Conventional woman i am not,but i will find a weight loss plan that suits my needs !!

Well i have spent alot of the day tidying up my room and sorting out my toiletries,i am "queen of toiletries" i have every cream possible and some doubles.
I have found brand new clothes i got in the summer 3/4 sizes 2 small for me on purpose so i would eventually fit into them which were in an evans bag on a shelf hidden away.

I am a tidy person and very house proud i have white walls and ice white leather furniture which i only have had for about a year from dfs and i love it,when people come round to my house and they are wearing jeans i have to ask them if they are brand new if so i have to bring out a throw over for them to sit on as the dye of the jeans can stain my furniture if they have not been washed a few times.

My friends say i am a bit obsessed with tidyness and i cant stand clutter.
Aarons room is mess all the time and i argue with him about it alot,and i just went in there to put his clean sheets on his bed and saw the state of his room which he thinks is tidy,when he comes back from the cinema me and him are going to have words big time.

I have just emptied out my 2 make up bags and thrown alot away cleaned them with baby wipes and washed the make up bags,gosh my life is sad LOL.

I bet none of u have such a sad life like me,i am 38 and my social life has been non existant for 4 years,the only time i go out is to go shopping.
How i cant wait to lose the first 3 stone or so and gain some self confidence,wer all the brand new clothes in my wardrobe and start living my life again.
Hi Roch
I have two toddlers and I just yearn for a tidy home - I used to be so house proud just like you!
You are a beautiful woman and I am surprised that you are hiding yourself away but actually I hid myself away for 1o years!
I must admit now that I have shed my weight I am more confident and people treat me differently [men & women] but I put that down to the fact that I am more positive and confident myself!
I do feel that I am now Living my life instead of constantly being ashamed of how I looked and having no self confidence!
I wish you all the very best and hope that you find losing weight gives you confidence and a better social life!
i really do understand your pain!
I know how you feel, but you must go out and enjoy yourself. Dont hide away you are worth more than that.

Big weight loss hugs :D
Whichever diet Roch will follow she is going to suceed.

You are one very determined and strong lady Roch, and it comes across in your posts. You have a lot going for you and you have a lot to live for. Just a few months, not long, and your social life will soar - perhaps we can go out on the pull together, lol. Or even a whole crowd of us from here. Just imagine ten minimins members walking down Leicester Square linking arms! You can do it Roch, this time next year will see you practically slim. Print out those pictures - that will be a good incentive.
Pam xx
Gosh thanks u all for the compliments it has really made me smile.

Hey Nadine,i can understnad what u r saying about people treating you different when u have lost weight as i have noticed that with some of my friends who have lost weight.
For the last 4 yrs i have hardly left my home unless necessary,but its so weird because 4.5 yrs ago i weighed the same 27 stone and i had alot more confidence well at least on the outside and i had a life but when i split up with my partner it knocked all my self confidence especially as i heard he was telling people that there was no way that he was having any relationship with me let alone anything phyisical with me as i weighed 400 lbs and he was just living in my home and that was it,and what a lie that was,and that just knocked my self confidence and thats when i started not leaving my home.
Hopefully soon i can start changing that.

Thanks for the message Dawn but at the moment i find it very hard as i cant help feeling like crap when people stare at me and it happens so often,.

Pam u r a special lady and i am so pleased we have met up on this site,u have so much belief in me,wish i had the same amount of beleif in myself.When i start gaining some self confidence we can go on the pull together LOL and take all the single minimins with us lol.Hope u r having a good weekend x

Thanks for the compliments Irene but i dont feel beautiful,all i can see is 27 stone of fat and it makes me so angry that i allowed myself to get to this weight and stay like this for the last 5 years so much of my life i have wasted.

Well hope u all have had a nice day,mines been busy cleaning and sorting out things,now my neighbour upstairs forgot on purpose to let me know she is having an allnight party and i have that to look forward to all night pure noise.plenty of bass and loads of screaming people with ceilings that are realy thin.
So will not have much sleep will most prob be back on later as i def wont be able to sleep.

Although i am finding it very hard to be positive about the way i look,i hope that by the end of this year that things will slowly chnage for me and i will learn to love myself.
The good news Roch is that it hasn't taken you that many years to realise and get in the right frame of mind to lose weight. Unfortunately it took me 30 years and so regret that it took me so long. Time is on your side.
Irene xx
Irene i really hope that i managed to sucseed this time,it knocked me pretty hard on thursday when i was told i cant ss and i was really in the right frame of mind and feeling strong and positve that this time i was going to sucseed ssing.

I am scared that i am not strong enough and i will end up giving up but i hope and pray that i dont.

I seriously need my 40th birthday in April 08 to be the fresh start to my life and that is 19 months away so i hope and pray i will be at goal by then,they say "life begins at 40 "well my life will def start at 40.

The party is in full swing upstairs and it makes it even worse as they are standing by their cars with music blasting and making a whole lot of noise right by my window and it is 2 warm to shut my window so looks like i wont be having much sleep tonight.
Well i am seriously shattered,my neighbours party went on till around 4 but the music went a bit quieter around 3 then i fell asleep for an hour till they all made a whole load of noise in the car park.

Woke up at 5 am and was feeling a bit weird could not put my finger on it,so decided to get up and go and sit in the lounge and watch telly so i could then go back to sleep eventually was hungry as i only ate a small jacket pot and some peas for my dinner and was so busy during the day had not eaten lunch,so decided to have a sandwich,made a banana sandwich and a glass of milk and sat down to watch emmerdale on itv 2 around 5.50 did not feel right and then i started being sick managed to put my hand to my mouth and run to the bathroom where i was sick a few more times,felt fine after and went back to sleep,not sure what that was all about.

Got loads to do today,am seriously spring cleaning each room of the house this week,did the lounge and my bedroom yesterday and today am going to attack the bathroom,i want to clean the tiles which are floor to ceiling,they dont show 2 much dirt as they are natural dark and stone and where i cant reach Aaron will have to do them,then sort out all my toiletries.

Tomorrow is my start of the low Gi diet.I feel positive that this is going to work for me and i am going to keep a food diary and also log down how much water i am drinking as i still want to drink 3 ltrs a day.

Last night i had a lovely chat with Debbie in the chatroom untill 1 am,infact 2 nights in a row and thank you debbie i really enjoyed chatting 2 u.
From tomorrow onwards i am going to set very small goals and the first one is going to be to be a size smaller by November 5th,and the second will be 2 be 2 sizes smaller by Christmas and each month i will post pics to show how much i have changed,and i am going to stay away from the scales becuause its inches and clothes sizes i am interested in and not pounds.

Well hope u all have a good day,best get my rubber gloves on,catch u all later xx
Roch honey - I've said it to you before and I'll say it again .. you are stunning as you are now - and there'll just be no stopping you when you start to lose a bit of weight. Not because losing weight makes you more beautiful, but because of the added confidence it will give you.

Oh .. and my husband has seen your photos too and agrees you're lovely looking - so it's not just your mates (who are naturally biased) who think that .. so NER!!! :)
Well i have had a nice day today,my best friend came round and spent the afternoon with me and we had a laugh.:)

Aaron is not feeling 2 good he has pains on the right side of his chest when he breathes,so am not 2 sure what 2 do think i will ring NHS direct and see what they say,have given him an anti inflamatory tablet he said it has eased the pain a bit.Think i will ave to take him to A&E tomorrow morning,i asked him if he has strained himself and he said no,when he came in last night he said he had a kind of belly ache but quite high up and today it seems to have got worse.:(

So am off to ring NHS direct now and see what they say.
Hi roch
hope Aaron is Ok?
I am sure that you are busy nursing him better?
It s strange that you both hae been ill in the last 24 hours - could it be a bug?? Hope it is nothing serious!
Check lavenders' posts as she is embarking on a low GI diet - she has completed lighter life with me but still wants to lose a few pounds! She has great ideas for recipes and is very knowledgeable about GI diet!
Stay positive - your 40th will be a wonderful memory because you will be slim and so full of self confidence - keep going for your dream!
Hi Nadine,thanks for the message,have spoken to NHS direct and am now waitng for a nurse to call me back.

The same symptoms that Aaron has had i had around 3 months ago and the doc at the hospital said it was the Cartledge in my rib cage had got inflamed due to the fact i had had a cold a week or so b4,and it felt like someone was hitting my chest every time i took a breath and Aarons symptoms are the same.
I gave him an anti inflamatory tab and he siad it has eased up a bit as the tab has a painkiller in it as well,think i will have to take him to the walk in clinic at the hospital 2morrow as i will have to wait 2 weeks for a gp app.

If it the same as i had its so painfull.NHS direct just rang me whilst i was typing this post and they said Aaron could either have a chest infection or possibly the inflamation of his cartledge in his ribcage.
So we are going to go to the walk in clinic tomorow,and have him checked out,if it is either if the 2 that i have just said then that will be Aaron off for most of the week,lucky me !!
Well did not sleep very well kept on checking Aaron because it was hurting him so much every time he took a breath,but he has slept well,just waitng for him to get up to see how he is,was going to wake him up but childrens A&E does not open till 10.30 so there is no hurry as we live on the grounds of the hospital.

Well today i start my Gi way of life,and i am adamant i am going to not rush it and aim for a dress size every 6 weeks but also make myself healthy .
Slow but sure is now my motto.
Well got to go and catch a shower so i am ready when Aaron gets up.
Hope u all have a good day xx
Morning Roch:)

Good luck with GI diet and let us know how Aaron is, tell him we hope he will be okay, poor lad.

Love Mini xxx
Thanks Mini,well he has just got up and has crawled all 5.10 of him into my bed and said that the pain has gone but he has a tingly sensation when he breathes and it only hurts him when he takes a deep breath,so am not 2 sure what to do,think i will just wait and see how he feels in the next hour.

Hope u have a good day Mini,will chat later xx
Hiya roch,
ouch poor Aarron, hope you get things sorted at the walk in clinic...

Oh and good on you, you sound very upbeat on the diet front, which is great to hear :D

Have a good day, and send Aaron my get well wishes:p
Hi Roch,

Best to take Aaron and get him checked out by your doctor incase it is an infection and he just might need an anitbiotic as sometimes that is the only thing that will help him get over it.

It will give you peace of mind as well.

Love Mini xxx
Hi Geri and Mini,thanks for you message.
Well believe it or not Aaron told me that he has no pains at all and he wants to go to school,i have alllowed him as usually Aaron will do anything to get a day of school of i allowed him like most teenagers but he really says he feels ok,i am wondering if maybe he just pulled a muscle in his chest.
Have told the school so they will keep any eye on him.

Well i started my low gi today and for my breaky i had : 2 slices of 100% wholemal bread,1tsp of extralight soft cheese(tesco helathy living) with tomato and a low fat shape yoghurt and a glass of water and i thoroughly enjoyed it,although i am doing a low gi diet i am going to count points at the same time like ww so i know i am not eating 2 much and will still lose weight steadily.

Geri hun how r u doing,what day are u on now x

Mini,how u doing girl,read in your post u r feeling shattered,take it easy hun x.
Hope u all have a good day xx