Conventional woman i am not,but i will find a weight loss plan that suits my needs !!

I should def try cutting out the carbs for maybe 2 weeks very gradual then getting into ssing.

Not cutting out, just cutting down ;)
Hiya hun,

I am too keeping a diary of my diet and every little details even the smell of my breath is getting entered in the diary... I have only just started the diet I am doing Lighter Life which is simular to the cambridge diet. What i have also done is to stick a picture in the diary so every time i open the book there i am staring right back at me and reminding me why i am on the diet in the first place. I am only on day three but so far so good. You know if you need any one to chat to please IM me as i saw you have AIM or drop me an email on [email protected]... the more support and help you get i think the better you will go along with the diet and that is how I feel anyway. Please stick with it , go for the gold and the gold is a SLIM & HEALTHY you! Dont forget Mail me at anytime and I will promise to get back to you!
hiya roch

would ya not try to have some food with some packs and try get into ss'ing like that??


Gen xx
U must be all thinking why such a subject title,well at the present moment i feel so low and angry with myself and the only support i have is from the site and i feel like i have posted so many times about i am going to ss and never completed more than a couple pf days then i get depressed and dont even turn the pc on for days or go anywhere as my weight is getting me down so much i dont want any one seeing me, and at the present time my ankles are so swollen it makes it very hard for me to go anywhere.
Totm has arrived and i feel crappy think that is making me feel even more emotional and low.
oh roch honey totm is on its way to me also and its such a bastard eh!!! i won't give in to it tho!!!

did you do any research on maybe trying to have some cd stuff and food and trying to get back into ss that way?? at least that would give you something to strive towards.

listen girl you can do this but unfortunately you are the only one who can. i know how hard it is believe me but how hard is what you are going through now??? you have stuck to ss before even if only for a few days but you have done it and you can do it again.

sending you loads of hugs girl and really hope you feel better soon but the only way to feel better is to start taking positive steps to changing why you are feeling so bad.

lots of love girl, i'm around for most of the day so pm me if ya want to or just keep chatting on here


Gen xx
Nobody is going to give up on you Roch!

You do that enough on your own ;) What happened to SW? You were doing so well on that if I remember.

Common mate. It seems to me that SW was the one that worked best for you. Is there no way you could get yourself back on that and stick to it? Okay....obstacles come and go. You may fall, but get back on where you were and pick up again.

You haven't've just slipped up. It doesn't mean the diet isn't the right one for you.
U r so right Karion,i have given up on myself 2 many times especially now x

Thanks Cheb for your kind words i know u r right but i am finding it very hard to like myself at the moment.

Hey Chicken,i suppose i could have another pack but i am only 5,4 i am seriously a shortee.

Well just spoke to my doc about an hour ago and he said that i could try ssing again if i wanted to if my blood sugars are stable,which they have been for the last couple days they have been between 5 and 6 which is ok.
What my doc said is that i can try getting back into cd by doing aam that way my body is not getting such a shock and easing myself into ssing so after a week or possibly 2 weeks depending how i feel whilst i am on aam then if my sugas are stable i can try ssing again.
I feel a bit more content now.
Good Luck Roch, Cutting down first is such a good idea and aam will help psycholically (sorry cant spell that one!) as well as you will be having some food.

If you can stabalise your sugars with aam and then go gradually down im sure you will feel much better, if it takes 2 weeks to slowly cut your carbs down to a CD level then Im sure it will eb better for you health wise.

Keep us posted x
Thanks Vicky,am def going to start the aam starting monday,should really start tomorrow but i am on TOTM and will be till sunday,so i dont want to start something when i know i am feeling a bit fragile.

I am looking forward to doing the aam plan and then i will decide which plan is right for me,might end up not ssing but doing 790 instead or another plan,only time will tell,but i am def going to give it a go.

Can someone email me the amounts of food u can have on the aam week or the 790 plan pls.

I know i need to snap out of this semi depression but deep down i know that when i start losing the weight then i will start living a life again,so which ever plan i do i have to commit myself to sticking it out for a period of time,maybe to start with for 100 days but i have to find other ways to cope if i am feeling ill like my blood sugars drop and how to stay on the plan but to eat something to help raise my sugars so i dont end up having another hypo as that really scared me,although it has happened to me 3 times now that last time was the worst.

Anyway,am shatered emotionally and phyisically so am off for a shower.
Thanks to all of u who have taken the time to post on my thread your messages of support have really helped me.
Take care,sleep well xxx
Well last night i had the first good nights sleep in at least a month,although i havr to take a sleeping tab to sleep i still have not been sleeping,i am the kind of gal who when things are bothering me i cant sleep:(

Went to bed at the same time as Aaron and practicallym crashed by the time he got out of the shower,have done so much crying and worrying over the past weeks that i think it all got to much for me the last 2 days but i am pleased it did as i got a good night sleep and i feel refreshed and ready to face the world.

Got another app with my therapist today and i want to talk about coping strategies and stress so fingerws crossed for that.

Am going to go shopping today and get what i need for the aam meals and def give it a go on monday once the dreaded Totm has gone.
Have serious Totm pains as i have pocs and also they think a cyst might of burst so i have a scan booked for the 23.Oct to check out the situation.

I was just wondering how many of u have done aam or 790/1000 and do u have any receipes or tips and how did i find it.

Thanks for all you kind helpfull messages to me it really helped me more than u know.:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Have a good day
Take care xx
I am so sorry i havent been there for you until now. Somehow missed your diary - i am so very sorry.

Wanted to let you know how great i think you are. You are an honest and open person and really deserves to win this battle with your weight.
I'm glad the doc said you can do ssing. I really thikn spending a while on AAM will be really good for you. Take the bull by the horns honey and go for it. You can do this!!

I have loved my AAM weeks. I always make sure i have plenty of variety to keep it different. Just remember that weight losses on AAM are still fantastic and it will get you to where you want to be.
You can do this and have a wonderful 40th birthday. :)
have been reading your compelling diary having just started the CD and can really identify with your struggle.
I've been battling low self confidence and a very unnurturing childhood over the past few years and having a counsellor made the biggest single difference of anything.
At last I've realised how much I denied my feelings, repressed them, used food as a crutch and somehow had a deep seated belief that I didn't deserve to be happy or have a voice or have a life.

You come across a thoughtful, determined, nurturing person.

I hope in the counselling process and in life generally you can get to the point where you can really take in at a deep level, take in as far as the food you eat- right down into your gut that;

you do deserve to be happy,
you do deserve to be heard
and you do deserve to have a life.

I believe that for you- and I hope you get to the point where you do too.

Rooting for you.

Kate x
Hi Helen,thanks for such a sweet message,compliments as well u r making me blush LOL.
I am starting the aam week on monday wanted to wait till Totm had gone but it seriously playing up at the moment as i have pocs and i playing havoc with my hormones.
How are u hun,how has your week been.
Please, dont be sorry for missing my diary i am not one of these people who write on my diary thread every day so as there are loads of devoted diary writers mine goes to the bottom of the page or sometimes the mext page LOL.
Hope u r having a good weekend and take care xxx

Hi Kate,your message on my diary really hit home for me and the way u have thought about yourself in the past is the way i think about myself quite often although i am trying to stop thinking negative thought about myself and learn to like myself then to love myself.
You are new to this site,how r u finding it !!
Minimins has been like a lifeline for me the support and friendship so many people have shown me is amazing and has helped me through so much.
How has ur week been !!
Looking forward to chatting to u soon xx
Was just sitting here tonight thinking about how much time i have wasted getting on and off diets over the years and still today 17th september i am practically 28 stone,gosh i have seriously wasted my life !!

Some people say to me why should u let your weight hold u back well i wanted to do an access course at college then go to uni and study social work it has been my dream for many years,i tried to go to college but weighing practically 28 stone it was impossible for me to walk around the campus let alone the stairs up and down to class.
Unless u have weighed so much u cant begin to realise how it makes u phyisically disabled and puts a hold on your life.

Why did i not have the emotional strength to stick out any diets i have done in the past !!
I often think about how much time i have wasted and i am now 38 yrs old and have no career.
My son Aaron is leaving school in 2 yrs time and wants to take a year off studying to work then either go in the navy or go to college,by the time i get to college he will be leaving school or going to college himself,he will most probably end up qualified b4 me at this rate :eek: and at the end of the day its all my own fault as i chose food over a normal life.

I need to be strong now and start to learn to love myself :eek:
I am very good at sticking to rigid schedules for so many things in my life but not when it comes to my health.
So on Monday i start cd agin but this time i will be having 2 shakes and a small meal not sure yet if i should do the aam/790 or 1000,got all the info on the cambridge website on the 790 or 1000 and printed them out but could not find anything about amounts of food on the aam,so if anyone coukd help me with that pls,as i have to make up my mind by sunday night.

One good thing that has changed in the past few days is suddenly i got a craving for ice cold water usually i never drink plain water and now am drinking at least 2.5 ltrs a day which is def an accomplishment for me,although i have bad water retention probs even when i drink 3ltrs a day i still retain water so for the moment need to take water tabs.
My blood sugars have been good around 5.2 to 6 which my doc is happy with.
Went out today and got some Psyhillum husk powder from holland and barrett it was called colon care and cost 11.99 but will give it a go as i do get problems with constipation also it hopoefulkly will help me feel full up when i finally get on to ssing.
Well am off to bed,hope u all have a nice weekeknd.
Thanks Mandy,u r a night bird,have a nice day hun xx

Well am looking forward to resarting tomorrow even had a dream about weighting 17 stone and the last time i weighed that weight i was 18 yrs old so that will be very weird.
Totm is really messing around at the momment think it has something to do with Pocs and i have an ultrasound in october to see what is going on.
Feel happy and kind of positive am hoping that having the option to eat a small meal in the morning will def help me emotionally and phyisically.
When u r on aam or 790/1000 do u get into ketosis and stay there !!!
Also cant find anytning on aam and how much food u can eat,can anyone advice me.

Anyway got lots to do,hope u all have a good day,catch u later xx