine. I cannot go with my cafeeeeine! Cafe numero deux, regular as clockwork :eek: :D If I have an early appointment somewhere and no time for coffees I have officially Had It. :eek: