Cruise: Lausanne is losing it!

I've been reading your goals, which are great incidentally, but I wondered where you're charting your weight loss progress? I was wondering whether you were finding it easier now that you're back in Ireland, or not, and whether the weight loss has increased now that you can find lighter fat products.

You were very heroic last night. I applaud you! (I'd have opted out!!)
Fine thanks, ChrisR:) at a friend's for the weekend. Had a lovely catch-up.


Pre-swim: coffee
B: 140g oven baked salmon
L: mixed spice muffins and total yogurt
D: lemon pepper coated chicken breasts
S: sweet omelette
Just a quick post ....gonna be flat out all week. Starting an online course and lots of family stuff lined up...

Pre-swim: mixed spice muffin
B: chicken breast coated with lemon pepper
L: muffins and Total yogurt
D: mince with herbs and spices

Pre-swim: mixed spice muffin
B: mince with mushroom and tomato
L: muffins and rhubarb
D: chicken casserole with butternut squash
S: rhubarb

Pre-swim: Coffee muffin
B: oven baked salmon
L: muffins and scrambled eggs
D: turkey breast steaks
S: Fro yo

Pre-swim: Coffee muffin
B: Turkey breast strips
L: muffins and scrambled eggs
D: fish chowder
S: Fro yo

Will be having a quick nosy on diaries and hope to post in a few. Have a good week, amigos! :)Xx
Good luck on your studies and I hope the family stuff is nice and not bad stuff... x
Oh it is, petal. Lots of visiting cousins I haven't seen in a while and helping with the plotting of a surprise party for my stepdad's 60th! Glad to see you in here, how's the form with you? :)Xx
Have a good week! Hope all goes well and look forward to hearing from you when it all calms down there xx
Just made lemon puffs from a cook book I got as a prize 19 years ago! Full of oldies but goodies. So yum, so easy. Will post in recipe section.:)Xx
I held a tiny tiny 10 day old baby boy yesterday - AH! Couldnt get over how tiny he was, shame they have to grow up into grumpy forever hungry 6'3" men - lol ;)
Or even grumpy, hormonal women... soon will have 3 teenage girls in this house :eek:

Hopefully by the time the 4th becomes a teen, the oldest will have moved out... :D
Oh yes ive got one of them too, this week has been a hormonal filled week, we couldnt look at her without getting our heads bitten off but to everyone else she is miss perfect! LOL
The joys of motherhood, ladies! Bet it feels like yesterday when they were babes in arms though and you often say "Where did the time go?"

I know I can't talk. I certainly had my moments as a moody teen - bright red hair, doc martin boots, permanently dressed in poor mother! :)Xx
My baby is 18 ... Seems like yesterday he was a baby

When I was his age I had black and White spiky hair dressed like madonna and was out drinking all weekend before I started going out I was the typical moody teenager ... Very quiet even at home and my parents always accused me of being on drugs Lol god knows how they expected me to afford it on a £1 a week pocket money lmao
My baby is 18 ... Seems like yesterday he was a baby

When I was his age I had black and White spiky hair dressed like madonna and was out drinking all weekend before I started going out I was the typical moody teenager ... Very quiet even at home and my parents always accused me of being on drugs Lol god knows how they expected me to afford it on a £1 a week pocket money lmao

Ha ha - we were high on life!! Really we were very creative and expressive when you think about our fashion choices. ;)Xx