Total Solution Cruising along with it now

Thank you - I can feel the vibes already lol :D
I think as our bodies get to a normal healthy weight they do resist our attempts to get to the lower end of a normal range! But if we stick with it our bodies will eventually acknowledge our efforts! I remember it took me longer to go from a 16 to a 14 than it took to go from a 20 to 16, but the feeling was amazing and worth the effort! Good luck hon - I'm sure you'll be in that 14 very soon :)
Couldn't resist a quick weigh this morning and it was 1lb less than yesterday so hoping for a decent loss next week. Drank about 4 litres yesterday so will try to keep it up for the rest of the week and see if it makes a difference :)
How are things going? Don't let TOTM distortions put you off!
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm keeping on with it - the scales will drop again soon I'm sure :)
so just 1lb off again this week :(
But at least it's in the right direction, and I lost another 1 1/2 inches off my waist :) Am going to start back at the gym this week - want to tone up and maybe it will help speed the weight off too.
I refuse to give up and have just ordered another 134 shakes so am still going to stick with it.
Thank you - it does make it easier to keep going when the tape measure shows what the scales won't! I had a similar thing happen when I did CD and it did catch up in the end so I just need to keep at it. If anything I'm even more determined to be 100% this week as I am sure the scales can't hold out on me much longer! ;)
Hi Angel Missy. Thanks for lovely posts on my diary! Ive popped in to say HI so "HI!" and to check out how you are doing. You are doing so well. I will be buying that gary taubes book.

My goal weight is 9 st. I was planning to get to 10st 10lbs (Your weight today!!) on exante and then the rest of the way with diet and exercise. I see you doing exante despite the fact you are a normal bmi. Is it harder? Do you think I could keep going all the way to goal with exante? How are you finding it?

Hi, I don't find it any harder doing vlcd at this weight. Obviously the weight doesn't drop as quickly now but it is just as easy to stick to. I do find it pretty easy to maintain as long as I don't get on the carbs but to lose any weight on it means watching the calories which I find tedious. It seems that Atkins etc is a fab way to go if you have a lot to lose but most people seem to stop losing just above where they would like to be. So for me this is the best way and I'll be sticking with it to goal then back to Atkins stylee to maintain. Maybe it's partly that, because I lost successfully on vlcd before, I have some kind of extra confidence in it working so find it easier to stick to lol. In the past I had tried all sorts - healthy eating (ate too much healthy food), exercise (still ate too much), low fat diet (felt miserable and hungry all the time and ate way too much low fat food without ever being satisfied). So when I got onto CD it was like some kind of miracle for me :D
I need to get back to the gym to shape up too - can't wait to get back on the Bodypump - love that class :)
You'll be surprised how quickly that 10st10 will come round if you stick to plan, my goal for next week is 10st 7 so NOTHING other than shakes, water and 2 cups of tea a day will pass my lips!
Keep going with it and congratulations again on being in the 14s :)
Thanks for that AM. you have given me food for thought. I might consider sticking with exante to goal. It would be quicker.... Um. What to do...? (it'll be a nice problem to have when i get to 10.10! Seems v far away right now)

I think I would rather lose 1.5 inches from my waist than have a bigger loss! Good luck on your 100% week!
Congrats on this week loss on the scales and on the tape measure. 10.10 is the lowest I ever got to when I did a VLCD a few years back and I remember it well. Fingers crossed that you get your 10.7 last week xx
Thank you all -I've been very good today. No nibbling and about 4l water down :) I have booked myself in at the gym to move things on a bit quicker too. And have also ordered a month of shakes plus a box of vanilla so definitely on it for another 8 weeks! The metal mouth had gone and is now back, oddly reassuring even if it's not pleasant ;)
Well done chick. Here's to a great week ahead for you xx
Hope your TS week is going as planned!
Thank you - not going as planned as I have had a sore throat, very chesty cough and nasty cold and couldn't do the milky thing :( I couldn't even go to the gym today even though my muscles had recovered from last week. I hope it will all be past soon and I can get back on it properly. On the plus side I've not really pigged out and best thing of all: I got a dog! :D