Current 1000'ers

Oh yum! The seabass looks good!

How've you been? I haven't been around so much lately have been so busy.
Hello can I join you? Hit my goal of 139 lbs today but want to drop another 4 or 5 to keep me well under 10st! Most size 10's are quite loose and really want to drop down to a size 8 on my jeans if I can...though hubby wants me to stop now!

I am struggling to eat 1,000 cals a day - know I need to but scared of putting on any weight!
Hiya Waffles! Have updated my latest meal in my maintenance thread!

Ive been doing ok I guess. Averaging about 700 cals a day though as I have found it really hard to have all the products and food. and milk. and water!

Going to do my first little bit of exercise tomoro, have decided to go for a swim or do some cardio...will decide which when I get there lol.

Hi OscarsMum! Welcome. I know how you feel with the worry...but you just have to remember how few 1000 cals actually is!

Also, I am now in a size eight...but think my body probably looked a bit better at a ten! Plus the smaller you get the more money you have to spend on new clothes! hehe. xxx
ps. big congrats on hitting goal. xxxx
Hey cupcake, I'm often eating only 700kcals or so too. I think more than anything it's because I can't find anything I want to eat from the books etc. I usually eat reasonably healthily so it's hard not being able to eat just what I normally eat. I'm not really a breakfast person and when I had breakfast I'd have shreddies or clusters. When I first started I had breakfast every day but now I just have a shake for breakfast and sometimes just a shake for lunch too. I keep forgetting my yoghurt too!

I'm going on holiday next week and starting my exercise after that. I want to start doing ballet so I found somewhere to do that :) very excited for that.

Hello Oscars mum! Welcome to our little group :p Congrats on hitting your goal! I bet that feels great. I know what you mean about wanting to lose more, I don't think you can really know what your goal is until you get to it, you'll know if it's right or not for you.

I'm into a comfortable size 10 now and my goal is to get into 8s by the summer.

With the putting on weight with 1000kcals, from reading other posts it seems like people do put on a couple of pounds by coming out of ketosis or something or other but then they lose it again afterwards. I can't wait to eat more food, I think it's very important to gradually introduce food, just so we can get an idea of how much food is actually in a portion and things like that xx
How is everyone getting on? Xxx
Hi everyone, looks like you have all done well, hope I can do the same.
I only started today and wondered if someone could tell me if my menu is ok.
Breakfast I had 40g of muesli and small amout skimmed milk.
Lunch, the pasta with chick peas menu from the CD book
Tea, I shake and an apple
Supper 1 shake.
I feel really full after eating my lunch, just hope I am doing this right as thought I would be hungry.
Hey there! Your menu looks alright to me, I don't know how much milk you've had but you could probably have a bit more in a cup of tea or something. You're allowed a small bowl of salad too.

I'm always full, pretty much every day! I couldnt believe it, I thought I'd be starving xx
Hey littlest cupcake. I'm doing alright. Was ever so naughty and had a hot cross bun for breakfast today!! How you doing? X