Cream cheeses...


Full Member
Ok so I know the dairlylea light and laughing cow light are hexA but does this also include philly?? Im sure i read someone was using it in pasta but can't find the post anywhere :?

Also I shop in asda, do I have to buy the philly light or can I buy the asda light? And is it only plain or can i buy the flavored ones (aslong as the 50% less fat ones)

Thanks guys,
Im only on my third week and still trying to grasp all the things I can and can't have as a Hex. (Going it alone from home)

75g reduced fat/light soft cheese plain is an A choice
Also 2 x 35g tubs Philly light soft cheese or 3 x 35g tubs Philly lightest soft cheese.

As for flavoured that's a choice for you to make but tbh I use the flavoured ones and as yet hasn't affected weight loss !!
I use asda's 75% less fat, just as tasty and less syns. Or i did until I switched to Lidl for my shopping.