Daily menus

b-beef ,poached eggs
l- chicken, cottage cheese, crab sticks, yogurt
d- chicken
s - yogurt with oats
PV conso

B - porridge
L - veg curry, roast chicken separately, orange
D - smoked salmon scrambled eggs, green beans, bread and cheese
S - not expecting to need one as I won't be here but there are crab sticks/fromage blanc should I feel hungry when I get home
Hello... another PP for me...

No walk... cos it's raining...

Breakfast - muffins with crabmeat in the mix (no taste whatsoever - do not recommend but other half thought he'd try it, grrr!)

Lunch - I've a bit of poached salmon, some smoked chicken and a drumstick
fat free fruit flavoured yoghurt

Snack - sugar free jelly

Dinner - 2 x 100g 5% fat burgers with a (dry) "fried" egg on top
coffee flavoured baked egg custard
Kelly - your turkey sausage worries me... particular in attack. Care to post the ingredients? Also the meatloaf... (Do you have the Dukan book?)

Yes, I was wondering about those. Just worried that they might contain some hidden baddies in there as you have to read packaging with a fine tooth comb these days.

The meatloaf in the Dukan book is absolutely delicious. I'll be having that tomorrow.
Maintainer...the Meatloaf is just 5% ground beef with boiled egg whites and spices, and the Turkey sausage is just 3% ground turkey and spices.....My book is ordered but it said it will be like 2 weeks before I get it. So I am making the best of it till then.
B gallette and egg
L quorn sausages and egg
D meatballs
sf jelly
B - Pumpkin muffins
L - chicken and salad
D - salmon and salad
s - natural yoghurt
Day 2: Attack

B: Last of the meatloaf
L: grilled steak
D: Pancake, turkey sausage, eggs
B galette and egg
L omelette
Dslow cooked rump steak

B - natural yoghurt + oatbran
L - chicken
D - chicken quiche

I keep feeling really full when I make muffins so have just shoved my bran into some yoghurt today.
beef salad
chicken in a packet with chilli,ginger,herbs, garlic, courgette and carrot (mmmm)
Day 3: Attack

B: Sleep
L: simmered beef w/ lil onion
S: oat bran
D: simmered beef w/ lil onion
B Galette with ham and poached egg
L Chicken breast (marinading in fridge at mo). sf jelly
D rest of marinaded chicken and tin of mackeral fillets
two poached eggs
beef sandwich with Dukan bread and philli
beef casserole