Daily chat...

No more snow, just heavy frost and fog this morning, thought I was getting snowed on between busstops but it was just the fog.
Hi guys, how's everyone going? Well not being good with dukaning in nz, just to hard so will need to get my bum into gear when I get home. I look like a lobster all red and not pretty, got burnt In 21 degree heat, I can't believe it! Having a great time, caught up with my neatest, sister and brother, kids loving it. We are off to go walk the sky tower soon, I believe it has a glass bottom"!!! Guess what in did yesterday? Usually someone to hide from rides I was game and done the fear fall with keana, 18 floors straight down.....never would have done it before dukan!!!!
Ok take care guys will have a quick read before I leave, xxxxxxxx. (sorry for spelling mistakes I'm on the iPad )
Lovely to hear from you Vickki, and glad you're having fun! As for getting burnt, that too is a warming thought given what we're all suffering in Europe at the moment (some more than others, admittedly... we're very fortunate here in the city).

I walked from home this morning for the first time in oooh seems ages but in fact was last Friday in November! As I neared the office, frozen and wishing I was there already, I saw that the police had cordoned off part of the road ahead (bomb scare) causing me to do a long detour which I didn't enjoy at all as I'd had had enough!! Tooooo cold... Although "warm" under hat and scarf, body and bones felt chilled... brrr!

Now defrosting with a BIG mug of Nescafe...
There was a heavy frost kicking in on my way home last night and this morning it had been topped with a layer of snow :(

Its freeeeezing. Need to buy earmuffs today. Enjoying a big coffee too to defrost me. My toes are frozen. I'm so so glad I'm in a casual dress office as cant imagine having to wear shoes that require thin socks/tights.
I feel for you hun I had to sit in a cold church to watch the kids carol service and tonight its the tiny ones nativity in the same church it was minus 6 when we came out !!!!!
my feet have still not recovered
Hi everyone,

I've resurfaced too. It's been a very pretty start here, the freezing fog last night left a heavy white frost, everything is white and sparkling. Blue sky and sun's out now. It was still -5C this morning so although my body 'core' was warm, my fingers and toes were painfully frozen by the time I got to work... Yes I do wear heavy fleece gloves, and on my legs tights, leggings, socks and knee high boots! Must see if I can get some new (cheap??) skiing gloves... Of course lost one of mine on the first cold day in autumn :-( typical - me and gloves just don't work together.
You mean you haven't got your gloves on elastic through your sleeves? (I thought everyone did that... ;)).

It's true that this weather makes us look differently at our wardrobe to seek socks and sweaters with WOOL - not usually required in overheated offices admittedly!

I was hearing this morning on UK news that they were advising people not to turn their heating off if they were going to be away for a while. (Are people really that stupid?!!! Guess so if it needs saying!!).

I hope my father isn't still turning his heating off 16 hours a day... I'm gonna FREEZE!! (it was 27°C in my flat this morning, bikini weather!)
Still no more snow here, very grateful also it's very mild. The weather is dreadful in the UK, I feel for those who are cold:(. Terrible delays between Edinburgh and Glasgow last night, poor people stuck in their cars for hours.

Anyway, I have ventured out of the kitchen (am making non-Dukan cakes - not for us) and house to try and buy snow boots for eldest as his feet have grown since last year. None in his size anywhere (nor online), so he'll have to squeeze into the old ones a bit longer (although to be fair, he doesn't really need 2 pairs of socks so they're not as tight as he thinks). I got some lined wellies (no snow boots in my size either) called Inverness. Haha, you can take the girl out of Scotland, but...!

So, am pigging out tonight:eek:. I will try and restrain myself, but I expect so much rich food will have me feeling full very quickly so I should be OK, we'll see about the damage on Friday!

Hope everyone's OK, no time for diaries today, sorry (or yesterday either, actually). The days are just running away at the moment.

Oh and gloves, they get lost frequently by all my trible. I manage to hang on to mine by keeping them in my coat pocket which is then zipped shut when I'm not wearing them, otherwise the phantom glove and sock theif would be away with them.
Afternoon all, More snow here sick of it now. I will be getting burnt soon too but it will be from freezer burn not sun. Its so cold. The bus wouldnt take the kids to school today, complete pain in the butt really, he was worried about it snowing more on the roads but the roads are clear now. So I am behind in my work again, still what can you do?
I tydied the house yesterday and now its all back to toys scattered everywhere, hope they go to school tomorrow then I am chucking out loads of Emmas toys, I dont care anymore, I am sick of them. Then its bin day on Thursday ;).
My SIL and her sister arrived last nght my sister went to get them from Inverness airport, they flew from Bristol so glad that flight wasnt cancelled or anything. Their mums body is still in the house so they went to say godbye last night I think, I think they are staying at my sisters just along the road from me. How sad for them.

Right best put the kettle on before the kids drive me in the direction of the cupboard the brandy is in lol xxx
Hello? Everyone snowed in again? Too busy no doubt - me too!

Anyway - hope you're having a good Wednesday, I can report that I am finally WARM, even my hands. A hot lunch makes all the difference, I am so grateful for the microwave at work...
Funny you should say that, Anja, cos I just ate my homemade ratatouille COLD in my office through choice cos the kitchen was too darned cold to settle down in. The idiots who renovated this place put aircon in the kitchen, but no heat... DUH!

It's SNOWING here... <she says with excitement! Mindful that other people might have had enough of it!>
The kitchen is the only warm spot here, have blue fingers here today. Unfortunatly cant sit in the kitchen here.

Oh and its thawing here, no frost on the ground this morning, even if the trees are still chrimbo card white.
you can have the snow and keep it Jo ;)
Are you keeping your heating on all day now guys?
no not when im not there. mine goes on bout quarter past six off at nine, on at 12 till one (for the dogs ;)) back on 4-10 then 3-3.45am for the pipes!
over here in the cold they advise never to have it off... lowest of low settings yes, but never off...
the theory is that, because it's never off, you don't need it on as high when you get home... and it costs more to reheat a cold place than heat up a little a warmer place... (apparently).

Anyway, neighbours had burst pipes and a frozen loo(!) so when my plumber told me that ref boiler, I preferred to follow him...

Is your boiler fuel run?
Its gas Jo - and yes i suppose you are right. but i cant cope having heating on all night :(
<note to self: pack thermals for England!! for indoor as well as outside temperatures!!>