couldnt think of a title

I've found mine heavy during the vlcd. Just see how it goes don't want to get anaemic
9lb!!!! Well done you! You must be so thrilled, great start xx
I can sympathise with the heavy bleeding. I think I bled constantly for 3 weeks until I had my carb binge and I've not had one since. However, I have a feeling its going to come on today again.

Its the only thing I cant stand about ketosis, I just seem to bleed constantly until I binge on carbs to make it stop. My tummy is killing me, so I'm fairly certain its going to start again :(
3 weeks!!!!! hell do i not want that, its not the best side affect is it, hot water bottle at the ready , or turn to the drugs i think
I sometimes think I've lost all my weight in blood because I've not gone down a clothes size yet, which is annoying. Infact, I feel bloated and fat today.

And yes, I did get my period. Bawz.
Yeah, sitting in amongst a whole pile of paperwork at my desk. I've got a deadline for tomorrow and I've missed almost a whole week of work.

God forbid anyone in the office helps me out. They're all very good at expecting their work to be covered when they're off, but noone bothers their arse with mine. I mean, they're all sitting round twiddling their thumbs, as we speak, whilst you cant even see my desk for files.

Dont get me wrong, I am sittin on here, but still! :p
thanks stef, yes i am, i have had a few concerns though dont know if you had seen them,

good advice to emma, just to let you know you arent allowed to ask to swap or sell on here, i dont know why, x

Ohh sorry to hear that hun, i didnt see but i just have now, i rush through diaries that much im sure my eyes only want me to see the good parts!!!
Is it really heavy? mines not too bad so far...
Maybe speak to the doc ask what they think?

As for the sore throat, ive had 1 alittle past couple of days only like an itching though, There was these tablets i used to get and they was amazing, not sweet or nothing like soothers, will find them and let u know, think i got them from asda xxx
you will have to let me know what these are then stef,

i had chicken with my cottage pie tonight mainly to keep kev happy he's acting like i never eat, doing my head in, it was that bad i was tempted to pretend to put the chicken in, god i dont want to be sneaky about it , i'm not even doing anything wrong just trying to lose weight, you would think i had something wrong the way he's acting, he's sure the shakes just dont have enough nutrients in them to keep me alive.
i know its just because he's worried bless him.
so he's gone to football and i get to veg and watch a year to save my life.
so today day 8 i have had:
hot vanilla shake with coffee
red fruits shake
cottage pie with chicken and veg
muesli bar
Well done 9lbs is a great loss especially as u have been I'll too.

I only caught abit of a year to save my life but have recorded it for tomorrow . Can't believe it's the last one! :(
hi kelstar bettie and cupcake, thanks for all of the positive comments, i am starting to feel abit better today i though i better get on here now as its my last day of work ever for this company, i just want to get it out of the way then i am free of them, i need to go and book the solicitors appointment to sign my redundancy, and then thats it, officially a lady who lunches lol.

had a really bad night last night i am just not sleeping, it is taking me ages to doze off then at about 1-2 i am wide awake again, when i doze back off i am awaking at around 6ish, this is so not normal for me, ususally i can sleep for england.

my tummy is growling like a goodun today but am still going to hold off for my shake at 11am have downed to glasses of water and just made a peppermint tea, i hate it now but i am just going to finish the box as its all i have to drink.

got the happy chavness that is jeremy on the telly so am going to work away whilst watching him.

oh thats not funny kelstar i didn t know it was the last one, i wonder if there will be another series i really like a year to save my life.
Cant bloody find the sore throat tablets now, is urs still sore, ive been up and down all night with mine..
Hope u have a better sleep tonight :)

Glad to see ur feeling better today. Bet u cannot wait to get the day over with! xxx
aw Kay hope you feel better! yes good old Jeremy Kyle! i had a day off yesterday and i watched Three episodes!! haha love it.

i love it !!!

yes steff my throats still sore but not half as bad as it was i can actually swallow without doing contortionist movements, see what i'm ,like i slipped back onto here, lol
Awww i wonder why there sore :/ are u drinking enough/ im wondering if im gettin alot of dry throat as i dnt think im drinking enough...

Haha yep its addictive, i am on here more than i do work whooopsie! x