
Full Member
Hello all,
I am due to start a new job in a few weeks, with some pretty intense 2 week training for a support worker position. I will be out and about and office based for about 7-8 hours a day plus extras, so no chance really of a break as such. How do you do the diet? I know I could take a bar, but these are people I don't know, doing a job I am new to and I don't really want to be explaining to all and sundry I am on a VLCD! How have you coped with your jobs/odd hours, ect? It will be full on training, intense and my hours will encompass night times too. :confused: HELP!
:( I also can't leave things in my car as there isn't a free car park near so will be dropped off by hubby very early.
Thank you! x
I don't tell anyone it talk about it at work, my lunch looks the same as always!! nobodys business!!

You can have shakes, bars and soup. Legally you will have a 20minute break so make sure your gettin a pack then. I take two packs and shaker in my handbag no problem

Maybe set yourself up in the morning with a double porridge or a nice omlette before you go

Keep to the water

Most of all good luck for the new job hun Xx
Thank you RebekahR,
I wasn't working a few years ago when I did Cambridge, so I wasn't sure. Good idea's to try, thank you again x
Are you doing 4 packs or 3 plus protein? If having protein you could take some cold chicken and salad, nobody would notice then. Or if you are on 4 packs maybe make a pack of soup up in a flask (I know it is meant to be eaten within a certain time frame, but it won't hurt 'til you find your feet at work) or maybe enter the soup pack into a tupperware container to make up with hot water at work (just explain you were given a catering pack of cup-a-soup)
Good luck with your new job!
I started my new job 3 weeks ago. I, like you, was hoping I wouldn't have to tell anybody that I was dieting, but if your co-workers are switched on they will soon notice something is up especially if you keep refusing food they offer ect.

In our work place I discovered to my horror that on Fridays, which they lovingly call chip Friday, everybody sits together and eats chips and crusty bread. Afterwards for around an hour they drink wine ect till the end of the day... really makes my diet hard!

Ultimately I found it was just easier to let everybody know what I was doing and be proud of it instead of having to answer constant inane questions as to why I don't want this or that. If you really must hide it then the chicken and salad thing might work for a little bit and the bars wont make anybody curious either really.

I hope you get on great at your new job! :D
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You can tell them you have IBS and you need to be REALLY careful what you eat?!

(16lbs lighter in 4 weeks)
Thank you to you all, good idea about the protein. I was going to do 4 a day, but 3 + a small meal maybe better given my hectic schedule I was given! Your all fab, thank you for replying and the good lucks x