Daily chat and general fun food time

I wish I knew! Mine have been terrible since I rejoined SW!

I put on a lot of weight after my father died and I was in a really unhappy relationship so the cycle of comfort eating never ended. I joined SW and lost a stone, but it was long and slow because I wasn't committed or doing it properly. Luckily I then split with my ex 6 months before we were due to get married and everything fell into place for me after that.

I lost about 3 stone from eating clean and working out and that was in the space of about 3 months. I was single though and I had the self control to stick with it!

When I met I my current boyfriend the eating clean became a lot more difficult. We both love food and sitting down to dinner together became a really important part of our relationship. He cycles to and from work everyday though so he can get away with eating what he wants within reason, because he burns around 1000 calories per day! I don't have the facilities to do anything like that - there's no shower where I work so I would stink all day! He loves his carbs and I don't have the self control to cook them but not eat them!

Hence me moving back to slimming world. I'm hoping it will be easier to keep an even keel rather than being super good during the week and then binging at the weekend!

I've put on almost a stone since we've been together (18 months) and I want to nip it in the bud before I end up where I started.

It's really trial and error for me at the moment. My losses have been shocking lately and I get so frustrated with myself, but I need to look at the long term picture and start to realise that a 1-2lb loss per week is brilliant and nothing to be downhearted about. Easy to think it, not always so easy to believe it eh!

Just realised what an essay I've written. I appear to have commandeered your thread! Sorry about that love!
Thanks!! I had it planned out but it actually tasted nicer than I though! Living in the middle east, bacon and sausages are expensive so the veggie sausages do the job!

Breakfast (massive :D ) : Hex B wholemeal bun, 2 LMC sausages (4 syns), 1 syn ketchup, beans, tomatoes, mushrooms and onions..

Snack : Pear and banana, diet pepsi and some water.. 4.5 syn chocolate

Dinner : Veggie pasta with lots of superfree and Hex A topping of cheese...

Tea and Marie biscuits (5 syns)

Syns for today : 14.5 syns
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Holy moley, I sts after my few bad days!!!! I can't really believe it. Is it super wrong to be really excited by a STS??

So today is the start of another week for me.. Lets see if I can get those scales a moving! So far I've munched on a banana but I must get something more as I get hungry easy!

Breakfast : Banana, Hex B bun, 1 LMC sausage (2 syns), half triangle of laughing cow light (0.5) and tomato

Snack : Diet coke and 4.5 syn flake, banana and tea (hex A)

Lunch/dinner : Leftover veggie pasta from yesterday...

Snack : 5 syn marie biscuits and tea

Late snack : hex b museli and milk and banana

Syns today : 12 syns

Another unintentional green day.. Feeling like a greedy guts here having 2 hexs but it is a green day and I am sitting researching wedding dresses...
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Rather than switching to red day and restricting yourself completely, have you thought about just trying to reduce the amount of wheat you have? I always find eating too much pasta really slows my weight loss so if I do have it I have a reduced portion and have extra meat or veg instead? For instance if I make a chilli, rather than have a ton of rice with it I might have a little rice or none at all, but stick an extra load of pulses in to keep me full up? I use a lot of butterbeans, chickpeas, pinto beans, haricot beans etc when I'm cooking as they're so good for you, are really satisfying and I find my losses are better than when I fill up on carbs...
Oh thanks Pippa! Yeah, I might try. I LOVE pasta and potatoes...

For example if I make spag bol, it'll be with passata and puree, onions, mushrooms and other veggies. I do tend to bulk up (aka cheaper dinner) my food with chickpeas and red kidney beans.

I do love pasta but I think you are right about portion control! I try my best! :D Maybe if I switched to wholewheat pasta as well??

As for rice and noodles, I'm good with small portions of them and when making SW chips, atm, I'm trying a one potato to 2 carrot chips ratio to try and reduce my potatoes!! I might try all carrot/parsnip chips..

I feel with wheat your damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'm prone to having a lazy gut so I do need fibre in my diet to get things moving as they say!! :)
You can have fibre without the wheat though - if you're prone to a naughty tummy the wheat might not be helping you. Do they have wheat free pasta where you are? Might be worth trying a switch to that as it can help with digestion problems. Wholewheat wouldn't help with that as it will increase your wheat consumption rather than decrease it.

The trouble with carbs is it spikes your sugar levels which isn't good when you're trying to control our diet.

Do you leave the skin on potatoes and sweet potatoes when you chip/mash/roast them? That will help with fibre too :)

Pulses and beans are usually quite fibrous as well and certainly help my OH when he's struggling to get things moving!!!

Just a few ideas :) they might not be any good for you but they did help me - especially as I really struggled to get my head about not having 2/3 carbs, 1/3 meat and maybe one slice of veg with every meal pre dieting!!
Quick update between tutoring. Extra easy day from necessity!

Brekkie/lunch : 6 syns chocolate, diet coke, hex B bun and cheese (hex a) ... (not the best start but I was running out the door!)

Healthy lunch thank god! : Tuna, sweetcorn, red onion, carrot chips, 'fried' tomato and 1 laughing cow cheese light (1 syn!)

Totally delish!

Dinner : Gonna try some chicken sweet and sour from the freezer (2 syns) and wee bitta rice.. Added another tomato, carrots and half onion and some red kidney beans to bulk it up as it was a very small portion.

Snack : Tea and 4 syns marie biscuits
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Hey! Last night, I really wanted to give in and have a binge but I think it was because my OH wasn't here and I got a bit upset. He'll be back on Tuesday.... Don't know why I got so upset! :(

Woke up with a very stuffy nose so today will be comfort food!

Breakfast : Baked beans on toast (Hex B)

Snack : Tea with hex A milk and 5 syns Marie biscuits
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