Curv-a-licious Countdown

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3 pages read - woo this thread moves quick...

Have just double checked back and you have put HEb in there 3 times-I wasn't going mad-but 2 of them were obviously only meant to be 1/2 HEb hence the confusion when I skimmed thru it!!!!
Sorry for the confusion x :)

i would say EE just because you fit into the 5-15 syns range with that :)

but it's whatever you feel comfortable really- it could be either-or :)
Will stick to EE as I'm easily confused :confused:

Hope any one who is getting weighed today, has a goos weigh in!! :)
Thanks x - 6.5 hours for me :wave_cry:

weigh in tonight and i am not sure what is going to happen.
We'll both be fine x

weigh in tonight as well and feel the exact same. * week also. so any loss will be great.

good luck xx
Good luck. * week for me too so we're in the same boat! :(

Hahah! Hubby loves that he was needed. Was a wee ego boost for him. He loves helping! Sweetheart, really!

Thats excellent news about the stretches. Please keep me updated about how they go. I'll be checking your diary frequently now too make sure you are doing them! haha =D
Hubby will be wanting to know how it is going too.

Its hard with the shoes as I always though that mine were really good. A good indicator of good shoes is:
If you hold each end of the shoe and try to bend it...
A shoe that doesnt move at all is not good as it restricts your movement.
A shoe that bends a lot (or -worst of all- rolls up into a ball almost!) is TERRIBLE and you should throw them out immediately.
A shoe that bends but gives resistance is perfect (like asics) because it will move with your feet for walking but it will constantly give support and imrpove posture etc which will help with the muscles.

Hubby used to wear proper dress shoes to work and found his sides and back were so sore. He then got a pair of Asics trainers so he could show them to people coming in and since he did he hasnt had a pain since. Like he used to lie in bed at night clutching his side with the pain and the backs of his legs were SO tight. Then he started wearing these and doing stretches more often and voila - nothing! =D
He wears them all the time now and they are still in great condition so they really last and they are SO comfy. I am getting a pair next pay day. Tried them on in the shop and bought them online for way cheaper! hehe.

So yes. Foot ware and stretches!!


PS - I don't work for Asics and I dont have shares in them. In case you think Im so mad woman trying to sell some sort of time share style thing in Asics shoes. They are just comfy! haha - Felt I had to add this! I sound possessed by Asics!
Want Asics. Need Asics. Must buy Asics.(opens a new tab and searches for Asics)

Good luck to all with a WI today - and good luck for 100% for everybody :D
Thanks - I'll need it!!!

2lbs off for me
Yey!!!! Well done :)

Wow... Alot of you are getting weighed tonight!!

Good Luck to everyone ... I will keep my fingers and toes crossed :) xxx
Thanks x

I'm here!!! It's my day off today so cab spend my day on here til I go to the gym!!

Hope I don't sound sad but I got all excited the other day in the gym because....... The new class timetable is out!!! :)
They have added box fit and boot camp so think I will give them a go! Box fit is on straight after my spin class so hope I will have enough energy left to do it!!
I need to be THIS enthusiastic about excercising!!!

Loads of us weighing in today- must be the most popular day.

Happy slimming everyone!
Thanks x
Thursday is a good day as it's quite far away from the weekend - I think :)

Pouring down so looks like im sitting in the office over lunch. :( :( :mad:

Oh well at least I have this to keep me company:
(One Direction - You don't know your Beautiful - incase it doesnt work...)

Im only 24 so its not THATTTT bad that I adore them!

Don't judge me! haha :p
Really? :)

Girls I need your help I dont seem to be losing weight very quickly now I know that its not a race and I am perfectly ok with not losing vast amounts each week I am only aiming for 2 but its looking like this week I will have either gained or maintained as my scales decided to flick between the 2. Tomorrow is my official weigh in day so will know then.
I am currently doing Mon,Tues,Weds Thurs Green and Fri,Sat Sunday red but I am getting a bit down about not losing my 2 lb a week so Im thinking of changing and doing EE so I eat way more fruit and Veg. I have also upped my fluid consumption. Can any of you suggest something to help it move faster as I have been really good and even though I over synned at the weekend I made up for it this week. It is getting me down as I have also started walking more.

Vary your food and Healthy Extras and make sure you have at least 5 syns a day - and water or peppermint/green tea helps too x
It's windy but bright here so not bad.

F and 40 just make yourself a cm taller and you will be in the 30's here too!!!

I'm varnishing the floors which marginally beats sanding them!

No work today as i only work part time.

Loads of us weighing in today- must be the most popular day.

Happy slimming everyone!

1cm :rolleyes: I think I've probably stopped growing now ;)

Girls I need your help I dont seem to be losing weight very quickly now I know that its not a race and I am perfectly ok with not losing vast amounts each week I am only aiming for 2 but its looking like this week I will have either gained or maintained as my scales decided to flick between the 2. Tomorrow is my official weigh in day so will know then.
I am currently doing Mon,Tues,Weds Thurs Green and Fri,Sat Sunday red but I am getting a bit down about not losing my 2 lb a week so Im thinking of changing and doing EE so I eat way more fruit and Veg. I have also upped my fluid consumption. Can any of you suggest something to help it move faster as I have been really good and even though I over synned at the weekend I made up for it this week. It is getting me down as I have also started walking more.


how about mixing days i.e. red / green / orange - rather than blocks.
Okay firstly I will say don't panic until you are actually weighed in class. This week my oh so accurate scales told me id lost 1.5lbs on a red week and I was gutted then in class last night id actually lost 4lbs! Even the best scales are different to class ones so wait til then!

Next...if you have a consistent red/green pattern I would definately shake it up. What about 2 days of EE 2 days of green and 3 days of red then mix it up the next week?

Make sure you are actually having enough water and not just a bit more. I am still struggling with 8 glasses every day and thats only the minimum, I should have more.

Next, if you have just started exercising it can affect your loss that week and then the following week you make up for it so don't be disheartened about that yet!

What about also changing your healthy extras up? We all get stuck in a rut. This week for my challenge I am having a different HEA &/or B every day to shock my body a bit.

I dont know if any of these will help but I would definately try some mini challenges like red week, water intake, exercise and REALLY go for it. Thats when I tend to see big losses. Like speed soup or having 5 speed food a day or 5 superfree at every meal etc.

Anything that will make your body think WHOA what is this?! Shock your metabolism a bit.

You can do it!!

I think thats part of the problem I dont go to class as I cant afford it. I am 100 percent motivated and am trying my hardest. I dont think I have been eating enough superfree food just recently though as we ran out of food and money at the same time lol I have been and stocked up yesterday though.
I think I need to up my exercise.
I would say that I am having about 3 ltrs a day after reading that article I posted about it affecting weight loss. I am going to try your idea of mixing it up and having different days :)
I am just thinking that I dont always have my HEs do you think this would make a difference and also do you think I should have my full syns everyday?
I am not going to give in but I am getting fed up with the scales lol
Have you tried EE eyden or do you do all red or green?

I know others find they have slow losses on EE but I find I have the best losses on EE and also they seem pretty regular as I have lost 3lbs a week for the last 5 weeks. I do tweak though and here are my tweaks:

I have 2 hex b's on EE but start my day saying to myself i've had 6 syns. So I have 9 to play with each day.

I randomly track my cals one day each week as a back up check if you like and they seem to come out between 1500- 1700 which seems aboout right.

I never ever eat after my main meal in the evening.

I eat virtually no processed stuff, mug shots, noodly stuff etc as I wanted to eat alot more basic food when I started this time.

Saying that Eyden, you havent offically weighed yet and you may have a nice surprise.
I think thats part of the problem I dont go to class as I cant afford it. I am 100 percent motivated and am trying my hardest. I dont think I have been eating enough superfree food just recently though as we ran out of food and money at the same time lol I have been and stocked up yesterday though.
I think I need to up my exercise.
I would say that I am having about 3 ltrs a day after reading that article I posted about it affecting weight loss. I am going to try your idea of mixing it up and having different days :)
I am just thinking that I dont always have my HEs do you think this would make a difference and also do you think I should have my full syns everyday?
I am not going to give in but I am getting fed up with the scales lol

I know what you mean! Scales are a pile of *ahem* but they keep us on the straight and narrow most of the time so we do need them (grrrr!)

Yeah! Definately do different days and I would say a massive YES to eating your HEx's and using your syns. SYNERGY and all that. The plan needs everything that they have set out inorder to work. You might be drinking all that water but if you arent having your HExB's then you wont maybe have enough fibre in your body and the water, although good, isint getting to do as much as it should be able too. Then the HExA's, yeah calcium is great but its more that it gives you some good fat which also is SOO important for loosing weight unles you are on a VLCD (no thanks!).
In my opinion anyway, I think you need everything. It gives you more variety too. Besides I dont think I could do without my milky hot chocolate and milk chocolate fibre plus bar at night (HExA/HExB&2syns!).
It feels like such a treat.

It is so crappy that food that is soo good for you is so expensive. But your right, increasing your superfree/speed will definately help. And when you don't have choice and you get complacent having the same things every night your body doesnt have to work hard at sifting though the good and bad sort of so it can sort of take it easy.
That is not scientific by the way. Thats just how it is in my head and I know when I follow my own advice I do loose weight. The only time I don't is when I am doing something wrong.

We all know the plan works. We have to just make it work for us!

PS. You do have a class - US! :p
Thanks girlies I love you all its so hard and you are right lila you girls are my class what would I don without you. So this is my plan I am going to start EE as from today as I have had loads of fruit and there is loads of veg in my stew thats in the slow cooker. I am going to start having my HEs I think I can manage with just one of each as I never remember to have them lol
I am going to continue with my water and have at least 5 syns a day and see if that helps.
I know I am losing weight even if the blooming scales dont say I am as my clothes fit loads better and I am able to walk a lot further without getting out of breath so long term its working I just need numbers to shout at the doubters lol
As I have said in my Diary I am going to Centre Parcs next weekend with my Mum Sister and Aunties for my Mums 60th birthday and I am having a bit of a battle with them about eating as they are buying a load of rubbish to eat and I am bringing my own food so I wont be tempted, They think that I shouldnt be able to eat what I am eating and still lose weight and they are all really negative about itgrrr
I want to be able to say well I have lost a stone in 6 weeks so it must be working. In order to do that I need to lose at least 5 lb by next Friday.Doable for some but not for me at the moment for some reason. But if I try hard next week I should be nearly there :)

Well done f&40!! Fab loss!! =D


It is so much quiter in here during the day.
Am I the only one who has this on all day in work?? Oops haha.

I'm a bit too far behind with work things this week to sneak on as I've been doing short days and had the day off to cope with the wobbly I had at the weekend :sigh:

Quick flying visit now before heading off to school otherwise I'll be here for hours catching up later lol Don't wanna go now though, giant thunder just went off over the house and the OH pinched the good umbrella this morning :( Catch up properly later though got to do my calf stretches and probably some yoga too later... dodging Davina for the rest of the week methinks - I think I'm on the Anti-Cardio challenge week :D

Well done on your loss F&40! (sorry I meant to write down people's names but forgot to and the posts are really far back now when we all did introductions :)) Are you age/height stats exactly the same on both here and the SW site? x
I'm a bit too far behind with work things this week to sneak on as I've been doing short days and had the day off to cope with the wobbly I had at the weekend :sigh:

Quick flying visit now before heading off to school otherwise I'll be here for hours catching up later lol Don't wanna go now though, giant thunder just went off over the house and the OH pinched the good umbrella this morning :( Catch up properly later though got to do my calf stretches and probably some yoga too later... dodging Davina for the rest of the week methinks - I think I'm on the Anti-Cardio challenge week :D

Well done on your loss F&40! (sorry I meant to write down people's names but forgot to and the posts are really far back now when we all did introductions :)) Are you age/height stats exactly the same on both here and the SW site? x

I just winced at that thunder too :cry:
I'm a bit too far behind with work things this week to sneak on as I've been doing short days and had the day off to cope with the wobbly I had at the weekend :sigh:

Quick flying visit now before heading off to school otherwise I'll be here for hours catching up later lol Don't wanna go now though, giant thunder just went off over the house and the OH pinched the good umbrella this morning :( Catch up properly later though got to do my calf stretches and probably some yoga too later... dodging Davina for the rest of the week methinks - I think I'm on the Anti-Cardio challenge week :D

Well done on your loss F&40! (sorry I meant to write down people's names but forgot to and the posts are really far back now when we all did introductions :)) Are you age/height stats exactly the same on both here and the SW site? x

Just checked and definately the same height :confused:
2lbs off for me - hope this is the most recent list (had to go back 3 pages to find it ;))

Yay well done you brilliant loss, :woohoo: xxxxxxxx

I'm here!!! It's my day off today so cab spend my day on here til I go to the gym!!

Hope I don't sound sad but I got all excited the other day in the gym because....... The new class timetable is out!!! :)
They have added box fit and boot camp so think I will give them a go! Box fit is on straight after my spin class so hope I will have enough energy left to do it!!

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Gosh if you sound sad then so do I ...anything to do with exercise excites me ...I would be the same lol xxx

BMI annoyance :confused:

on sw website mine is 39.9 :D - haven't been in the 30s for ages

but on here its 40.1 :(

I would go with the SW one, I have tried loads and they all come up differently, so as you're doing SW and accepting the weight it tells you are each week, then I'd accept their BMI too. xxx

I really wanna go to more classes but I feel like im too big for them!
I got to Zumba and im the biggest one there.
Id LOVE to go to boxercise or (in my wildest dreams) aquafit but I am far too nervous!!

Go you for doing so much!

Know what you mean, but what the heck before much longer you'll be no bigger than any of them anyway, and the quicker you go the quicker you'll be at that point too xxxx

hope so. weather been totally rubbish here in scotland. rain, rain and more rain. usually go walking with my wee girl in pram, but she hates rain cover on so gets totally soaked. lol. so just been wii fit here and there this week

Stacey xx

Beautiful sunny day here and I have never been so cold in my life, was sweating like nobodies business yesterday, freezing my butt of today...pneumonia next week :giggle:

Girls I need your help I dont seem to be losing weight very quickly now I know that its not a race and I am perfectly ok with not losing vast amounts each week I am only aiming for 2 but its looking like this week I will have either gained or maintained as my scales decided to flick between the 2. Tomorrow is my official weigh in day so will know then.
I am currently doing Mon,Tues,Weds Thurs Green and Fri,Sat Sunday red but I am getting a bit down about not losing my 2 lb a week so Im thinking of changing and doing EE so I eat way more fruit and Veg. I have also upped my fluid consumption. Can any of you suggest something to help it move faster as I have been really good and even though I over synned at the weekend I made up for it this week. It is getting me down as I have also started walking more.


Katie, I'll be as brief about this as I can be ....what you really need to do by the sounds of it, is what I had to what foods suit your body...I don't do green days often, in fact hardly at all as I can't eat too much rice, pasta, cous cous or any of those kinds of foods, doesn't matter how little or how much I eat even when I am 100% I mostly gain on green days, not saying that would be your problem but it could be...I do mostly EE and a few red days here and there. I also looked online and found a site that gives a guide to your portion sizes, which I think helped too. I am a big fan of jumbling it up...not only what you eat but how and when, small breakfast one day, large the next, same with lunch and dinner and any snacks, 5 pints water 1 day, 3 the next 8 the next and so on and jumble up exercise too...I followed this rule twice in the last 4 weeks as I found a site that explained about fooling your metabolism and I have lost on the 2 weeks I have done it (3 weeks ago and this week) 6.5lbs and 4lbs respectively. Definitely worth a try, good luck hunni.
Oh and do not ever be frightened by what your scales say on any other day than your weigh in day at the time that you normally weigh in, you can weigh yourself 20 times a day and each time will read differently some plus and some minus xxxxxx

Good luck to everyone who has WI today xxxxxx
Thanks Lily I think I may try and avoid green days for a while. When I first started SW I couldnt do Green as I gained or STS and I think maybe my body has decided to be the same again. I think I will try the fool your body way and mix it up like you did :)
Fingers crossed for a decent loss next week.

Good luck to anyone who is weighing in today xxx
Eyden, I cant lose on green either. I do have PCOS though so I always had put it down to that. Even on EE I go very lightly on pasta and rice and have it only couple of times a week max.
Warning - Work Rant!

Why does everyone in work think its okay to laugh at me just because I like/do different things to them!! AGHHHH!

:sigh: :sigh: :cry::sigh: :sigh:

Done. Sorry.
Thanks Lily I think I may try and avoid green days for a while. When I first started SW I couldnt do Green as I gained or STS and I think maybe my body has decided to be the same again. I think I will try the fool your body way and mix it up like you did :)
Fingers crossed for a decent loss next week.

Good luck to anyone who is weighing in today xxx

I guess if you're body doesn't like those kinds of foods it never will, good luck with mixing it up sweetie xxx

Eyden, I cant lose on green either. I do have PCOS though so I always had put it down to that. Even on EE I go very lightly on pasta and rice and have it only couple of times a week max.

Same here, only have Pasta or rice or those kinds of foods about once a fortnight and I absolutely love both :cry:..oh well
I too had PCOS before I had my Oopherectomy and it was the very reason I actually had it ...most people go through life with PCOS and no pain or few symptoms...well not me ...I had terrible pain all the time and had cysts so big they were size of golf balls all over my ovaries, in fact when I had an MRI on my back after my accident, my neurologist was astounded and made a point of saying holy cow can't even see your ovaries at all...referred me back to a gynae after I told him about the pain I was getting (I'd had all kinds of internals and scans years before) and in less than a month ...gone had the op and have never looked back since ...thank god lol xx xx

Warning - Work Rant!

Why does everyone in work think its okay to laugh at me just because I like/do different things to them!! AGHHHH!

:sigh: :sigh: :cry::sigh: :sigh:

Done. Sorry.

You rant away hun, best your an individualist than a sheep :giggle: oh I was laughing at me not you lol xxxxxxx
lilaloves said:
Warning - Work Rant!

Why does everyone in work think its okay to laugh at me just because I like/do different things to them!! AGHHHH!

:sigh: :sigh: :cry::sigh: :sigh:

Done. Sorry.

Cos they're idiots!!!

fat&40 said:

Me 4 :-(

Home from work now so don't have to go to the loo to keep up to date with this thread!!! ;-)

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